Provision command

Running nvflare provision -h shows all available options.

usage: nvflare provision [-h] [-p PROJECT_FILE] [-w WORKSPACE] [-c CUSTOM_FOLDER] [--add_user ADD_USER] [--add_client ADD_CLIENT]

optional arguments:
-h, --help                                               show this help message and exit
-p PROJECT_FILE, --project_file PROJECT_FILE                 file to describe FL project
-w WORKSPACE, --workspace WORKSPACE                          directory used by provision
-c CUSTOM_FOLDER, --custom_folder CUSTOM_FOLDER    additional folder to load python code
--add_user ADD_USER                                             yaml file for added user
--add_client ADD_CLIENT                                       yaml file for added client

Running provision without any options and without a project.yml file in the current working directory will prompt to copy a default project.yml to the current working directory.

Dynamic Provisioning

The options --add_user and --add_client allow for adding to an existing project. Both of these commands take a yaml file to define the additional participant to provision.

Sample user.yaml for --add_user:

org: nvidia
role: project_admin

Sample client.yaml for --add_client:

name: new-site
org: nvidia
  resource_manager:    # This id is reserved by system.  Do not change it.
    path: nvflare.app_common.resource_managers.gpu_resource_manager.GPUResourceManager
      num_of_gpus: 0
      mem_per_gpu_in_GiB: 0
  resource_consumer:    # This id is reserved by system.  Do not change it.
    path: nvflare.app_common.resource_consumers.gpu_resource_consumer.GPUResourceConsumer

After running nvflare provision with --add_user or --add_client followed by the name of the yaml file (nvflare.lighter.provision will look for the yaml file in the current directory), the new user or client will be included in the prod_NN folder.

To permanently include users or clients, please update the project.yml.