Source code for nvflare.tool.job.config.configer

# Copyright (c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

from pyhocon import ConfigFactory, ConfigTree

from nvflare.fuel.utils.config import ConfigFormat
from nvflare.lighter.tool_consts import NVFLARE_PREFIX
from nvflare.tool.job.config.config_indexer import KeyIndex, build_reverse_order_index
from nvflare.tool.job.job_client_const import (

[docs]def merge_configs_from_cli(cmd_args, app_names: List[str]) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Dict[str, tuple]], bool]: app_indices: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple]] = build_config_file_indices(cmd_args.job_folder, app_names) app_cli_config_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]] = get_cli_config(cmd_args, app_names) config_modified = False if app_cli_config_dict: config_modified = True return merge_configs(app_indices, app_cli_config_dict), config_modified else: return app_indices, config_modified
[docs]def extract_string_with_index(input_string): """ Extract the string before '[', the index within '[', and the string after ']'. Args: input_string (str): The input string containing the pattern '[index]'. Returns: list: A list of tuples containing the extracted components: (string_before, index, string_after). """ result = [] if not input_string.strip(" "): return result opening_bracket_index = input_string.find("[") closing_bracket_index = input_string.find("]") if opening_bracket_index > 0 and closing_bracket_index > 0: string_before = input_string[:opening_bracket_index] index = int(input_string[opening_bracket_index + 1 : closing_bracket_index]) string_after = input_string[closing_bracket_index + 1 :].strip(". ") if string_after: r = (string_before.strip("."), index, extract_string_with_index(string_after.strip("."))) if r: result.append(r) else: r = (string_before.strip("."), index, string_after) result.append(r) else: result.append(input_string) result = [elm for elm in result if len(elm) > 0] return result
[docs]def filter_indices(app_indices_configs: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple]]) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, KeyIndex]]]: app_results = {} for app_name in app_indices_configs: indices_configs = app_indices_configs.get(app_name) result = {} for file, (config, excluded_key_list, key_indices) in indices_configs.items(): result[file] = filter_config_name_and_values(excluded_key_list, key_indices) app_results[app_name] = result return app_results
[docs]def filter_config_name_and_values( excluded_key_list: List[str], key_indices: Dict[str, List[KeyIndex]] ) -> Dict[str, KeyIndex]: temp_results = {} for key, key_index_list in key_indices.items(): for key_index in key_index_list: if key not in excluded_key_list and key_index.value not in excluded_key_list: # duplicated key will be over-written by last one temp_results[key] = key_index return temp_results
def _cast_type(key_index, cli_value): """Casts cli_value to correct type. Since build_reverse_order_index is using pyhocon, we need to do the same here. """ if key_index.value is None: return cli_value new_value = ConfigFactory.parse_string(f"{key_index.key}={cli_value}")[key_index.key] return new_value
[docs]def split_array_key(key: str) -> Tuple: if "[" not in key and "]" not in key: return None, None, key # Split key using '[' as delimiter parent, rest_of_key = key.split("[", 1) # Check if there is a ']' in the remaining part of the key if "]" not in rest_of_key: raise ValueError(f"invalid key '{key}'") # Split the remaining part using ']' as delimiter index_str, key = rest_of_key.split("]", 1) # Convert index string to integer try: index = int(index_str) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"invalid index '{index_str}' in key '{key}'") # Remove leading '.' from the key, if any key = key.lstrip(".") return parent, index, key
[docs]def convert_to_number(value: str): if not value: return value try: if value.isdigit(): return int(value) elif value.replace(".", "").isdigit(): return float(value) else: return value except Exception as ex: return value
[docs]def get_last_token(input_string): if not input_string: return input_string tokens = input_string.split(".") if len(tokens) > 1: last_token = tokens[-1] return last_token else: return input_string
[docs]def handle_key_in_path_notation_or_new_key(file: str, key: str, cli_value: str, config: ConfigTree, key_indices: Dict): key_value = None parent, index, key = split_array_key(key) if parent is not None and index is not None: # we have key expressed in the form of array such as component[index] parent_config_list = config.get(parent) if not isinstance(parent_config_list, list): raise ValueError(f"invalid key '{key}' for file {file}") index_config = parent_config_list[index] if cli_value: index_config.put(key, cli_value) key_value = index_config.get(key) else: # if the value is None, we need to drop the key index_config.pop(key) else: # we have key has no array component. if cli_value: config.put(key, cli_value) key_value = config.get(key) else: config.pop(key) last_token = get_last_token(key) if key_value: # now update the key key_index = KeyIndex(key, key_value) key_indices[last_token] = [key_index] else: # now drop the key key_indices.pop(last_token)
[docs]def merge_configs( app_indices_configs: Dict[str, Dict[str, tuple]], app_cli_file_configs: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict]] ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, tuple]]: """Merges configurations from indices_configs and cli_file_configs. Args: app_indices_configs (Dict[str, Dict[str, tuple]]): A dictionary containing indices and configurations. app_cli_file_configs (Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict]]): A dictionary containing CLI configurations. Returns: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple]]: A dictionary of {app_name: merged configurations}. Each of the merged configurations can be expressed in a Tuple: config, excluded_key_List, key_indices """ app_merged = {} for app_name in app_indices_configs: indices_configs = app_indices_configs[app_name] cli_file_configs = app_cli_file_configs.get(app_name, None) if cli_file_configs: merged = {} for file, (config, excluded_key_list, key_indices) in indices_configs.items(): if len(key_indices) > 0: cli_configs = cli_file_configs.get(file, None) if cli_configs: for key, cli_value in cli_configs.items(): cli_value = convert_to_number(cli_value) if key not in key_indices: # not every client has app_config, app_script if key not in [APP_SCRIPT_KEY, APP_CONFIG_KEY]: if key.startswith(".") or key.endswith("."): raise ValueError(f"invalid key {key} for file {file}") handle_key_in_path_notation_or_new_key(file, key, cli_value, config, key_indices) else: if cli_value: indices = key_indices.get(key) for key_index in indices: new_value = _cast_type(key_index, cli_value) key_index.value = new_value parent_key = key_index.parent_key if parent_key and isinstance(parent_key.value, ConfigTree): parent_key.value.put(key_index.key, new_value) else: key_indices.pop(key) merged[file] = (config, excluded_key_list, key_indices) app_merged[app_name] = merged elif app_name == META_APP_NAME: new_indices_configs = {} for k, v in indices_configs.items(): new_indices_configs[k] = v app_merged[app_name] = new_indices_configs else: app_merged[app_name] = indices_configs return app_merged
[docs]def get_root_index(key_index: KeyIndex) -> Optional[KeyIndex]: if key_index is None or key_index.parent_key is None: return key_index if key_index.parent_key is not None: if key_index.parent_key.parent_key is None or key_index.parent_key.parent_key.key == "": return key_index.parent_key else: return get_root_index(key_index.parent_key) return None
[docs]def get_cli_config(cmd_args: Any, app_names: List[str]) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]]: """Extracts configurations from command-line arguments and return them in a dictionary. Args: app_names: application names cmd_args: Command-line arguments containing configuration data. Returns: A dictionary containing the configurations extracted from the command-line arguments. """ app_cli_config_dict = {} if cmd_args.config_file: cli_configs = cmd_args.config_file app_cli_config_dict = _parse_cli_config(cmd_args.job_folder, cli_configs, app_names) # replace "script" if "script" in cmd_args and cmd_args.script: script = os.path.basename(cmd_args.script) if app_cli_config_dict: key = CONFIG_FED_CLIENT_CONF for _, cli_config_dict in app_cli_config_dict.items(): if key in cli_config_dict: cli_config_dict[key].update({APP_SCRIPT_KEY: script}) else: cli_config_dict[key] = {APP_SCRIPT_KEY: script} else: app_cli_config_dict = {DEFAULT_APP_NAME: {CONFIG_FED_CLIENT_CONF: {APP_SCRIPT_KEY: script}}} return app_cli_config_dict
def _is_meta_file(filename: str) -> bool: for postfix in ConfigFormat.extensions(): if filename == f"{JOB_META_BASE_NAME}{postfix}": return True return False def _parse_cli_config( job_folder: str, cli_configs: List[str], app_names: List[str] ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]]: """Extracts configurations from command-line arguments and return them in a dictionary. Args: job_folder: job_folder directory app_names: application names cli_configs: Array of CLI config option in the format of -f filename.conf key1=v1 key2=v2 where <app_name>/config is omitted, default to app/config or -f <app_name>/filename.conf key1=v1 key2=v2 where config is omitted, default to <app_name>/config/filename.conf or -f <app_name>/config/filename.conf key1=v1 key2=v2 or -f <app_name>/custom/filename.conf key1=v1 key2=v2 if filename.conf is meta.conf, the <app_name> = __meta_app__ separated by space Returns: A dictionary containing the configurations extracted from the command-line arguments. """ app_cli_config_dict = {} if cli_configs: for arr in cli_configs: app_name = get_app_name_from_path(arr[0]) config_file = get_config_file_path(app_name, arr[0], job_folder) config_data = arr[1:] config_dict = {} app_name = DEFAULT_APP_NAME if not app_name else app_name if app_name not in app_names and app_name != DEFAULT_APP_NAME and app_name != META_APP_NAME: raise ValueError( f"Please specify one of the app names {app_names}. For example '<app_name>/xxx.conf k1=v1 k2=v2...'" ) for conf in config_data: if conf.endswith("-"): conf_key = conf[:-1] conf_value = None else: index = conf.find("=") if index == -1: raise ValueError("Invalid config data, expecting key, value pair in the format key=value") conf_key = conf[0:index] conf_value = conf[index + 1 :] if conf_key.endswith("-"): conf_key = conf_key[:-1] conf_value = None config_dict[conf_key] = conf_value if app_name not in app_cli_config_dict: app_cli_config_dict[app_name] = {} app_cli_config_dict[app_name][config_file] = config_dict return app_cli_config_dict
[docs]def get_config_file_path(app_name, input_file_path, job_folder): basename = os.path.basename(input_file_path) if basename.startswith(f"{JOB_META_BASE_NAME}."): config_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(job_folder, basename)) else: # The input_file_path could be in one of the following format # <config_file_name> --> missing "app/config" # <app_name>/<config_file_name> -- missing "config" directory # <app_name>/config/<config_file_name> -- including "config" directory # <app_name>/custom/<config_file_name> -- including "config" directory # We need to handle all cases if input_file_path.strip().startswith("/"): raise ValueError(f"invalid config_file, {input_file_path}") dirname = os.path.dirname(input_file_path) if dirname == "": # no dirname config_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(job_folder, DEFAULT_APP_NAME, "config", basename)) else: index = dirname.find("/") if index == -1: # no directory name, only app name config_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(job_folder, app_name, "config", basename)) else: # full path config_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(job_folder, input_file_path)) return config_file
[docs]def build_config_file_indices(job_folder: str, app_names: List[str]) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple]]: config_included = APP_CONFIG_FILE_BASE_NAMES meta_base = JOB_META_BASE_NAME config_extensions = ConfigFormat.extensions() app_config_file_index = {} app_config_files = {} for ext in config_extensions: meta_file = os.path.join(job_folder, f"{meta_base}{ext}") if os.path.isfile(meta_file): app_config_files[META_APP_NAME] = [meta_file] break for app_name in app_names: app_dir = os.path.join(job_folder, app_name) for ext in config_extensions: for base in config_included: file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(app_dir, APP_CONFIG_DIR, f"{base}{ext}")) if os.path.isfile(file): config_files = app_config_files.get(app_name, []) config_files.append(file) app_config_files[app_name] = config_files for app_name in app_names: custom_dir = os.path.join(job_folder, app_name, "custom") for root, dirs, files in os.walk(custom_dir): for f in files: for ext in config_extensions: if f.endswith(ext) and not f.startswith(NVFLARE_PREFIX): file = os.path.join(root, f) config_files = app_config_files.get(app_name, []) config_files.append(file) app_config_files[app_name] = config_files for app_name, config_files in app_config_files.items(): for f in config_files: real_path, config, excluded_key_list, key_indices = build_reverse_order_index(str(f)) config_file_index = app_config_file_index.get(app_name, {}) config_file_index[real_path] = (config, excluded_key_list, key_indices) app_config_file_index[app_name] = config_file_index return app_config_file_index
[docs]def get_app_name_from_path(path: str): # path is in the format of the following: # path xxx.conf # path app1/xxx.conf # path app1/config/xxx.conf # path app1/custom/xxx.conf if _is_meta_file(os.path.basename(path)): return META_APP_NAME if os.path.isabs(path): raise ValueError(f"Expecting <config file> or <app_name>/xxx/<config file>, but '{path}' is given.") segs = path.split(os.path.sep) if len(segs) == 1: return DEFAULT_APP_NAME else: return segs[0]