Source code for nvflare.private.fed.server.training_cmds

# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import json
import logging
import time
from typing import List

from nvflare.apis.client import Client
from nvflare.apis.fl_constant import AdminCommandNames
from nvflare.fuel.hci.conn import Connection
from nvflare.fuel.hci.proto import ConfirmMethod, MetaKey, MetaStatusValue, make_meta
from nvflare.fuel.hci.reg import CommandModule, CommandModuleSpec, CommandSpec
from nvflare.private.admin_defs import MsgHeader, ReturnCode
from nvflare.private.defs import ClientStatusKey, ScopeInfoKey, TrainingTopic
from nvflare.private.fed.server.admin import new_message
from nvflare.private.fed.server.server_engine_internal_spec import ServerEngineInternalSpec
from nvflare.private.fed.utils.fed_utils import get_scope_info
from import secure_format_exception

from .cmd_utils import CommandUtil
from .server_engine import ServerEngine

[docs]class TrainingCommandModule(CommandModule, CommandUtil): def __init__(self): """A class for training commands.""" super().__init__() self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def get_spec(self): return CommandModuleSpec( name="training", cmd_specs=[ CommandSpec( name=AdminCommandNames.CHECK_STATUS, description="check status of the FL server/client", usage="check_status server|client", handler_func=self.check_status, authz_func=self.authorize_server_operation, visible=True, ), CommandSpec( name=AdminCommandNames.REMOVE_CLIENT, description="remove a FL client", usage="remove_client <client-name>", handler_func=self.remove_client, authz_func=self.authorize_client_operation, visible=True, confirm=ConfirmMethod.AUTH, ), CommandSpec( name=AdminCommandNames.ADMIN_CHECK_STATUS, description="check status for project admin", usage="admin_check_status server|client", handler_func=self.check_status, authz_func=self.must_be_project_admin, visible=False, ), CommandSpec( name=AdminCommandNames.SHUTDOWN, description="shutdown the FL server/client", usage="shutdown server|client|all", handler_func=self.shutdown, authz_func=self.authorize_server_operation, visible=True, confirm=ConfirmMethod.AUTH, ), CommandSpec( name=AdminCommandNames.RESTART, description="restart FL server and/or clients", usage="restart server|client|all [clients]", handler_func=self.restart, authz_func=self.authorize_server_operation, visible=True, confirm=ConfirmMethod.AUTH, ), CommandSpec( name=AdminCommandNames.SHOW_SCOPES, description="show configured scope names on server/client", usage="show_scopes server|client|all ...", handler_func=self.show_scopes, authz_func=self.authorize_server_operation, visible=True, ), ], )
# Shutdown def _shutdown_app_on_server(self, conn: Connection) -> str: engine = conn.app_ctx err = engine.shutdown_server() if err: conn.append_error(err) return err else: conn.append_string("FL app has been shutdown.") conn.append_shutdown("Goodbye!") return "" def _shutdown_app_on_clients(self, conn: Connection) -> bool: message = new_message(conn, topic=TrainingTopic.SHUTDOWN, body="", require_authz=True) clients = conn.get_prop(self.TARGET_CLIENT_TOKENS, None) if not clients: # no clients to shut down - this is okay return True replies = self.send_request_to_clients(conn, message) self.process_replies_to_table(conn, replies) clients_to_be_removed = set(clients) for r in replies: if r.reply and r.reply.get_header(MsgHeader.RETURN_CODE) == ReturnCode.ERROR: clients_to_be_removed.remove(r.client_token) result = True if clients_to_be_removed != set(clients): # means some clients can not be shutdown result = False return result
[docs] def shutdown(self, conn: Connection, args: List[str]): target_type = args[1] engine = conn.app_ctx if not isinstance(engine, ServerEngine): raise TypeError("engine must be ServerEngine but got {}".format(type(engine))) for _, job in engine.job_runner.running_jobs.items(): if not job.run_aborted: conn.append_error( "There are still jobs running. Please let them finish or abort_job before shutdown.", meta=make_meta(MetaStatusValue.JOB_RUNNING, info=job.job_id), ) return if target_type == self.TARGET_TYPE_SERVER: if engine.get_clients(): conn.append_error( "There are still active clients. Shutdown all clients first.", meta=make_meta(MetaStatusValue.CLIENTS_RUNNING), ) return if target_type in [self.TARGET_TYPE_CLIENT, self.TARGET_TYPE_ALL]: # must shut down clients first success = self._shutdown_app_on_clients(conn) if not success: conn.update_meta(make_meta(MetaStatusValue.ERROR, "failed to shut down all clients")) return if target_type in [self.TARGET_TYPE_SERVER, self.TARGET_TYPE_ALL]: # shut down the server err = self._shutdown_app_on_server(conn) if err: conn.update_meta(make_meta(MetaStatusValue.ERROR, info=err)) return conn.append_success("")
# Remove Clients
[docs] def remove_client(self, conn: Connection, args: List[str]): engine = conn.app_ctx if not isinstance(engine, ServerEngineInternalSpec): raise TypeError("engine must be ServerEngineInternalSpec but got {}".format(type(engine))) clients = conn.get_prop(self.TARGET_CLIENT_TOKENS) err = engine.remove_clients(clients) if err: conn.append_error(err) return conn.append_success("")
# Restart def _restart_clients(self, conn) -> str: engine = conn.app_ctx if not isinstance(engine, ServerEngineInternalSpec): raise TypeError("engine must be ServerEngineInternalSpec but got {}".format(type(engine))) message = new_message(conn, topic=TrainingTopic.RESTART, body="", require_authz=True) replies = self.send_request_to_clients(conn, message) # engine.remove_clients(clients) return self._process_replies_to_string(conn, replies)
[docs] def restart(self, conn: Connection, args: List[str]): engine = conn.app_ctx if not isinstance(engine, ServerEngine): raise TypeError("engine must be ServerEngine but got {}".format(type(engine))) if engine.job_runner.running_jobs: msg = "There are still jobs running. Please let them finish or abort_job before restart." conn.append_error(msg, meta=make_meta(MetaStatusValue.JOB_RUNNING, msg)) return target_type = args[1] if target_type in [self.TARGET_TYPE_SERVER, self.TARGET_TYPE_ALL]: clients = engine.get_clients() if clients: conn.append_string("Trying to restart all clients before restarting server...") tokens = [c.token for c in clients] conn.set_prop( self.TARGET_CLIENT_TOKENS, tokens ) # need this because not set in validate_command_targets when target_type == self.TARGET_TYPE_SERVER response = self._restart_clients(conn) conn.append_string(response) # check with Isaac - no need to wait! # time.sleep(5) err = engine.restart_server() if err: conn.append_error(err, meta={MetaKey.SERVER_STATUS: MetaStatusValue.ERROR, MetaKey.INFO: err}) else: conn.append_string("Server scheduled for restart", meta={MetaKey.SERVER_STATUS: MetaStatusValue.OK}) # ask the admin client to shut down since its current session will become invalid after # the server is restarted. # conn.append_shutdown("Goodbye!") elif target_type == self.TARGET_TYPE_CLIENT: clients = conn.get_prop(self.TARGET_CLIENT_TOKENS) if not clients: conn.append_error("no clients available", meta=make_meta(MetaStatusValue.NO_CLIENTS, "no clients")) return else: response = self._restart_clients(conn) conn.append_string(response) conn.append_success("")
# Check status
[docs] def check_status(self, conn: Connection, args: List[str]): # TODO:: Need more discussion on what status to be shown engine = conn.app_ctx if not isinstance(engine, ServerEngineInternalSpec): raise TypeError("engine must be ServerEngineInternalSpec but got {}".format(type(engine))) dst = args[1] if dst in [self.TARGET_TYPE_SERVER, self.TARGET_TYPE_ALL]: engine_info = engine.get_engine_info() conn.append_string( f"Engine status: {engine_info.status.value}", meta=make_meta( MetaStatusValue.OK, extra={ MetaKey.SERVER_STATUS: engine_info.status.value, MetaKey.SERVER_START_TIME: engine_info.start_time, }, ), ) table = conn.append_table(["job_id", "app name"], name=MetaKey.JOBS) for job_id, app_name in engine_info.app_names.items(): table.add_row([job_id, app_name], meta={MetaKey.APP_NAME: app_name, MetaKey.JOB_ID: job_id}) clients = engine.get_clients() conn.append_string("Registered clients: {} ".format(len(clients))) if clients: table = conn.append_table(["client", "token", "last connect time"], name=MetaKey.CLIENTS) for c in clients: if not isinstance(c, Client): raise TypeError("c must be Client but got {}".format(type(c))) table.add_row( [, str(c.token), time.asctime(time.localtime(c.last_connect_time))], meta={MetaKey.CLIENT_NAME:, MetaKey.CLIENT_LAST_CONNECT_TIME: c.last_connect_time}, ) if dst in [self.TARGET_TYPE_CLIENT, self.TARGET_TYPE_ALL]: message = new_message(conn, topic=TrainingTopic.CHECK_STATUS, body="", require_authz=True) replies = self.send_request_to_clients(conn, message) self._process_client_status_replies(conn, replies) if dst not in [self.TARGET_TYPE_ALL, self.TARGET_TYPE_CLIENT, self.TARGET_TYPE_SERVER]: conn.append_error( f"invalid target type {dst}. Usage: check_status server|client ...", meta=make_meta(MetaStatusValue.SYNTAX_ERROR, f"invalid target type {dst}"), )
def _process_client_status_replies(self, conn, replies): if not replies: conn.append_error("no responses from clients") return table = conn.append_table(["client", "app_name", "job_id", "status"], name=MetaKey.CLIENT_STATUS) for r in replies: job_id = "?" app_name = "?" client_name = r.client_name if r.reply: if r.reply.get_header(MsgHeader.RETURN_CODE) == ReturnCode.ERROR: table.add_row( [client_name, app_name, job_id, r.reply.body], meta={MetaKey.CLIENT_NAME: client_name, MetaKey.STATUS: MetaStatusValue.ERROR}, ) else: try: body = json.loads(r.reply.body) if isinstance(body, dict): running_jobs = body.get(ClientStatusKey.RUNNING_JOBS) if running_jobs: for job in running_jobs: app_name = job.get(ClientStatusKey.APP_NAME, "?") job_id = job.get(ClientStatusKey.JOB_ID, "?") status = job.get(ClientStatusKey.STATUS, "?") table.add_row( [client_name, app_name, job_id, status], meta={ MetaKey.CLIENT_NAME: client_name, MetaKey.APP_NAME: app_name, MetaKey.JOB_ID: job_id, MetaKey.STATUS: status, }, ) else: table.add_row( [client_name, app_name, job_id, "No Jobs"], meta={MetaKey.CLIENT_NAME: client_name, MetaKey.STATUS: MetaStatusValue.NO_JOBS}, ) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Bad reply from client: {secure_format_exception(e)}") else: table.add_row( [client_name, app_name, job_id, "No Reply"], meta={MetaKey.CLIENT_NAME: client_name, MetaKey.STATUS: MetaStatusValue.NO_REPLY}, ) def _add_scope_info(self, table, site_name, scope_names: List[str], default_scope: str): if not scope_names: names = "" else: names = ", ".join(scope_names) table.add_row([site_name, names, default_scope]) def _process_scope_replies(self, table, conn, replies): if not replies: conn.append_error("no responses from clients") return for r in replies: client_name = r.client_name if r.reply: if r.reply.get_header(MsgHeader.RETURN_CODE) == ReturnCode.ERROR: self._add_scope_info(table, client_name, r.reply.body, "") else: try: body = json.loads(r.reply.body) if isinstance(body, dict): scope_names = body.get(ScopeInfoKey.SCOPE_NAMES) default_scope = body.get(ScopeInfoKey.DEFAULT_SCOPE) self._add_scope_info(table, client_name, scope_names, default_scope) else: conn.append_error( f"bad response from client {client_name}: expect dict but got {type(body)}" ) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Bad reply from client: {secure_format_exception(e)}") conn.append_error(f"bad response from client {client_name}: {secure_format_exception(e)}") else: self._add_scope_info(table, client_name, [], "no reply")
[docs] def show_scopes(self, conn: Connection, args: List[str]): engine = conn.app_ctx if not isinstance(engine, ServerEngineInternalSpec): raise TypeError("engine must be ServerEngineInternalSpec but got {}".format(type(engine))) dst = args[1] table = conn.append_table(["site", "scopes", "default"]) if dst in [self.TARGET_TYPE_SERVER, self.TARGET_TYPE_ALL]: # get the server's scope info scope_names, default_scope_name = get_scope_info() self._add_scope_info(table, "server", scope_names, default_scope_name) if dst in [self.TARGET_TYPE_CLIENT, self.TARGET_TYPE_ALL]: message = new_message(conn, topic=TrainingTopic.GET_SCOPES, body="", require_authz=True) replies = self.send_request_to_clients(conn, message) self._process_scope_replies(table, conn, replies)