Source code for nvflare.private.fed.client.client_run_manager

# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
import time
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

from nvflare.apis.fl_component import FLComponent
from nvflare.apis.fl_constant import FLContextKey, ServerCommandKey, ServerCommandNames, SiteType
from nvflare.apis.fl_context import FLContext, FLContextManager
from nvflare.apis.shareable import Shareable
from nvflare.apis.workspace import Workspace
from nvflare.fuel.f3.cellnet.core_cell import FQCN
from nvflare.fuel.f3.cellnet.defs import MessageHeaderKey
from nvflare.fuel.f3.cellnet.defs import ReturnCode as CellReturnCode
from nvflare.private.aux_runner import AuxRunner
from nvflare.private.defs import CellChannel, CellMessageHeaderKeys, new_cell_message
from nvflare.private.event import fire_event
from nvflare.private.fed.utils.fed_utils import create_job_processing_context_properties
from nvflare.widgets.fed_event import ClientFedEventRunner
from nvflare.widgets.info_collector import InfoCollector
from nvflare.widgets.widget import Widget, WidgetID

from .client_engine_executor_spec import ClientEngineExecutorSpec, TaskAssignment
from .client_json_config import ClientJsonConfigurator
from .client_runner import ClientRunner
from .fed_client import FederatedClient

[docs]class ClientRunInfo(object): def __init__(self, job_id): """To init the ClientRunInfo. Args: job_id: job id """ self.job_id = job_id self.current_task_name = "" self.start_time = None
# TODO: make this configurable # this is the number of retries for client side child/job process to get clients from server # we might need to think of removing the whole get clients from server logic from child process GET_CLIENTS_RETRY = 300
[docs]class ClientRunManager(ClientEngineExecutorSpec): """ClientRunManager provides the ClientEngine APIs implementation running in the child process.""" def __init__( self, client_name: str, job_id: str, workspace: Workspace, client: FederatedClient, components: Dict[str, FLComponent], handlers: Optional[List[FLComponent]] = None, conf: ClientJsonConfigurator = None, ) -> None: """To init the ClientRunManager. Args: client_name: client name job_id: job id workspace: workspace client: FL client object components: available FL components handlers: available handlers conf: ClientJsonConfigurator object """ super().__init__() self.client = client self.handlers = handlers self.workspace = workspace self.components = components # self.aux_runner = ClientAuxRunner() self.aux_runner = AuxRunner(self) self.add_handler(self.aux_runner) self.conf = conf self.cell = None self.all_clients = None if not components: self.components = {} if not handlers: self.handlers = [] # get job meta! job_ctx_props = self.create_job_processing_context_properties(workspace, job_id) self.fl_ctx_mgr = FLContextManager( engine=self, identity_name=client_name, job_id=job_id, public_stickers={}, private_stickers=job_ctx_props ) self.run_info = ClientRunInfo(job_id=job_id) self.widgets = {WidgetID.INFO_COLLECTOR: InfoCollector(), WidgetID.FED_EVENT_RUNNER: ClientFedEventRunner()} for _, widget in self.widgets.items(): self.handlers.append(widget) self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def get_task_assignment(self, fl_ctx: FLContext, timeout=None) -> TaskAssignment: pull_success, task_name, return_shareable = self.client.fetch_task(fl_ctx, timeout) task = None if pull_success: shareable = self.client.extract_shareable(return_shareable, fl_ctx) task_id = shareable.get_header(key=FLContextKey.TASK_ID) task = TaskAssignment(name=task_name, task_id=task_id, data=shareable) return task
[docs] def new_context(self) -> FLContext: return self.fl_ctx_mgr.new_context()
[docs] def send_task_result(self, result: Shareable, fl_ctx: FLContext, timeout=None) -> bool: push_result = self.client.push_results(result, fl_ctx, timeout) # push task execution results if push_result == CellReturnCode.OK: return True else: self.logger.error(f"failed to send task result: {push_result}") return False
[docs] def get_workspace(self) -> Workspace: return self.workspace
[docs] def get_run_info(self) -> ClientRunInfo: return self.run_info
[docs] def show_errors(self) -> ClientRunInfo: return self.run_info
[docs] def reset_errors(self) -> ClientRunInfo: return self.run_info
[docs] def dispatch(self, topic: str, request: Shareable, fl_ctx: FLContext) -> Shareable: return self.aux_runner.dispatch(topic=topic, request=request, fl_ctx=fl_ctx)
[docs] def get_component(self, component_id: str) -> object: return self.components.get(component_id)
[docs] def get_all_components(self) -> dict: return self.components
[docs] def validate_targets(self, inputs) -> ([], []): valid_inputs = [] invalid_inputs = [] for item in inputs: if item == FQCN.ROOT_SERVER: valid_inputs.append(item) else: client = self.get_client_from_name(item) if client: valid_inputs.append(item) else: invalid_inputs.append(item) return valid_inputs, invalid_inputs
[docs] def get_client_from_name(self, client_name): for _, c in self.all_clients.items(): if client_name == return c return None
[docs] def get_clients(self): return list(self.all_clients.values())
[docs] def persist_components(self, fl_ctx: FLContext, completed: bool): self.logger.warning(f"will not persist components, not supported by {self.__class__.__name__}")
[docs] def get_widget(self, widget_id: str) -> Widget: return self.widgets.get(widget_id)
[docs] def fire_event(self, event_type: str, fl_ctx: FLContext): fire_event(event=event_type, handlers=self.handlers, ctx=fl_ctx)
[docs] def add_handler(self, handler: FLComponent): self.handlers.append(handler)
[docs] def build_component(self, config_dict): if not self.conf: raise RuntimeError("No configurator set up.") return self.conf.build_component(config_dict)
[docs] def get_cell(self): return self.cell
[docs] def send_aux_request( self, targets: Union[None, str, List[str]], topic: str, request: Shareable, timeout: float, fl_ctx: FLContext, optional=False, secure=False, ) -> dict: if not targets: targets = [FQCN.ROOT_SERVER] else: if isinstance(targets, str): if targets == SiteType.ALL: targets = [FQCN.ROOT_SERVER] for _, t in self.all_clients.items(): if != self.client.client_name: targets.append( else: targets = [targets] if targets: return self.aux_runner.send_aux_request( targets, topic, request, timeout, fl_ctx, optional=optional, secure=secure ) else: return {}
[docs] def get_all_clients_from_server(self, fl_ctx, retry=0): job_id = fl_ctx.get_prop(FLContextKey.CURRENT_RUN) get_clients_message = new_cell_message({CellMessageHeaderKeys.JOB_ID: job_id}, {}) return_data = self.client.cell.send_request( target=FQCN.ROOT_SERVER, channel=CellChannel.SERVER_PARENT_LISTENER, topic=ServerCommandNames.GET_CLIENTS, request=get_clients_message, timeout=5.0, optional=True, ) return_code = return_data.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.RETURN_CODE) if return_code == CellReturnCode.OK: if return_data.payload: data = return_data.payload self.all_clients = data.get(ServerCommandKey.CLIENTS) else: raise RuntimeError("Empty clients data from server") else: # retry to handle the server connect has not been established scenario. retry += 1 if retry < GET_CLIENTS_RETRY: time.sleep(0.5) self.get_all_clients_from_server(fl_ctx, retry) else: raise RuntimeError("Failed to get the clients from the server.")
[docs] def register_aux_message_handler(self, topic: str, message_handle_func): self.aux_runner.register_aux_message_handler(topic, message_handle_func)
[docs] def fire_and_forget_aux_request( self, topic: str, request: Shareable, fl_ctx: FLContext, optional=False, secure=False ) -> dict: return self.send_aux_request( targets=None, topic=topic, request=request, timeout=0.0, fl_ctx=fl_ctx, optional=optional, secure=secure )
[docs] def abort_app(self, job_id: str, fl_ctx: FLContext): runner = fl_ctx.get_prop(key=FLContextKey.RUNNER, default=None) if isinstance(runner, ClientRunner): runner.abort()
[docs] def create_job_processing_context_properties(self, workspace, job_id): return create_job_processing_context_properties(workspace, job_id)