Source code for nvflare.fuel.utils.wfconf

# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import copy
import json
import os
import re
from typing import List

from nvflare.fuel.common.excepts import ConfigError
from import secure_format_exception

from .argument_utils import parse_vars
from .class_utils import ModuleScanner, get_class, instantiate_class
from .dict_utils import extract_first_level_primitive, merge_dict
from .json_scanner import JsonObjectProcessor, JsonScanner, Node

[docs]class ConfigContext(object): def __init__(self): """Object containing configuration context.""" self.app_root = "" self.vars = None self.config_json = None self.pass_num = 0
class _EnvUpdater(JsonObjectProcessor): def __init__(self, vs, element_filter=None): JsonObjectProcessor.__init__(self) if element_filter is not None and not callable(element_filter): raise ValueError("element_filter must be a callable function but got {}.".format(type(element_filter))) self.vars = copy.copy(vs) # make all os env vars available for config env_vars = dict(os.environ) if env_vars: for k, v in env_vars.items(): # when referencing os env var, must use a $ sign prefix! var_name = "$" + k if var_name not in self.vars: # only use env var when it is not locally defined! self.vars[var_name] = v self.element_filter = element_filter self.num_updated = 0 def process_element(self, node: Node): element = node.element if isinstance(element, str): if self.element_filter is not None and not self.element_filter(element): return element = self.substitute(element) parent_element = node.parent_element() if node.position > 0: # parent is a list parent_element[node.position - 1] = element else: # parent is a dict parent_element[node.key] = element def substitute(self, element: str): original_value = element # Check for Simple Variable Ref (SVR) # SVR is resolved to an object that is derived from the variable definition. # If the variable def also contains refs, all such refs will also be resolved. # If the variable def contains local vars, they are also resolved with the values from the ref. # There are two kinds of SVR: # - Simple ref that contains a single var name: {var_name} # - Invoke a definition that contains local vars: {@var_name:n1=v1:n2=v2:...} # The "@var_name" is a def that contains local vars n1, n2, ... # When invoking such def, local var values could also be refs: {@var_name:n1={varp_name}} is_svr = False exp = element.strip() if exp.startswith("{@") and exp.endswith("}"): # this is a ref with local vars is_svr = True exp = exp[1 : len(exp) - 1] else: a = re.split("{|}", exp) if len(a) == 3 and a[0] == "" and a[2] == "": is_svr = True exp = a[1] if is_svr: parts = exp.split(":") var_name = parts[0] params = [] for i, p in enumerate(parts): if i > 0: params.append(p) if params: # the var_name must reference a dict local_vars = parse_vars(params) item = self.vars.get(var_name) if item: if isinstance(item, dict): # scan the item to resolve var refs new_item = copy.deepcopy(item) scanner = JsonScanner(new_item) new_vars = copy.copy(self.vars) new_vars.update(local_vars) resolve_var_refs(scanner, new_vars) element = new_item else: raise ConfigError( f"bad parameterized expression '{element}': {var_name} must be dict but got {type(item)}" ) else: raise ConfigError(f"bad parameterized expression '{element}': {var_name} is not defined") else: # this is a single var without params element = self.vars.get(var_name, None) else: element = element.format(**self.vars) if element != original_value: self.num_updated += 1 return element
[docs]def resolve_var_refs(scanner: JsonScanner, var_values: dict): """Resolve var references in the config contained in the scanner Args: scanner: the scanner that contains config data to be resolved var_values: the dict that contains var values. Returns: None """ updater = _EnvUpdater(var_values) max_rounds = 20 num_rounds = 0 # var_values may contain multi-level refs (value contains refs to other vars) # we keep scanning and resolving refs until all refs are resolved, or we reached max number of rounds. # The max rounds could be reached either because there are cyclic refs or the ref level is too deep. while True: scanner.scan(updater) num_rounds += 1 if updater.num_updated == 0: # nothing was resolved - we have resolved everything. break else: # prepare for the next round if num_rounds > max_rounds: # cyclic refs or nest level too deep. raise ConfigError(f"item de-ref exceeds {max_rounds} rounds - cyclic refs or ref level too deep") updater.num_updated = 0
[docs]class Configurator(JsonObjectProcessor): def __init__( self, app_root: str, cmd_vars: dict, env_config: dict, wf_config_file_name: str, base_pkgs: List[str], module_names: List[str], exclude_libs=True, default_vars=None, num_passes=1, element_filter=None, var_processor=None, ): """Base class of Configurator to parse JSON configuration. Args: app_root: app root cmd_vars: command vars env_config: environment configuration wf_config_file_name: config file name base_pkgs: base packages module_names: module names exclude_libs: whether to exclude libs default_vars: default vars num_passes: number of passes element_filter: element filter var_processor: variable processor """ JsonObjectProcessor.__init__(self) assert isinstance(app_root, str), "app_root must be str but got {}.".format(type(app_root)) assert isinstance(num_passes, int), "num_passes must be int but got {}.".format(type(num_passes)) assert num_passes > 0, "num_passes must > 0" if cmd_vars: assert isinstance(cmd_vars, dict), "cmd_vars must be dict but got {}.".format(type(cmd_vars)) if env_config: assert isinstance(env_config, dict), "env_config must be dict but got {}.".format(type(env_config)) assert isinstance(wf_config_file_name, str), "wf_config_file_name must be str but got {}.".format( type(wf_config_file_name) ) assert os.path.isfile(wf_config_file_name), "wf_config_file_name {} is not a valid file".format( wf_config_file_name ) assert os.path.exists(wf_config_file_name), "wf_config_file_name {} does not exist".format(wf_config_file_name) if default_vars is not None: assert isinstance(default_vars, dict), "default_vars must be dict but got {}.".format(type(default_vars)) else: default_vars = {} self.cmd_vars = cmd_vars self.default_vars = default_vars self.app_root = app_root self.env_config = env_config self.wf_config_file_name = wf_config_file_name self.num_passes = num_passes self.element_filter = element_filter self.module_scanner = ModuleScanner(base_pkgs, module_names, exclude_libs) self.all_vars = None self.vars_from_cmd = None self.vars_from_env_config = None self.vars_from_wf_config = None self.config_ctx = None self.var_processor = var_processor with open(wf_config_file_name) as file: self.wf_config_data = json.load(file) self.json_scanner = JsonScanner(self.wf_config_data, wf_config_file_name) def _do_configure(self): vars_from_cmd = {} if self.cmd_vars: vars_from_cmd = copy.copy(self.cmd_vars) for key, value in vars_from_cmd.items(): if key.startswith("APP_") and value != "": vars_from_cmd[key] = os.path.join(self.app_root, value) vars_from_env_config = {} if self.env_config: vars_from_env_config = copy.copy(self.env_config) for key, value in vars_from_env_config.items(): if key.startswith("APP_") and value != "": vars_from_env_config[key] = os.path.join(self.app_root, value) vars_from_wf_conf = extract_first_level_primitive(self.wf_config_data) if "determinism" in self.wf_config_data: vars_from_wf_conf["determinism"] = self.wf_config_data["determinism"] # precedence of vars (high to low): # vars_from_cmd, vars_from_config, vars_from_wf_conf # func merge_dict(d1, d2) gives d2 higher precedence for the same key all_vars = merge_dict(self.default_vars, vars_from_wf_conf) all_vars = merge_dict(all_vars, vars_from_env_config) all_vars = merge_dict(all_vars, vars_from_cmd) # update the wf_config with vars self.all_vars = all_vars self.vars_from_cmd = vars_from_cmd self.vars_from_env_config = vars_from_env_config self.vars_from_wf_config = vars_from_wf_conf if self.var_processor: self.var_processor.process(self.all_vars, app_root=self.app_root) self.json_scanner.scan(_EnvUpdater(all_vars, self.element_filter)) config_ctx = ConfigContext() config_ctx.vars = self.all_vars config_ctx.app_root = self.app_root config_ctx.config_json = self.wf_config_data self.config_ctx = config_ctx self.start_config(self.config_ctx) # scan the wf_config again to create components for i in range(self.num_passes): self.config_ctx.pass_num = i + 1 self.json_scanner.scan(self) # finalize configuration self.finalize_config(self.config_ctx)
[docs] def configure(self): try: self._do_configure() except ConfigError as e: raise ConfigError("Config error in {}: {}".format(self.wf_config_file_name, secure_format_exception(e))) except Exception as e: print("Error processing config {}: {}".format(self.wf_config_file_name, secure_format_exception(e))) raise e
[docs] def process_element(self, node: Node): self.process_config_element(self.config_ctx, node)
[docs] def process_args(self, args: dict): return args
[docs] def build_component(self, config_dict): if not config_dict: return None if not isinstance(config_dict, dict): raise ConfigError("component config must be dict but got {}.".format(type(config_dict))) if config_dict.get("disabled") is True: return None class_args = config_dict.get("args", dict()) class_args = self.process_args(class_args) class_path = self.get_class_path(config_dict) # Handle the special case, if config pass in the class_attributes, use the user defined class attributes # parameters directly. if "class_attributes" in class_args: class_args = class_args["class_attributes"] return instantiate_class(class_path, class_args)
[docs] def get_class_path(self, config_dict): if "path" in config_dict.keys(): path_spec = config_dict["path"] if not isinstance(path_spec, str): raise ConfigError("path spec must be str but got {}.".format(type(path_spec))) if len(path_spec) <= 0: raise ConfigError("path spec must not be empty") class_path = format(path_spec) parts = class_path.split(".") if len(parts) < 2: raise ConfigError("invalid class path '{}': missing module name".format(class_path)) else: if "name" not in config_dict: raise ConfigError("class name or path must be specified") class_name = config_dict["name"] if not isinstance(class_name, str): raise ConfigError("class name must be str") if len(class_name) <= 0: raise ConfigError("class name must not be empty") module_name = self.module_scanner.get_module_name(class_name) if module_name is None: raise ConfigError('Cannot find component class "{}"'.format(class_name)) class_path = module_name + ".{}".format(class_name) return class_path
[docs] def is_configured_subclass(self, config_dict, base_class): return issubclass(get_class(self.get_class_path(config_dict)), base_class)
[docs] def start_config(self, config_ctx: ConfigContext): pass
[docs] def process_config_element(self, config_ctx: ConfigContext, node: Node): pass
[docs] def finalize_config(self, config_ctx: ConfigContext): pass
[docs]def get_component_refs(component): """Get component reference. Args: component: string for component Returns: list of component and reference """ if "name" in component: name = component["name"] key = "name" elif "path" in component: name = component["path"] key = "path" else: raise ConfigError('component has no "name" or "path') parts = name.split("#") component[key] = parts[0] return parts