Source code for nvflare.fuel.hci.server.login

# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import List

from nvflare.fuel.hci.conn import Connection
from nvflare.fuel.hci.proto import CredentialType, InternalCommands
from nvflare.fuel.hci.reg import CommandModule, CommandModuleSpec, CommandSpec
from import IdentityKey, verify_password
from nvflare.fuel.hci.server.constants import ConnProps

from .reg import CommandFilter
from .sess import Session, SessionManager

[docs]class Authenticator(ABC): """Base class for authenticating credentials."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def authenticate(self, user_name: str, credential: str, credential_type: CredentialType) -> bool: """Authenticate a specified user with the provided credential. Args: user_name: user login name credential: provided credential credential_type: type of credential Returns: True if successful, False otherwise """ pass
[docs]class SimpleAuthenticator(Authenticator): def __init__(self, users): """Authenticator to use in the LoginModule for authenticating admin clients for login. Args: users: user information """ self.users = users
[docs] def authenticate_password(self, user_name: str, pwd: str): pwd_hash = self.users.get(user_name) if pwd_hash is None: return False return verify_password(pwd_hash, pwd)
[docs] def authenticate_cn(self, user_name: str, cn): return user_name == cn
[docs] def authenticate(self, user_name: str, credential, credential_type): if credential_type == CredentialType.PASSWORD: return self.authenticate_password(user_name, credential) elif credential_type == CredentialType.CERT: return self.authenticate_cn(user_name, credential) else: return False
[docs]class LoginModule(CommandModule, CommandFilter): def __init__(self, authenticator: Authenticator, sess_mgr: SessionManager): """Login module. CommandModule containing the login commands to handle login and logout of admin clients, as well as the CommandFilter pre_command to check that a client is logged in with a valid session. Args: authenticator: Authenticator sess_mgr: SessionManager """ if authenticator: if not isinstance(authenticator, Authenticator): raise TypeError("authenticator must be Authenticator but got {}.".format(type(authenticator))) if not isinstance(sess_mgr, SessionManager): raise TypeError("sess_mgr must be SessionManager but got {}.".format(type(sess_mgr))) self.authenticator = authenticator self.session_mgr = sess_mgr
[docs] def get_spec(self): return CommandModuleSpec( name="login", cmd_specs=[ CommandSpec( name=InternalCommands.PWD_LOGIN, description="login to server", usage="login userName password", handler_func=self.handle_login, visible=False, ), CommandSpec( name=InternalCommands.CERT_LOGIN, description="login to server with SSL cert", usage="login userName", handler_func=self.handle_cert_login, visible=False, ), CommandSpec( name="_logout", description="logout from server", usage="logout", handler_func=self.handle_logout, visible=False, ), ], )
[docs] def handle_login(self, conn: Connection, args: List[str]): if not self.authenticator: conn.append_string("OK") return if len(args) != 3: conn.append_string("REJECT") return user_name = args[1] pwd = args[2] ok = self.authenticator.authenticate(user_name, pwd, CredentialType.PASSWORD) if not ok: conn.append_string("REJECT") return session = self.session_mgr.create_session(user_name=user_name, user_org="global", user_role="project_admin") conn.append_string("OK") conn.append_token(session.token)
[docs] def handle_cert_login(self, conn: Connection, args: List[str]): if not self.authenticator: conn.append_string("OK") return if len(args) != 2: conn.append_string("REJECT") return identity = conn.get_prop(ConnProps.CLIENT_IDENTITY, None) if identity is None: conn.append_string("REJECT") return user_name = args[1] ok = self.authenticator.authenticate(user_name, identity[IdentityKey.NAME], CredentialType.CERT) if not ok: conn.append_string("REJECT") return session = self.session_mgr.create_session( user_name=identity[IdentityKey.NAME], user_org=identity.get(IdentityKey.ORG, ""), user_role=identity.get(IdentityKey.ROLE, ""), ) conn.append_string("OK") conn.append_token(session.token)
[docs] def handle_logout(self, conn: Connection, args: List[str]): if self.authenticator and self.session_mgr: token = conn.get_prop(ConnProps.TOKEN) if token: self.session_mgr.end_session(token) conn.append_string("OK")
[docs] def pre_command(self, conn: Connection, args: List[str]): if args[0] in [InternalCommands.PWD_LOGIN, InternalCommands.CERT_LOGIN, InternalCommands.CHECK_SESSION]: # skip login and check session commands return True # validate token req_json = conn.request token = None data = req_json["data"] for item in data: it = item["type"] if it == "token": token = item["data"] break if token is None: conn.append_error("not authenticated - no token") return False sess = self.session_mgr.get_session(token) if sess: assert isinstance(sess, Session) sess.mark_active() conn.set_prop(ConnProps.SESSION, sess) conn.set_prop(ConnProps.USER_NAME, sess.user_name) conn.set_prop(ConnProps.USER_ORG, sess.user_org) conn.set_prop(ConnProps.USER_ROLE, sess.user_role) conn.set_prop(ConnProps.TOKEN, token) return True else: conn.append_error("session_inactive") conn.append_string( "user not authenticated or session timed out after {} seconds of inactivity - logged out".format( self.session_mgr.idle_timeout ) ) return False
[docs] def close(self): self.session_mgr.shutdown()