Source code for nvflare.fuel.f3.streaming.blob_streamer

# Copyright (c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import logging
from typing import Callable, Optional

from nvflare.fuel.f3.connection import BytesAlike
from nvflare.fuel.f3.message import Message
from nvflare.fuel.f3.streaming.byte_receiver import ByteReceiver
from nvflare.fuel.f3.streaming.byte_streamer import STREAM_TYPE_BLOB, ByteStreamer
from nvflare.fuel.f3.streaming.stream_const import EOS
from nvflare.fuel.f3.streaming.stream_types import Stream, StreamError, StreamFuture
from nvflare.fuel.f3.streaming.stream_utils import FastBuffer, stream_thread_pool, wrap_view
from nvflare.fuel.utils.buffer_list import BufferList
from import secure_format_traceback

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BlobStream(Stream): def __init__(self, blob: BytesAlike, headers: Optional[dict]): size = self.buffer_len(blob) super().__init__(size, headers) if not isinstance(blob, list): self.blob_view = wrap_view(blob) self.buffer_list = None else: self.blob_view = [wrap_view(b) for b in blob] self.buffer_list = BufferList(self.blob_view)
[docs] def read(self, chunk_size: int) -> BytesAlike: if self.pos >= self.get_size(): return EOS next_pos = self.pos + chunk_size if next_pos > self.get_size(): next_pos = self.get_size() if self.buffer_list: buf =, next_pos) else: buf = self.blob_view[self.pos : next_pos] self.pos = next_pos return buf
[docs] @staticmethod def buffer_len(buffer: BytesAlike): if not isinstance(buffer, list): return len(buffer) return sum(len(buf) for buf in buffer)
[docs]class BlobTask: def __init__(self, future: StreamFuture, stream: Stream): self.future = future = stream self.size = stream.get_size() self.pre_allocated = self.size > 0 if self.pre_allocated: self.buffer = wrap_view(bytearray(self.size)) else: self.buffer = FastBuffer()
[docs]class BlobHandler: def __init__(self, blob_cb: Callable): self.blob_cb = blob_cb
[docs] def handle_blob_cb(self, future: StreamFuture, stream: Stream, resume: bool, *args, **kwargs) -> int: if resume: log.warning("Resume is not supported, ignored") blob_task = BlobTask(future, stream) stream_thread_pool.submit(self._read_stream, blob_task) self.blob_cb(future, *args, **kwargs) return 0
@staticmethod def _read_stream(blob_task: BlobTask): try: # It's most efficient to use the same chunk size as the stream chunk_size = ByteStreamer.get_chunk_size() buf_size = 0 while True: buf = if not buf: break length = len(buf) if blob_task.pre_allocated: blob_task.buffer[buf_size : buf_size + length] = buf else: blob_task.buffer.append(buf) buf_size += length if blob_task.size and blob_task.size != buf_size: log.warning( f"Stream {blob_task.future.get_stream_id()} size doesn't match: " f"{blob_task.size} <> {buf_size}" ) if blob_task.pre_allocated: result = blob_task.buffer else: result = blob_task.buffer.to_bytes() blob_task.future.set_result(result) except Exception as ex: log.error(f"Stream {blob_task.future.get_stream_id()} read error: {ex}") log.debug(secure_format_traceback()) blob_task.future.set_exception(ex)
[docs]class BlobStreamer: def __init__(self, byte_streamer: ByteStreamer, byte_receiver: ByteReceiver): self.byte_streamer = byte_streamer self.byte_receiver = byte_receiver
[docs] def send( self, channel: str, topic: str, target: str, message: Message, secure: bool, optional: bool ) -> StreamFuture: if message.payload is None: message.payload = bytes(0) if not isinstance(message.payload, (bytes, bytearray, memoryview, list)): raise StreamError(f"BLOB is invalid type: {type(message.payload)}") blob_stream = BlobStream(message.payload, message.headers) return self.byte_streamer.send( channel, topic, target, message.headers, blob_stream, STREAM_TYPE_BLOB, secure, optional )
[docs] def register_blob_callback(self, channel, topic, blob_cb: Callable, *args, **kwargs): handler = BlobHandler(blob_cb) self.byte_receiver.register_callback(channel, topic, handler.handle_blob_cb, *args, **kwargs)