Source code for nvflare.fuel.f3.drivers.grpc_driver

# Copyright (c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
import threading
from concurrent import futures
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union

import grpc

from nvflare.fuel.f3.comm_config import CommConfigurator
from nvflare.fuel.f3.comm_error import CommError
from nvflare.fuel.f3.connection import Connection
from nvflare.fuel.f3.drivers.driver import ConnectorInfo
from nvflare.fuel.f3.drivers.grpc.streamer_pb2_grpc import (
from nvflare.fuel.utils.obj_utils import get_logger
from import secure_format_exception

from .base_driver import BaseDriver
from .driver_params import DriverCap, DriverParams
from .grpc.qq import QQ
from .grpc.streamer_pb2 import Frame
from .grpc.utils import get_grpc_client_credentials, get_grpc_server_credentials, use_aio_grpc
from .net_utils import MAX_FRAME_SIZE, get_address, get_tcp_urls, ssl_required

    ("grpc.max_send_message_length", MAX_FRAME_SIZE),
    ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", MAX_FRAME_SIZE),

[docs]class StreamConnection(Connection): seq_num = 0 def __init__(self, oq: QQ, connector: ConnectorInfo, conn_props: dict, side: str, context=None, channel=None): super().__init__(connector) self.side = side self.oq = oq self.closing = False self.conn_props = conn_props self.context = context # for server side = channel # for client side self.lock = threading.Lock() self.logger = get_logger(self)
[docs] def get_conn_properties(self) -> dict: return self.conn_props
[docs] def close(self): self.closing = True with self.lock: self.oq.close() if self.context: try: self.context.abort(grpc.StatusCode.CANCELLED, "service closed") except Exception as ex: # ignore any exception when aborting self.logger.debug(f"exception aborting GRPC context: {secure_format_exception(ex)} ") self.context = None if try: except Exception as ex: self.logger.debug(f"exception closing GRPC channel: {secure_format_exception(ex)} ") = None
[docs] def send_frame(self, frame: Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview]): try: StreamConnection.seq_num += 1 seq = StreamConnection.seq_num self.logger.debug(f"{self.side}: queued frame #{seq}") self.oq.append(Frame(seq=seq, data=bytes(frame))) except BaseException as ex: raise CommError(CommError.ERROR, f"Error sending frame: {ex}")
[docs] def read_loop(self, msg_iter): ct = threading.current_thread() self.logger.debug(f"{self.side}: started read_loop in thread {}") try: for f in msg_iter: if self.closing: break assert isinstance(f, Frame) self.logger.debug(f"{self.side} in {}: incoming frame #{f.seq}") if self.frame_receiver: self.frame_receiver.process_frame( else: self.logger.error(f"{self.side}: Frame receiver not registered for connection: {}") except Exception as ex: if not self.closing: self.logger.debug(f"{self.side}: exception {type(ex)} in read_loop") if self.oq: self.logger.debug(f"{self.side}: closing queue") self.oq.close() self.logger.debug(f"{self.side} in {}: done read_loop")
[docs] def generate_output(self): ct = threading.current_thread() self.logger.debug(f"{self.side}: generate_output in thread {}") for i in self.oq: assert isinstance(i, Frame) self.logger.debug(f"{self.side}: outgoing frame #{i.seq}") yield i self.logger.debug(f"{self.side}: done generate_output in thread {}")
[docs]class Servicer(StreamerServicer): def __init__(self, server): self.server = server self.logger = get_logger(self)
[docs] def Stream(self, request_iterator, context): connection = None oq = QQ() t = None ct = threading.current_thread() conn_props = { DriverParams.PEER_ADDR.value: context.peer(), DriverParams.LOCAL_ADDR.value: get_address(self.server.connector.params), } cn_names = context.auth_context().get("x509_common_name") if cn_names: conn_props[DriverParams.PEER_CN.value] = cn_names[0].decode("utf-8") try: self.logger.debug(f"SERVER started Stream CB in thread {}") connection = StreamConnection(oq, self.server.connector, conn_props, "SERVER", context=context) self.logger.debug(f"SERVER created connection in thread {}") self.server.driver.add_connection(connection) self.logger.debug(f"SERVER created read_loop thread in thread {}") t = threading.Thread(target=connection.read_loop, args=(request_iterator,), daemon=True) t.start() yield from connection.generate_output() except Exception as ex: self.logger.error(f"Connection closed due to error: {secure_format_exception(ex)}") finally: if t is not None: t.join() if connection: connection.close() self.logger.debug(f"SERVER: closing connection {}") self.server.driver.close_connection(connection) self.logger.debug(f"SERVER: finished Stream CB in thread {}")
[docs]class Server: def __init__( self, driver, connector, max_workers, options, ): self.driver = driver self.logger = get_logger(self) self.connector = connector self.grpc_server = grpc.server(futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers), options=options) servicer = Servicer(self) add_StreamerServicer_to_server(servicer, self.grpc_server) params = connector.params addr = get_address(params) try: self.logger.debug(f"SERVER: connector params: {params}") secure = ssl_required(params) if secure: credentials = get_grpc_server_credentials(params) self.grpc_server.add_secure_port(addr, server_credentials=credentials)"added secure port at {addr}") else: self.grpc_server.add_insecure_port(addr)"added insecure port at {addr}") except Exception as ex: error = f"cannot listen on {addr}: {type(ex)}: {secure_format_exception(ex)}" self.logger.debug(error)
[docs] def start(self): self.grpc_server.start() self.grpc_server.wait_for_termination()
[docs] def shutdown(self): self.grpc_server.stop(grace=0.5) self.grpc_server = None
[docs]class GrpcDriver(BaseDriver): def __init__(self): BaseDriver.__init__(self) # GRPC with fork issue: os.environ["GRPC_ENABLE_FORK_SUPPORT"] = "False" self.server = None self.closing = False self.max_workers = 100 self.options = GRPC_DEFAULT_OPTIONS self.logger = get_logger(self) configurator = CommConfigurator() config = configurator.get_config() if config: my_params = config.get("grpc") if my_params: self.max_workers = my_params.get("max_workers", 100) self.options = my_params.get("options") self.logger.debug(f"GRPC Config: max_workers={self.max_workers}, options={self.options}")
[docs] @staticmethod def supported_transports() -> List[str]: if use_aio_grpc(): return ["nagrpc", "nagrpcs"] else: return ["grpc", "grpcs"]
[docs] @staticmethod def capabilities() -> Dict[str, Any]: return {DriverCap.SEND_HEARTBEAT.value: True, DriverCap.SUPPORT_SSL.value: True}
[docs] def listen(self, connector: ConnectorInfo): self.connector = connector self.server = Server(self, connector, max_workers=self.max_workers, options=self.options) self.server.start()
[docs] def connect(self, connector: ConnectorInfo): self.logger.debug("CLIENT: trying connect ...") params = connector.params address = get_address(params) conn_props = {DriverParams.PEER_ADDR.value: address} connection = None try: secure = ssl_required(params) if secure: self.logger.debug("CLIENT: creating secure channel") channel = grpc.secure_channel( address, options=self.options, credentials=get_grpc_client_credentials(params) )"created secure channel at {address}") else:"CLIENT: creating insecure channel") channel = grpc.insecure_channel(address, options=self.options)"created insecure channel at {address}") stub = StreamerStub(channel) self.logger.debug("CLIENT: got stub") oq = QQ() connection = StreamConnection(oq, connector, conn_props, "CLIENT", channel=channel) self.add_connection(connection) self.logger.debug("CLIENT: added connection") received = stub.Stream(connection.generate_output()) connection.read_loop(received) except grpc.FutureCancelledError: self.logger.debug("RPC Cancelled") except Exception as ex:"CLIENT: connection done: {secure_format_exception(ex)}") finally: if connection: connection.close() self.close_connection(connection)"CLIENT: finished connection {connection}")
[docs] @staticmethod def get_urls(scheme: str, resources: dict) -> (str, str): secure = resources.get(DriverParams.SECURE) if secure: if use_aio_grpc(): scheme = "nagrpcs" else: scheme = "grpcs" return get_tcp_urls(scheme, resources)
[docs] def shutdown(self): if self.closing: return self.closing = True self.close_all() if self.server: self.server.shutdown()