Source code for nvflare.fuel.f3.cellnet.core_cell

# Copyright (c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import copy
import logging
import os
import random
import threading
import time
import uuid
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from nvflare.fuel.f3.cellnet.connector_manager import ConnectorManager
from nvflare.fuel.f3.cellnet.credential_manager import CredentialManager
from nvflare.fuel.f3.cellnet.defs import (
from nvflare.fuel.f3.cellnet.fqcn import FQCN, FqcnInfo, same_family
from nvflare.fuel.f3.cellnet.registry import Callback, Registry
from nvflare.fuel.f3.cellnet.utils import decode_payload, encode_payload, format_log_message, make_reply
from nvflare.fuel.f3.comm_config import CommConfigurator
from nvflare.fuel.f3.communicator import Communicator, MessageReceiver
from nvflare.fuel.f3.connection import Connection
from nvflare.fuel.f3.drivers.driver_params import DriverParams
from nvflare.fuel.f3.drivers.net_utils import enhance_credential_info
from nvflare.fuel.f3.endpoint import Endpoint, EndpointMonitor, EndpointState
from nvflare.fuel.f3.message import Message
from nvflare.fuel.f3.mpm import MainProcessMonitor
from nvflare.fuel.f3.stats_pool import StatsPoolManager
from import secure_format_exception, secure_format_traceback

_TOPIC_BULK = "bulk"
_TOPIC_BYE = "bye"
_SM_CHANNEL = "credential_manager"
_SM_TOPIC = "key_exchange"

_ONE_MB = 1024 * 1024

[docs]class TargetMessage: def __init__( self, target: str, channel: str, topic: str, message: Message, ): = target = channel self.topic = topic self.message = message message.add_headers( { MessageHeaderKey.TOPIC: topic, MessageHeaderKey.CHANNEL: channel, MessageHeaderKey.DESTINATION: target, } )
[docs] def to_dict(self): return { "target":, "channel":, "topic": self.topic, "message": {"headers": dict(self.message.headers), "payload": self.message.payload}, }
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(d: dict): msg_dict = d.get("message") msg = Message(headers=msg_dict.get("headers"), payload=msg_dict.get("payload")) return TargetMessage(target=d.get("target"), channel=d.get("channel"), topic=d.get("topic"), message=msg)
[docs]class CellAgent: """A CellAgent represents a cell in another cell.""" def __init__(self, fqcn: str, endpoint: Endpoint): """ Args: fqcn: FQCN of the cell represented """ err = FQCN.validate(fqcn) if err: raise ValueError(f"Invalid FQCN '{fqcn}': {err}") = FqcnInfo(FQCN.normalize(fqcn)) self.endpoint = endpoint
[docs] def get_fqcn(self): return
class _Waiter(threading.Event): def __init__(self, targets: List[str]): super().__init__() self.targets = [x for x in targets] self.reply_time = {} # target_id => reply recv timestamp self.send_time = time.time() = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.received_replies = {}
[docs]def log_messaging_error( logger, log_text: str, cell, msg: Union[Message, None], log_except=False, log_level=logging.ERROR ): debug = False if msg: debug = msg.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.OPTIONAL, default=False) log_text = format_log_message(cell.get_fqcn(), msg, log_text) else: log_text = f"{cell.get_fqcn()}: {log_text}" if MainProcessMonitor.is_stopping(): debug = True if debug: log_level = logging.DEBUG logger.log(log_level, log_text) if log_except: logger.log(log_level, secure_format_traceback())
class _BulkSender: def __init__(self, cell, target: str, max_queue_size, secure=False): self.cell = cell = target self.max_queue_size = max_queue_size = secure self.messages = [] self.last_send_time = 0 self.lock = threading.Lock() self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) def queue_message(self, channel: str, topic: str, message: Message): if message.add_headers({MessageHeaderKey.SECURE: True}) encode_payload(message) self.cell.encrypt_payload(message) with self.lock: tm = TargetMessage(, channel=channel, topic=topic, message=message) self.messages.append(tm) self.logger.debug(f"{self.cell.get_fqcn()}: bulk sender {} queue size {len(self.messages)}") def send(self): with self.lock: num_msgs = len(self.messages) if num_msgs == 0: return if num_msgs <= self.max_queue_size: messages_to_send = self.messages self.messages = [] else: messages_to_send = self.messages[: self.max_queue_size] self.messages = self.messages[self.max_queue_size :] self.logger.debug( f"{self.cell.get_fqcn()}: bulk sender {} sending bulk size {len(messages_to_send)}" ) tms = [m.to_dict() for m in messages_to_send] bulk_msg = Message(None, tms) send_errs = self.cell.fire_and_forget( channel=_CHANNEL, topic=_TOPIC_BULK, targets=[], message=bulk_msg ) if send_errs[]: log_messaging_error( logger=self.logger, msg=bulk_msg, log_text=f"failed to send bulk message: {send_errs[]}", cell=self.cell, ) else: self.logger.debug(f"{self.cell.get_fqcn()}: sent bulk messages ({len(messages_to_send)}) to {}") self.last_send_time = time.time() def _validate_url(url: str) -> bool: if not isinstance(url, str) or not url: return False result = urlparse(url) if not result.scheme or not result.netloc: return False return True class _CounterName: LATE = "late" SENT = "sent" RETURN = "return" FORWARD = "forward" RECEIVED = "received" REPLIED = "replied" REPLY_NONE = "no_reply:none" NO_REPLY_LATE = "no_reply:late" REPLY_NOT_EXPECTED = "no_reply_expected" REQ_FILTER_ERROR = "req_filter_error" REP_FILTER_ERROR = "rep_filter_error"
[docs]class CertificateExchanger: """This class handles cert-exchange messages""" def __init__(self, core_cell, credential_manager: CredentialManager): self.core_cell = core_cell self.credential_manager = credential_manager self.core_cell.register_request_cb(_SM_CHANNEL, _SM_TOPIC, self._handle_cert_request)
[docs] def get_certificate(self, target: str) -> bytes: cert = self.credential_manager.get_certificate(target) if cert: return cert cert = self.exchange_certificate(target) self.credential_manager.save_certificate(target, cert) return cert
[docs] def exchange_certificate(self, target: str) -> bytes: root = FQCN.get_root(target) req = self.credential_manager.create_request(root) response = self.core_cell.send_request(_SM_CHANNEL, _SM_TOPIC, root, Message(None, req)) reply = response.payload if not reply: error_code = response.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.RETURN_CODE) raise RuntimeError(f"Cert exchanged to {root} failed: {error_code}") return self.credential_manager.process_response(reply)
def _handle_cert_request(self, request: Message): reply = self.credential_manager.process_request(request.payload) return Message(None, reply)
[docs]class CoreCell(MessageReceiver, EndpointMonitor): APP_ID = 1 ERR_TYPE_MSG_TOO_BIG = "MsgTooBig" ERR_TYPE_COMM = "CommErr" ALL_CELLS = {} # cell name => Cell SUB_TYPE_CHILD = 1 SUB_TYPE_CLIENT = 2 SUB_TYPE_NONE = 0 def __init__( self, fqcn: str, root_url: str, secure: bool, credentials: dict, create_internal_listener: bool = False, parent_url: str = None, max_timeout=3600, bulk_check_interval=0.5, bulk_process_interval=0.5, max_bulk_size=100, ): """ Args: fqcn: the Cell's FQCN (Fully Qualified Cell Name) credentials: credentials for secure connections root_url: the URL for backbone external connection secure: secure mode or not max_timeout: default timeout for send_and_receive create_internal_listener: whether to create an internal listener for child cells parent_url: url for connecting to parent cell FQCN is the names of all ancestor, concatenated with dots. .. note:: Internal listener is automatically created for root cells. .. code-block:: text Example: server.J12345 (the cell for job J12345 on the server) server (the root cell of server) nih_1.J12345 (the cell for job J12345 on client_1's site) client_1.J12345.R0 (the cell for rank R0 of J12345 on client_1 site) client_1 (he root cell of client_1) """ if fqcn in self.ALL_CELLS: raise ValueError(f"there is already a cell named {fqcn}") comm_configurator = CommConfigurator() self._name = self.__class__.__name__ self.logger = logging.getLogger(self._name) self.max_msg_size = comm_configurator.get_max_message_size() self.comm_configurator = comm_configurator err = FQCN.validate(fqcn) if err: raise ValueError(f"Invalid FQCN '{fqcn}': {err}") self.my_info = FqcnInfo(FQCN.normalize(fqcn)) = secure self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: max_msg_size={self.max_msg_size}") if not root_url and not parent_url: raise ValueError(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: neither root_url nor parent_url is provided") if self.my_info.is_root and self.my_info.is_on_server: if not root_url: raise ValueError(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: root_url is required for server-side cells but not provided") if isinstance(root_url, list): for url in root_url: if not _validate_url(url): raise ValueError(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: invalid Root URL '{url}'") else: if not _validate_url(root_url): raise ValueError(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: invalid Root URL '{root_url}'") root_url = [root_url] elif root_url: if isinstance(root_url, list): # multiple urls are available - randomly pick one root_url = random.choice(root_url)"{self.my_info.fqcn}: use Root URL {root_url}") if not _validate_url(root_url): raise ValueError(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: invalid Root URL '{root_url}'") self.root_url = root_url self.create_internal_listener = create_internal_listener self.parent_url = parent_url self.bulk_check_interval = bulk_check_interval self.max_bulk_size = max_bulk_size self.bulk_checker = None self.bulk_senders = {} self.bulk_process_interval = bulk_process_interval self.bulk_messages = [] self.bulk_processor = None self.bulk_lock = threading.Lock() self.bulk_msg_lock = threading.Lock() self.agents = {} # cell_fqcn => CellAgent self.agent_lock = threading.Lock() self.logger.debug(f"Creating Cell: {self.my_info.fqcn}") if credentials: enhance_credential_info(credentials) ep = Endpoint( name=fqcn, conn_props=credentials, properties={ CellPropertyKey.FQCN: self.my_info.fqcn, }, ) self.communicator = Communicator(local_endpoint=ep) self.endpoint = ep self.connector_manager = ConnectorManager( communicator=self.communicator, secure=secure, comm_configurator=comm_configurator ) self.communicator.register_message_receiver(app_id=self.APP_ID, receiver=self) self.communicator.register_monitor(monitor=self) self.req_reg = Registry() self.in_req_filter_reg = Registry() # for request received self.out_reply_filter_reg = Registry() # for reply going out self.out_req_filter_reg = Registry() # for request sent self.in_reply_filter_reg = Registry() # for reply received self.error_handler_reg = Registry() self.cell_connected_cb = None self.cell_connected_cb_args = None self.cell_connected_cb_kwargs = None self.cell_disconnected_cb = None self.cell_disconnected_cb_args = None self.cell_disconnected_cb_kwargs = None self.message_interceptor = None self.message_interceptor_args = None self.message_interceptor_kwargs = None self.waiters = {} # req_id => req self.stats_lock = threading.Lock() self.req_hw = 0 self.num_sar_reqs = 0 # send-and-receive self.num_faf_reqs = 0 self.num_timeout_reqs = 0 # req_expiry specifies how long we keep requests in "reqs" table if they are # not answered or picked up if not max_timeout or max_timeout <= 0: max_timeout = 3600 # one hour self.max_timeout = max_timeout self.asked_to_stop = False self.running = False self.stopping = False # add appropriate drivers based on roles of the cell # a cell can have at most two listeners: one for external, one for internal self.ext_listeners = {} # external listeners: url => connector object self.ext_listener_lock = threading.Lock() self.ext_listener_impossible = False self.int_listener = None # backbone internal listener - only for cells with child cells # a cell could have any number of connectors: some for backbone, some for ad-hoc self.bb_ext_connector = None # backbone external connector - only for Client cells self.bb_int_connector = None # backbone internal connector - only for non-root cells # ad-hoc connectors: currently only support ad-hoc external connectors self.adhoc_connectors = {} # target cell fqcn => connector self.adhoc_connector_lock = threading.Lock() self.root_change_lock = threading.Lock() self.register_request_cb(channel=_CHANNEL, topic=_TOPIC_BULK, cb=self._receive_bulk_message) self.register_request_cb(channel=_CHANNEL, topic=_TOPIC_BYE, cb=self._peer_goodbye) self.cleanup_waiter = None self.msg_stats_pool = StatsPoolManager.add_time_hist_pool( "Request_Response", "Request/response time in secs (sender)", scope=self.my_info.fqcn ) self.req_cb_stats_pool = StatsPoolManager.add_time_hist_pool( "Request_Processing", "Time spent (secs) by request processing callbacks (receiver)", scope=self.my_info.fqcn, ) self.msg_travel_stats_pool = StatsPoolManager.add_time_hist_pool( "Msg_Travel", "Time taken (secs) to get here (receiver)", scope=self.my_info.fqcn ) self.sent_msg_size_pool = StatsPoolManager.add_msg_size_pool( "Sent_Msg_Sizes", "Sizes of messages sent (MBs)", scope=self.my_info.fqcn ) self.received_msg_size_pool = StatsPoolManager.add_msg_size_pool( "Received_Msg_Sizes", "Sizes of messages received (MBs)", scope=self.my_info.fqcn ) counter_names = [_CounterName.SENT] self.sent_msg_counter_pool = StatsPoolManager.add_counter_pool( name="Sent_Msg_Counters", description="Result counters of sent messages", counter_names=counter_names, scope=self.my_info.fqcn, ) counter_names = [_CounterName.RECEIVED] self.received_msg_counter_pool = StatsPoolManager.add_counter_pool( name="Received_Msg_Counters", description="Result counters of received messages", counter_names=counter_names, scope=self.my_info.fqcn, ) self.ALL_CELLS[fqcn] = self self.credential_manager = CredentialManager(self.endpoint) self.cert_ex = CertificateExchanger(self, self.credential_manager)
[docs] def log_error(self, log_text: str, msg: Union[None, Message], log_except=False): log_messaging_error( logger=self.logger, log_text=log_text, cell=self, msg=msg, log_except=log_except, log_level=logging.ERROR )
[docs] def log_warning(self, log_text: str, msg: Union[None, Message], log_except=False): log_messaging_error( logger=self.logger, log_text=log_text, cell=self, msg=msg, log_except=log_except, log_level=logging.WARNING )
[docs] def get_root_url_for_child(self): if isinstance(self.root_url, list): return self.root_url[0] else: return self.root_url
[docs] def get_fqcn(self) -> str: return self.my_info.fqcn
[docs] def is_cell_reachable(self, target_fqcn: str, for_msg=None) -> bool: if target_fqcn in self.ALL_CELLS: return True _, ep = self._find_endpoint(target_fqcn, for_msg) return ep is not None
[docs] def is_cell_connected(self, target_fqcn: str) -> bool: if target_fqcn in self.ALL_CELLS: return True agent = self.agents.get(target_fqcn) return agent is not None
[docs] def is_backbone_ready(self): """Check if backbone is ready. Backbone is the preconfigured network connections, like all the connections from clients to server. Adhoc connections are not part of the backbone. """ if not self.running: return False if self.my_info.is_root: if self.my_info.is_on_server: # server root - make sure listener is created return len(self.ext_listeners) > 0 else: # client root - must be connected to server root if FQCN.ROOT_SERVER in self.ALL_CELLS: return True else: return self.agents.get(FQCN.ROOT_SERVER) is not None else: # child cell - must be connected to parent parent_fqcn = FQCN.get_parent(self.my_info.fqcn) if parent_fqcn in self.ALL_CELLS: return True else: return self.agents.get(parent_fqcn) is not None
def _set_bb_for_client_root(self): self._create_bb_external_connector() if self.create_internal_listener: self._create_internal_listener() def _set_bb_for_client_child(self, parent_url: str, create_internal_listener: bool): if parent_url: self._create_internal_connector(parent_url) if create_internal_listener: self._create_internal_listener() if self.connector_manager.should_connect_to_server(self.my_info): self._create_bb_external_connector() def _set_bb_for_server_root(self): if isinstance(self.root_url, list): for url in self.root_url:"{self.my_info.fqcn}: creating listener on {url}") self._create_external_listener(url) else:"{self.my_info.fqcn}: creating listener on {self.root_url}") if self.root_url: self._create_external_listener(self.root_url) if self.create_internal_listener: self._create_internal_listener() def _set_bb_for_server_child(self, parent_url: str, create_internal_listener: bool): if FQCN.ROOT_SERVER in self.ALL_CELLS: return if parent_url: self._create_internal_connector(parent_url) if create_internal_listener: self._create_internal_listener()
[docs] def change_server_root(self, to_url: str): """Change to a different server url Args: to_url: the new url of the server root Returns: """ self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: changing server root to {to_url}") with self.root_change_lock: if self.my_info.is_on_server: # only affect clients self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: no change - on server side") return if to_url == self.root_url: # already changed self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: no change - same url") return self.root_url = to_url self.drop_connectors() self.drop_agents() # recreate backbone connector to the root if self.my_info.gen <= 2: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: recreating bb_external_connector ...") self._create_bb_external_connector()
[docs] def drop_connectors(self): # drop connections to all cells on server and their agents # drop the backbone connector if self.bb_ext_connector: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: removing bb_ext_connector ...") try: self.communicator.remove_connector(self.bb_ext_connector.handle) self.communicator.remove_endpoint(FQCN.ROOT_SERVER) except Exception as ex: self.log_error( msg=None, log_text=f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: error removing bb_ext_connector {secure_format_exception(ex)}", ) self.bb_ext_connector = None # drop ad-hoc connectors to cells on server with self.adhoc_connector_lock: cells_to_delete = [] for to_cell in self.adhoc_connectors.keys(): to_cell_info = FqcnInfo(to_cell) if to_cell_info.is_on_server: cells_to_delete.append(to_cell) for cell_name in cells_to_delete: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: removing adhoc connector to {cell_name}") connector = self.adhoc_connectors.pop(cell_name, None) if connector: try: self.communicator.remove_connector(connector.handle) self.communicator.remove_endpoint(cell_name) except: self.log_error( msg=None, log_text=f"error removing adhoc connector to {cell_name}", log_except=True )
[docs] def drop_agents(self): # drop agents with self.agent_lock: agents_to_delete = [] for fqcn, agent in self.agents.items(): assert isinstance(agent, CellAgent) if agents_to_delete.append(fqcn) for a in agents_to_delete: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: removing agent {a}") self.agents.pop(a, None)
[docs] def make_internal_listener(self): """ Create the internal listener for child cells of this cell to connect to. Returns: """ self._create_internal_listener()
[docs] def get_internal_listener_url(self) -> Union[None, str]: """Get the cell's internal listener url. This method should only be used for cells that need to have child cells. The url returned is to be passed to child of this cell to create connection Returns: url for child cells to connect """ if not self.int_listener: return None return self.int_listener.get_connection_url()
def _add_adhoc_connector(self, to_cell: str, url: str): if self.bb_ext_connector: # it is possible that the server root offers connect url after the bb_ext_connector is created # but the actual connection has not been established. # Do not create another adhoc connection to the server! if isinstance(self.root_url, str) and url == self.root_url: return None if isinstance(self.root_url, list) and url in self.root_url: return None with self.adhoc_connector_lock: if to_cell in self.adhoc_connectors: return self.adhoc_connectors[to_cell] connector = self.connector_manager.get_external_connector(url, adhoc=True) self.adhoc_connectors[to_cell] = connector if connector: f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: created adhoc connector {connector.handle} to {url} on {to_cell}" ) else:"{self.my_info.fqcn}: cannot create adhoc connector to {url} on {to_cell}") return connector def _create_internal_listener(self): # internal listener is always backbone if not self.int_listener: self.int_listener = self.connector_manager.get_internal_listener() if self.int_listener: f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: created backbone internal listener " f"for {self.int_listener.get_connection_url()}" ) else: raise RuntimeError(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: cannot create backbone internal listener") return self.int_listener def _create_external_listener(self, url: str): adhoc = len(url) == 0 if adhoc and not self.connector_manager.adhoc_allowed: return None with self.ext_listener_lock: if url: listener = self.ext_listeners.get(url) if listener: return listener elif len(self.ext_listeners) > 0: # no url specified - just pick one if any k = random.choice(list(self.ext_listeners)) return self.ext_listeners[k] listener = None if not self.ext_listener_impossible: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: trying create ext listener: url={url}") listener = self.connector_manager.get_external_listener(url, adhoc) if listener: if not adhoc:"{self.my_info.fqcn}: created backbone external listener for {url}") else: f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: created adhoc external listener {listener.handle} " f"for {listener.get_connection_url()}" ) self.ext_listeners[listener.get_connection_url()] = listener else: if not adhoc: raise RuntimeError( f"{os.getpid()}: {self.my_info.fqcn}: " f"cannot create backbone external listener for {url}" ) else: self.logger.warning(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: cannot create adhoc external listener") self.ext_listener_impossible = True return listener def _create_bb_external_connector(self): if not self.root_url: return # if the root server a local cell? if self.ALL_CELLS.get(FQCN.ROOT_SERVER): # no need to connect return self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: creating connector to {self.root_url}") self.bb_ext_connector = self.connector_manager.get_external_connector(self.root_url, False) if self.bb_ext_connector:"{self.my_info.fqcn}: created backbone external connector to {self.root_url}") else: raise RuntimeError(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: cannot create backbone external connector to {self.root_url}") def _create_internal_connector(self, url: str): self.bb_int_connector = self.connector_manager.get_internal_connector(url) if self.bb_int_connector:"{self.my_info.fqcn}: created backbone internal connector to {url} on parent") else: raise RuntimeError(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: cannot create backbone internal connector to {url} on parent")
[docs] def set_cell_connected_cb(self, cb, *args, **kwargs): """ Set a callback that is called when an external cell is connected. Args: cb: the callback function. It must follow the signature of cell_connected_cb_signature. *args: args to be passed to the cb. **kwargs: kwargs to be passed to the cb Returns: None """ if not callable(cb): raise ValueError(f"specified cell_connected_cb {type(cb)} is not callable") self.cell_connected_cb = cb self.cell_connected_cb_args = args self.cell_connected_cb_kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def set_cell_disconnected_cb(self, cb, *args, **kwargs): """ Set a callback that is called when an external cell is disconnected. Args: cb: the callback function. It must follow the signature of cell_disconnected_cb_signature. *args: args to be passed to the cb. **kwargs: kwargs to be passed to the cb Returns: None """ if not callable(cb): raise ValueError(f"specified cell_disconnected_cb {type(cb)} is not callable") self.cell_disconnected_cb = cb self.cell_disconnected_cb_args = args self.cell_disconnected_cb_kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def set_message_interceptor(self, cb, *args, **kwargs): """ Set a callback that is called when a message is received or forwarded. Args: cb: the callback function. It must follow the signature of message_interceptor_signature. *args: args to be passed to the cb. **kwargs: kwargs to be passed to the cb Returns: None """ if not callable(cb): raise ValueError(f"specified message_interceptor {type(cb)} is not callable") self.message_interceptor = cb self.message_interceptor_args = args self.message_interceptor_kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the cell after it is fully set up (connectors and listeners are added, CBs are set up) Returns: """ if self.my_info.is_on_server: if self.my_info.is_root: self._set_bb_for_server_root() else: self._set_bb_for_server_child(self.parent_url, self.create_internal_listener) else: # client side if self.my_info.is_root: self._set_bb_for_client_root() else: self._set_bb_for_client_child(self.parent_url, self.create_internal_listener) self.communicator.start() self.running = True
[docs] def stop(self): """ Cleanup the cell. Once the cell is stopped, it won't be able to send/receive messages. Returns: """ if not self.running: return if self.stopping: return self.stopping = True self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: Stopping Cell") # notify peers that I am gone with self.agent_lock: if self.agents: targets = [peer_name for peer_name in self.agents.keys()] self.logger.debug(f"broadcasting goodbye to {targets}") self.broadcast_request( channel=_CHANNEL, topic=_TOPIC_BYE, targets=targets, request=Message(), timeout=0.5, optional=True, ) self.running = False self.asked_to_stop = True if self.bulk_checker is not None and self.bulk_checker.is_alive(): self.bulk_checker.join() if self.bulk_processor is not None and self.bulk_processor.is_alive(): self.bulk_processor.join() try: # we can now stop the communicator self.communicator.stop() except Exception as ex: self.log_error( msg=None, log_text=f"error stopping Communicator: {secure_format_exception(ex)}", log_except=True ) self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: cell stopped!")
[docs] def register_request_cb(self, channel: str, topic: str, cb, *args, **kwargs): """ Register a callback for handling request. The CB must follow request_cb_signature. Args: channel: the channel of the request topic: topic of the request cb: *args: **kwargs: Returns: """ if not callable(cb): raise ValueError(f"specified request_cb {type(cb)} is not callable") self.req_reg.set(channel, topic, Callback(cb, args, kwargs))
[docs] def encrypt_payload(self, message: Message): if not message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.SECURE, False): return encrypted = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.ENCRYPTED, False) if encrypted: # Prevent double encryption return target = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.DESTINATION) if not target: raise RuntimeError("Message destination missing") if message.payload is None: message.payload = bytes(0) payload_len = len(message.payload) message.add_headers( { MessageHeaderKey.CLEAR_PAYLOAD_LEN: payload_len, MessageHeaderKey.ENCRYPTED: True, } ) target_cert = self.cert_ex.get_certificate(target) message.payload = self.credential_manager.encrypt(target_cert, message.payload) self.logger.debug(f"Payload ({payload_len} bytes) is encrypted ({len(message.payload)} bytes)")
[docs] def decrypt_payload(self, message: Message): if not message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.SECURE, False): return encrypted = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.ENCRYPTED, False) if not encrypted: # Message is already decrypted return message.remove_header(MessageHeaderKey.ENCRYPTED) origin = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.ORIGIN) if not origin: raise RuntimeError("Message origin missing") payload_len = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.CLEAR_PAYLOAD_LEN) origin_cert = self.cert_ex.get_certificate(origin) message.payload = self.credential_manager.decrypt(origin_cert, message.payload) if len(message.payload) != payload_len: raise RuntimeError(f"Payload size changed after decryption {len(message.payload)} <> {payload_len}")
[docs] def add_incoming_request_filter(self, channel: str, topic: str, cb, *args, **kwargs): if not callable(cb): raise ValueError(f"specified incoming_request_filter {type(cb)} is not callable") self.in_req_filter_reg.append(channel, topic, Callback(cb, args, kwargs))
[docs] def add_outgoing_reply_filter(self, channel: str, topic: str, cb, *args, **kwargs): if not callable(cb): raise ValueError(f"specified outgoing_reply_filter {type(cb)} is not callable") self.out_reply_filter_reg.append(channel, topic, Callback(cb, args, kwargs))
[docs] def add_outgoing_request_filter(self, channel: str, topic: str, cb, *args, **kwargs): if not callable(cb): raise ValueError(f"specified outgoing_request_filter {type(cb)} is not callable") self.out_req_filter_reg.append(channel, topic, Callback(cb, args, kwargs))
[docs] def add_incoming_reply_filter(self, channel: str, topic: str, cb, *args, **kwargs): if not callable(cb): raise ValueError(f"specified incoming_reply_filter {type(cb)} is not callable") self.in_reply_filter_reg.append(channel, topic, Callback(cb, args, kwargs))
[docs] def add_error_handler(self, channel: str, topic: str, cb, *args, **kwargs): if not callable(cb): raise ValueError(f"specified error_handler {type(cb)} is not callable") self.error_handler_reg.set(channel, topic, Callback(cb, args, kwargs))
def _filter_outgoing_request(self, channel: str, topic: str, request: Message) -> Union[None, Message]: cbs = self.out_req_filter_reg.find(channel, topic) if not cbs: return None for _cb in cbs: assert isinstance(_cb, Callback) reply = self._try_cb(request, _cb.cb, *_cb.args, **_cb.kwargs) if reply: return reply def _try_path(self, fqcn_path: List[str]) -> Union[None, Endpoint]: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: trying path {fqcn_path} ...") target = FQCN.join(fqcn_path) agent = self.agents.get(target, None) if agent: # there is a direct path to the target call self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: got cell agent for {target}") return agent.endpoint else: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: no CellAgent for {target}") if len(fqcn_path) == 1: return None return self._try_path(fqcn_path[:-1]) def _find_endpoint(self, target_fqcn: str, for_msg: Message) -> Tuple[str, Union[None, Endpoint]]: err = FQCN.validate(target_fqcn) if err: self.log_error(msg=None, log_text=f"invalid target FQCN '{target_fqcn}': {err}") return ReturnCode.INVALID_TARGET, None try: ep = self._try_find_ep(target_fqcn, for_msg) if not ep: return ReturnCode.TARGET_UNREACHABLE, None return "", ep except: self.log_error(msg=for_msg, log_text=f"Error when finding {target_fqcn}", log_except=True) return ReturnCode.TARGET_UNREACHABLE, None def _try_find_ep(self, target_fqcn: str, for_msg: Message) -> Union[None, Endpoint]: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: finding path to {target_fqcn}") if target_fqcn == self.my_info.fqcn: return self.endpoint target_info = FqcnInfo(target_fqcn) # is there a direct path to the target? if target_fqcn in self.ALL_CELLS: return Endpoint(target_fqcn) agent = self.agents.get(target_fqcn) if agent: return agent.endpoint if same_family(self.my_info, target_info): if FQCN.is_parent(self.my_info.fqcn, target_fqcn): self.log_warning(msg=for_msg, log_text=f"no connection to child {target_fqcn}") return None elif FQCN.is_parent(target_fqcn, self.my_info.fqcn): self.log_warning(f"no connection to parent {target_fqcn}", for_msg) self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: find path in the same family") if FQCN.is_ancestor(self.my_info.fqcn, target_fqcn): # I am the ancestor of the target self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: I'm ancestor of the target {target_fqcn}") return self._try_path(target_info.path) else: # target is my ancestor, or we share the same ancestor - go to my parent! self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: target {target_fqcn} is or share my ancestor") parent_fqcn = FQCN.get_parent(self.my_info.fqcn) agent = self.agents.get(parent_fqcn) if not agent: self.log_warning(f"no connection to parent {parent_fqcn}", for_msg) return None return agent.endpoint # not the same family ep = self._try_path(target_info.path) if ep: return ep # cannot find path to the target # try the server root # we assume that all client roots connect to the server root. # Do so only if I'm not the server root if not self.my_info.is_root or not self.my_info.is_on_server: if FQCN.ROOT_SERVER in self.ALL_CELLS: return Endpoint(FQCN.ROOT_SERVER) root_agent = self.agents.get(FQCN.ROOT_SERVER) if root_agent: return root_agent.endpoint # no direct path to the server root # let my parent handle it if I have a parent if self.my_info.gen > 1: parent_fqcn = FQCN.get_parent(self.my_info.fqcn) agent = self.agents.get(parent_fqcn) if not agent: self.log_warning(f"no connection to parent {parent_fqcn}", for_msg) return None return agent.endpoint self.log_warning(f"no connection to {target_fqcn}", for_msg) return None def _send_to_endpoint(self, to_endpoint: Endpoint, message: Message) -> str: err = "" try: encode_payload(message) self.encrypt_payload(message) message.set_header(MessageHeaderKey.SEND_TIME, time.time()) if not message.payload: msg_size = 0 else: msg_size = len(message.payload) if msg_size > self.max_msg_size: err_text = f"message is too big ({msg_size} > {self.max_msg_size}" self.log_error(err_text, message) err = ReturnCode.MSG_TOO_BIG else: direct_cell = self.ALL_CELLS.get( msg_size_mbs = self._msg_size_mbs(message) if direct_cell: # create a thread and fire the cell's process_message! # self.DIRECT_MSG_EXECUTOR.submit(self._send_direct_message, direct_cell, message) self._send_direct_message(direct_cell, message) else: self.communicator.send(to_endpoint, CoreCell.APP_ID, message) self.sent_msg_size_pool.record_value(category=self._stats_category(message), value=msg_size_mbs) except Exception as ex: err_text = f"Failed to send message to {}: {secure_format_exception(ex)}" self.log_error(err_text, message) self.logger.debug(secure_format_traceback()) err = ReturnCode.COMM_ERROR return err def _send_direct_message(self, target_cell, message): target_cell.process_message( endpoint=Endpoint(self.my_info.fqcn), connection=None, app_id=self.APP_ID, message=message ) def _send_target_messages( self, target_msgs: Dict[str, TargetMessage], ) -> Dict[str, str]: if not self.running: raise RuntimeError("Messenger is not running") send_errs = {} reachable_targets = {} # target fqcn => endpoint for t, tm in target_msgs.items(): err, ep = self._find_endpoint(t, tm.message) if ep: reachable_targets[t] = ep else: msg = Message(headers=copy.copy(tm.message.headers), payload=tm.message.payload) msg.add_headers( { MessageHeaderKey.CHANNEL:, MessageHeaderKey.TOPIC: tm.topic, MessageHeaderKey.FROM_CELL: self.my_info.fqcn, MessageHeaderKey.TO_CELL: t, MessageHeaderKey.ORIGIN: self.my_info.fqcn, MessageHeaderKey.DESTINATION: t, } ) self.log_error(f"cannot send to '{t}': {err}", msg) send_errs[t] = err for t, ep in reachable_targets.items(): tm = target_msgs[t] req = Message(headers=copy.copy(tm.message.headers), payload=tm.message.payload) req.add_headers( { MessageHeaderKey.CHANNEL:, MessageHeaderKey.TOPIC: tm.topic, MessageHeaderKey.FROM_CELL: self.my_info.fqcn, MessageHeaderKey.TO_CELL:, MessageHeaderKey.ORIGIN: self.my_info.fqcn, MessageHeaderKey.DESTINATION: t, MessageHeaderKey.MSG_TYPE: MessageType.REQ, MessageHeaderKey.ROUTE: [(self.my_info.fqcn, time.time())], } ) # invoke outgoing req filters req_filters = self.out_req_filter_reg.find(, tm.topic) if req_filters: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: invoking outgoing request filters") assert isinstance(req_filters, list) for f in req_filters: assert isinstance(f, Callback) r = self._try_cb(req, f.cb, *f.args, **f.kwargs) if r: send_errs[t] = ReturnCode.FILTER_ERROR break if send_errs.get(t): # process next target continue # is this a direct path? ti = FqcnInfo(t) allow_adhoc = self.connector_manager.is_adhoc_allowed(ti, self.my_info) if allow_adhoc and t != # Not a direct path since the destination and the next leg are not the same if not ti.is_on_server and (self.my_info.is_on_server or self.my_info.fqcn > t): # try to get or create a listener and let the peer know the endpoint listener = self._create_external_listener("") if listener: conn_url = listener.get_connection_url() req.set_header(MessageHeaderKey.CONN_URL, conn_url) err = self._send_to_endpoint(ep, req) if err: self.log_error(f"failed to send to endpoint {}: {err}", req) else: self.sent_msg_counter_pool.increment(category=self._stats_category(req), counter_name=_CounterName.SENT) send_errs[t] = err return send_errs def _send_to_targets( self, channel: str, topic: str, targets: Union[str, List[str]], message: Message, ) -> Dict[str, str]: if isinstance(targets, str): targets = [targets] target_msgs = {} for t in targets: target_msgs[t] = TargetMessage(t, channel, topic, message) return self._send_target_messages(target_msgs)
[docs] def send_request( self, channel: str, topic: str, target: str, request: Message, timeout=None, secure=False, optional=False ) -> Message: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: sending request {channel}:{topic} to {target}") result = self.broadcast_request(channel, topic, [target], request, timeout, secure, optional) assert isinstance(result, dict) return result.get(target)
[docs] def broadcast_multi_requests( self, target_msgs: Dict[str, TargetMessage], timeout=None, secure=False, optional=False ) -> Dict[str, Message]: """ This is the core of the request/response handling. Be extremely careful when making any changes! To maximize the communication efficiency, we avoid the use of locks. We use a waiter implemented as a Python threading.Event object. We create the waiter, send out messages, set up default responses, and set it up to wait for response. Once the waiter is triggered from a reply-receiving thread, we process received results. HOWEVER, if the network is extremely fast, the response may already be received even before we finish setting up the waiter in this thread! We had a very mysterious bug that caused a request to be treated as timeout even though the reply is received. It was both threads try to set values to "waiter.replies". In case of extremely fast network, the reply processing thread set the reply to "waiter.replies", and then overwritten by this thread with a default timeout reply. To avoid this kind of problems, we now use two sets of values in the waiter object. One set is for this thread: targets Another set is for the reply processing thread: received_replies, reply_time Args: target_msgs: messages to be sent timeout: timeout value secure: End-end encryption optional: whether the message is optional Returns: a dict of: target name => reply message """ targets = [t for t in target_msgs] self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: broadcasting to {targets} ...") waiter = _Waiter(targets) if in self.waiters: raise RuntimeError("waiter not unique!") self.waiters[] = waiter now = time.time() if not timeout: timeout = self.max_timeout result = {} try: for _, tm in target_msgs.items(): request = tm.message request.add_headers( { MessageHeaderKey.REQ_ID:, MessageHeaderKey.REPLY_EXPECTED: True, MessageHeaderKey.SECURE: secure, MessageHeaderKey.OPTIONAL: optional, } ) send_errs = self._send_target_messages(target_msgs) send_count = 0 timeout_reply = make_reply(ReturnCode.TIMEOUT) # NOTE: it is possible that reply is already received and the waiter is triggered by now! # if waiter.received_replies: #"{self.my_info.fqcn}: the network is extremely fast - response already received!") topics = [] for_msg = None for t, err in send_errs.items(): if not err: send_count += 1 result[t] = timeout_reply tm = target_msgs[t] topic = tm.message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.TOPIC, "?") if topic not in topics: topics.append(topic) if not for_msg: for_msg = tm.message else: result[t] = make_reply(rc=err) waiter.reply_time[t] = now if send_count > 0: self.num_sar_reqs += 1 num_reqs = len(self.waiters) if self.req_hw < num_reqs: self.req_hw = num_reqs # wait for reply self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: set up waiter {} to wait for {timeout} secs") if not waiter.wait(timeout=timeout): # timeout self.log_error(f"timeout on Request {} for {topics} after {timeout} secs", for_msg) with self.stats_lock: self.num_timeout_reqs += 1 except Exception as ex: raise ex finally: self.waiters.pop(, None) self.logger.debug(f"released waiter on REQ {}") if waiter.received_replies: result.update(waiter.received_replies) for t, reply in result.items(): rc = reply.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.RETURN_CODE, ReturnCode.OK) self.sent_msg_counter_pool.increment(category=self._stats_category(reply), counter_name=rc) return result
[docs] def broadcast_request( self, channel: str, topic: str, targets: Union[str, List[str]], request: Message, timeout=None, secure=False, optional=False, ) -> Dict[str, Message]: """ Send a message over a channel to specified destination cell(s), and wait for reply Args: channel: channel for the message topic: topic of the message targets: FQCN of the destination cell(s) request: message to be sent timeout: how long to wait for replies secure: End-end encryption optional: whether the message is optional Returns: a dict of: cell_id => reply message """ if isinstance(targets, str): targets = [targets] target_msgs = {} for t in targets: target_msgs[t] = TargetMessage(t, channel, topic, request) return self.broadcast_multi_requests(target_msgs, timeout, secure=secure, optional=optional)
[docs] def fire_and_forget( self, channel: str, topic: str, targets: Union[str, List[str]], message: Message, secure=False, optional=False ) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Send a message over a channel to specified destination cell(s), and do not wait for replies. Args: channel: channel for the message topic: topic of the message targets: one or more destination cell IDs. None means all. message: message to be sent secure: End-end encryption of the message optional: whether the message is optional Returns: None """ message.add_headers( { MessageHeaderKey.REPLY_EXPECTED: False, MessageHeaderKey.OPTIONAL: optional, MessageHeaderKey.SECURE: secure, } ) return self._send_to_targets(channel, topic, targets, message)
[docs] def queue_message(self, channel: str, topic: str, targets: Union[str, List[str]], message: Message, optional=False): if self.max_bulk_size <= 0: raise RuntimeError(f"{self.get_fqcn()}: bulk message is not enabled!") if isinstance(targets, str): targets = [targets] message.set_header(MessageHeaderKey.OPTIONAL, optional) with self.bulk_lock: if self.bulk_checker is None:"{self.my_info.fqcn}: starting bulk_checker") self.bulk_checker = threading.Thread(target=self._check_bulk, name="check_bulk_msg") self.bulk_checker.start()"{self.my_info.fqcn}: started bulk_checker") for t in targets: sender = self.bulk_senders.get(t) if not sender: sender = _BulkSender(cell=self, target=t, max_queue_size=self.max_bulk_size) self.bulk_senders[t] = sender sender.queue_message(channel=channel, topic=topic, message=message)"{self.get_fqcn()}: queued msg for {t}")
def _peer_goodbye(self, request: Message): peer_ep = request.get_prop(MessagePropKey.ENDPOINT) if not peer_ep: self.log_error("no endpoint prop in message", request) return assert isinstance(peer_ep, Endpoint) with self.agent_lock: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: got goodbye from cell {}") ep = self.agents.pop(, None) if ep: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: removed agent for {}") else: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: agent for {} is already gone") # ack back return Message() def _receive_bulk_message(self, request: Message): target_msgs = request.payload assert isinstance(target_msgs, list) with self.bulk_msg_lock: if self.bulk_processor is None: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: starting bulk message processor") self.bulk_processor = threading.Thread(target=self._process_bulk_messages, name="process_bulk_msg") self.bulk_processor.start() self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: started bulk message processor") self.bulk_messages.append(request) self.logger.debug(f"{self.get_fqcn()}: received bulk msg. Pending size {len(self.bulk_messages)}") def _process_bulk_messages(self): self.logger.debug(f"{self.get_fqcn()}: processing bulks ...") while not self.asked_to_stop: self._process_pending_bulks() time.sleep(self.bulk_process_interval) # process remaining messages if any self._process_pending_bulks() def _process_pending_bulks(self): while True: with self.bulk_msg_lock: if not self.bulk_messages: return bulk = self.bulk_messages.pop(0) self._process_one_bulk(bulk) def _process_one_bulk(self, bulk_request: Message): target_msgs = bulk_request.payload assert isinstance(target_msgs, list) self.logger.debug(f"{self.get_fqcn()}: processing one bulk size {len(target_msgs)}") for tmd in target_msgs: assert isinstance(tmd, dict) tm = TargetMessage.from_dict(tmd) assert isinstance(tm, TargetMessage) req = tm.message req.add_headers(bulk_request.headers) req.add_headers({MessageHeaderKey.TOPIC: tm.topic, MessageHeaderKey.CHANNEL:}) origin = bulk_request.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.ORIGIN, "") self.logger.debug(f"{self.get_fqcn()}: bulk item: {req.headers}") self._process_request(origin=origin, message=req)
[docs] def fire_multi_requests_and_forget(self, target_msgs: Dict[str, TargetMessage], optional=False) -> Dict[str, str]: for _, tm in target_msgs.items(): request = tm.message request.add_headers({MessageHeaderKey.REPLY_EXPECTED: False, MessageHeaderKey.OPTIONAL: optional}) return self._send_target_messages(target_msgs)
[docs] def send_reply(self, reply: Message, to_cell: str, for_req_ids: List[str], secure=False, optional=False) -> str: """Send a reply to respond to one or more requests. This is useful if the request receiver needs to delay its reply as follows: - When a request is received, if it's not ready to reply (e.g. waiting for additional requests from other cells), simply remember the REQ_ID and returns None; - The receiver may queue up multiple such requests - When ready, call this method to send the reply for all the queued requests Args: reply: the reply message to_cell: the target cell for_req_ids: the list of req IDs that the reply is for secure: End-end encryption optional: whether the message is optional Returns: an error message if any """ reply.add_headers( { MessageHeaderKey.FROM_CELL: self.my_info.fqcn, MessageHeaderKey.TO_CELL: to_cell, MessageHeaderKey.ORIGIN: self.my_info.fqcn, MessageHeaderKey.DESTINATION: to_cell, MessageHeaderKey.REQ_ID: for_req_ids, MessageHeaderKey.MSG_TYPE: MessageType.REPLY, MessageHeaderKey.ROUTE: [(self.my_info.fqcn, time.time())], MessageHeaderKey.SECURE: secure, MessageHeaderKey.OPTIONAL: optional, } ) err, ep = self._find_endpoint(to_cell, reply) if err: return err reply.set_header(MessageHeaderKey.TO_CELL, return self._send_to_endpoint(ep, reply)
def _try_cb(self, message, cb, *args, **kwargs): try: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: calling CB {cb.__name__}") return cb(message, *args, **kwargs) except ServiceUnavailable: return make_reply(ReturnCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) except InvalidSession: return make_reply(ReturnCode.INVALID_SESSION) except InvalidRequest: return make_reply(ReturnCode.INVALID_REQUEST) except AuthenticationError: return make_reply(ReturnCode.AUTHENTICATION_ERROR) except AbortRun: return make_reply(ReturnCode.ABORT_RUN) except Exception as ex: self.log_error( f"exception from CB {cb.__name__}: {secure_format_exception(ex)}", msg=message, log_except=True ) return make_reply(ReturnCode.PROCESS_EXCEPTION)
[docs] def process_message(self, endpoint: Endpoint, connection: Connection, app_id: int, message: Message): # this is the receiver callback try: self._process_received_msg(endpoint, connection, message) except Exception as ex: self.log_error( f"Error processing received message: {secure_format_exception(ex)}", msg=message, log_except=True )
def _process_request(self, origin: str, message: Message) -> Union[None, Message]: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: processing incoming request") self.decrypt_payload(message) decode_payload(message) # this is a request for me - dispatch to the right CB channel = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.CHANNEL, "") topic = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.TOPIC, "") _cb = self.req_reg.find(channel, topic) if not _cb: self.log_error(f"no callback for request ({topic}@{channel}) from cell '{origin}'", message) return make_reply(ReturnCode.PROCESS_EXCEPTION, error="no callback") # invoke incoming request filters req_filters = self.in_req_filter_reg.find(channel, topic) if req_filters: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: invoking incoming request filters") assert isinstance(req_filters, list) for f in req_filters: assert isinstance(f, Callback) reply = self._try_cb(message, f.cb, *f.args, **f.kwargs) if reply: return reply assert isinstance(_cb, Callback) self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: calling registered request CB") cb_start = time.perf_counter() reply = self._try_cb(message, _cb.cb, *_cb.args, **_cb.kwargs) cb_end = time.perf_counter() self.req_cb_stats_pool.record_value(category=self._stats_category(message), value=cb_end - cb_start) if not reply: # the CB doesn't have anything to reply return None if not isinstance(reply, Message): self.log_error( f"bad result from request CB for topic {topic} on channel {channel}: " f"expect Message but got {type(reply)}", msg=message, ) reply = make_reply(ReturnCode.PROCESS_EXCEPTION, error="bad cb result") # Reply must be secure if request is reply.add_headers({MessageHeaderKey.SECURE: message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.SECURE, False)}) return reply def _add_to_route(self, message: Message): route = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.ROUTE, None) if not route: route = [] message.set_header(MessageHeaderKey.ROUTE, route) if not isinstance(route, list): self.log_error(f"bad route header: expect list but got {type(route)}", msg=message) else: route.append((self.my_info.fqcn, time.time())) def _forward(self, endpoint: Endpoint, origin: str, destination: str, msg_type: str, message: Message): # not for me - need to forward it self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: forwarding for {origin} to {destination}") err, ep = self._find_endpoint(destination, message) if ep: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: found next leg {}") message.add_headers({MessageHeaderKey.FROM_CELL: self.my_info.fqcn, MessageHeaderKey.TO_CELL:}) self._add_to_route(message) err = self._send_to_endpoint(to_endpoint=ep, message=message) if not err: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: forwarded successfully!") return else: self.log_error(f"failed to forward {msg_type}: {err}", msg=message) else: # cannot find next leg endpoint self.log_error(f"cannot forward {msg_type}: no path", message) if msg_type == MessageType.REQ: reply_expected = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.REPLY_EXPECTED, False) if not reply_expected: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: can't forward: drop the message since reply is not expected") return # tell the requester that message couldn't be delivered req_id = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.REQ_ID, "") reply = make_reply(ReturnCode.COMM_ERROR, error="cannot forward") reply.add_headers( { MessageHeaderKey.ORIGINAL_HEADERS: message.headers, MessageHeaderKey.FROM_CELL: self.my_info.fqcn, MessageHeaderKey.TO_CELL:, MessageHeaderKey.ORIGIN: self.my_info.fqcn, MessageHeaderKey.DESTINATION: origin, MessageHeaderKey.REQ_ID: [req_id], MessageHeaderKey.MSG_TYPE: MessageType.RETURN, MessageHeaderKey.ROUTE: [(self.my_info.fqcn, time.time())], MessageHeaderKey.RETURN_REASON: ReturnReason.CANT_FORWARD, } ) self._send_to_endpoint(endpoint, reply) self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: sent RETURN message back to {}") else: # msg_type is either RETURN or REPLY - drop it. self.logger.debug(format_log_message(self.my_info.fqcn, message, "dropped forwarded message")) def _stats_category(self, message: Message): channel = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.CHANNEL, "?") topic = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.TOPIC, "?") msg_type = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.MSG_TYPE, "?") dest = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.DESTINATION, "") origin = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.ORIGIN, "") to_cell = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.TO_CELL, "") type_tag = msg_type if dest and origin: if dest != self.my_info.fqcn and origin != self.my_info.fqcn: # this is the case of forwarding type_tag = "fwd." + msg_type if msg_type == MessageType.RETURN: orig_headers = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.ORIGINAL_HEADERS, None) if orig_headers: channel = orig_headers.get(MessageHeaderKey.CHANNEL, "??") topic = orig_headers.get(MessageHeaderKey.TOPIC, "??") else: channel = "???" topic = "???" return f"{type_tag}:{channel}:{topic}" def _process_reply(self, origin: str, message: Message, msg_type: str): channel = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.CHANNEL, "") topic = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.TOPIC, "") now = time.time() self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: processing reply from {origin} for type {msg_type}") self.decrypt_payload(message) decode_payload(message) req_ids = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.REQ_ID) if not req_ids: raise RuntimeError(format_log_message(self.my_info.fqcn, message, "reply does not have REQ_ID header")) if isinstance(req_ids, str): req_ids = [req_ids] if not isinstance(req_ids, list): raise RuntimeError( format_log_message(self.my_info.fqcn, message, f"REQ_ID must be list of ids but got {type(req_ids)}") ) req_destination = origin if msg_type == MessageType.RETURN: self.logger.debug(format_log_message(self.my_info.fqcn, message, "message is returned")) self.sent_msg_counter_pool.increment( category=self._stats_category(message), counter_name=_CounterName.RETURN ) original_headers = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.ORIGINAL_HEADERS, None) if not original_headers: raise RuntimeError( format_log_message(self.my_info.fqcn, message, "missing ORIGINAL_HEADERS in returned message!") ) req_destination = original_headers.get(MessageHeaderKey.DESTINATION, None) if not req_destination: raise RuntimeError( format_log_message(self.my_info.fqcn, message, "missing DESTINATION header in original headers") ) else: # invoking incoming reply filter reply_filters = self.in_reply_filter_reg.find(channel, topic) if reply_filters: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: invoking incoming reply filters") assert isinstance(reply_filters, list) for f in reply_filters: assert isinstance(f, Callback) self._try_cb(message, f.cb, *f.args, **f.kwargs) for rid in req_ids: waiter = self.waiters.get(rid, None) if waiter: assert isinstance(waiter, _Waiter) if req_destination not in waiter.targets: self.log_error( f"unexpected reply for {rid} from {req_destination}" f"req_destination='{req_destination}', expecting={waiter.targets}", message, ) return waiter.received_replies[req_destination] = message waiter.reply_time[req_destination] = now time_taken = now - waiter.send_time self.msg_stats_pool.record_value(category=self._stats_category(message), value=time_taken) # all targets replied? all_targets_replied = True for t in waiter.targets: if not waiter.reply_time.get(t): all_targets_replied = False break if all_targets_replied: self.logger.debug( format_log_message( self.my_info.fqcn, message, f"trigger waiter - replies received from {len(waiter.targets)} targets for {rid}", ) ) waiter.set() # trigger the waiting requests! else: self.logger.debug( format_log_message( self.my_info.fqcn, message, f"waiting - replies not received from {len(waiter.targets)} targets for req {rid}", ) ) else: self.log_warning(f"no waiter for req {rid} - the reply is too late", None) self.sent_msg_counter_pool.increment( category=self._stats_category(message), counter_name=_CounterName.LATE ) @staticmethod def _msg_size_mbs(message: Message): if message.payload: msg_size = len(message.payload) else: msg_size = 0 return msg_size / _ONE_MB def _process_received_msg(self, endpoint: Endpoint, connection: Connection, message: Message): route = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.ROUTE) if route: origin_name = route[0][0] t0 = route[0][1] time_taken = time.time() - t0 self.msg_travel_stats_pool.record_value( category=f"{origin_name}#{self._stats_category(message)}", value=time_taken ) self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: received message: {message.headers}") message.set_prop(MessagePropKey.ENDPOINT, endpoint) if connection: conn_props = connection.get_conn_properties() cn = conn_props.get(DriverParams.PEER_CN.value) if cn: message.set_prop(MessagePropKey.COMMON_NAME, cn) msg_type = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.MSG_TYPE) if not msg_type: raise RuntimeError(format_log_message(self.my_info.fqcn, message, "missing MSG_TYPE in received message")) origin = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.ORIGIN) if not origin: raise RuntimeError( format_log_message(self.my_info.fqcn, message, "missing ORIGIN header in received message") ) # is this msg for me? destination = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.DESTINATION) if not destination: raise RuntimeError( format_log_message(self.my_info.fqcn, message, "missing DESTINATION header in received message") ) self.received_msg_counter_pool.increment( category=self._stats_category(message), counter_name=_CounterName.RECEIVED ) if msg_type == MessageType.REQ and self.message_interceptor is not None: reply = self._try_cb( message, self.message_interceptor, *self.message_interceptor_args, **self.message_interceptor_kwargs ) if reply: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: interceptor stopped message!") reply_expected = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.REPLY_EXPECTED) if not reply_expected: return req_id = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.REQ_ID, "") reply.add_headers( { MessageHeaderKey.ORIGINAL_HEADERS: message.headers, MessageHeaderKey.FROM_CELL: self.my_info.fqcn, MessageHeaderKey.TO_CELL:, MessageHeaderKey.ORIGIN: self.my_info.fqcn, MessageHeaderKey.DESTINATION: origin, MessageHeaderKey.REQ_ID: [req_id], MessageHeaderKey.MSG_TYPE: MessageType.RETURN, MessageHeaderKey.ROUTE: [(self.my_info.fqcn, time.time())], MessageHeaderKey.RETURN_REASON: ReturnReason.INTERCEPT, } ) self._send_reply(reply, endpoint) self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: returned intercepted message") return if destination != self.my_info.fqcn: # not for me - need to forward it self.sent_msg_counter_pool.increment( category=self._stats_category(message), counter_name=_CounterName.FORWARD ) self.received_msg_counter_pool.increment( category=self._stats_category(message), counter_name=_CounterName.FORWARD ) self._forward(endpoint, origin, destination, msg_type, message) return self.received_msg_size_pool.record_value( category=self._stats_category(message), value=self._msg_size_mbs(message) ) # this message is for me self._add_to_route(message) # handle ad-hoc my_conn_url = None if msg_type in [MessageType.REQ, MessageType.REPLY]: from_cell = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.FROM_CELL) oi = FqcnInfo(origin) if from_cell != origin and not same_family(oi, self.my_info): # this is a forwarded message, so no direct path from the origin to me conn_url = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.CONN_URL) if conn_url: # the origin already has a listener # create an ad-hoc connector to connect to the origin cell self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: creating adhoc connector to {origin} at {conn_url}") self._add_adhoc_connector(origin, conn_url) elif msg_type == MessageType.REQ: # see whether we can offer a listener allow_adhoc = self.connector_manager.is_adhoc_allowed(oi, self.my_info) if ( allow_adhoc and (not oi.is_on_server) and (self.my_info.fqcn > origin or self.my_info.is_on_server) ): self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: trying to offer ad-hoc listener to {origin}") listener = self._create_external_listener("") if listener: my_conn_url = listener.get_connection_url() if msg_type == MessageType.REQ: # this is a request for me - dispatch to the right CB channel = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.CHANNEL, "") topic = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.TOPIC, "") reply = self._process_request(origin, message) if not reply: self.received_msg_counter_pool.increment( category=self._stats_category(message), counter_name=_CounterName.REPLY_NONE ) return is_optional = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.OPTIONAL, False) reply.set_header(MessageHeaderKey.OPTIONAL, is_optional) reply_expected = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.REPLY_EXPECTED, False) if not reply_expected: # this is fire and forget self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: don't send response - request expects no reply") self.received_msg_counter_pool.increment( category=self._stats_category(message), counter_name=_CounterName.REPLY_NOT_EXPECTED ) return # send the reply back if not reply.headers.get(MessageHeaderKey.RETURN_CODE): self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: added return code OK") reply.set_header(MessageHeaderKey.RETURN_CODE, ReturnCode.OK) req_id = message.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.REQ_ID, "") reply.add_headers( { MessageHeaderKey.CHANNEL: channel, MessageHeaderKey.TOPIC: topic, MessageHeaderKey.FROM_CELL: self.my_info.fqcn, MessageHeaderKey.TO_CELL:, MessageHeaderKey.ORIGIN: self.my_info.fqcn, MessageHeaderKey.DESTINATION: origin, MessageHeaderKey.REQ_ID: req_id, MessageHeaderKey.MSG_TYPE: MessageType.REPLY, MessageHeaderKey.ROUTE: [(self.my_info.fqcn, time.time())], } ) if my_conn_url: reply.set_header(MessageHeaderKey.CONN_URL, my_conn_url) # invoke outgoing reply filters reply_filters = self.out_reply_filter_reg.find(channel, topic) if reply_filters: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: invoking outgoing reply filters") assert isinstance(reply_filters, list) for f in reply_filters: assert isinstance(f, Callback) r = self._try_cb(reply, f.cb, *f.args, **f.kwargs) if r: reply = r break self._send_reply(reply, endpoint) else: # the message is either a reply or a return for a previous request: handle replies self._process_reply(origin, message, msg_type) def _send_reply(self, reply: Message, endpoint: Endpoint): self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: sending reply back to {}") self.logger.debug(f"Reply message: {reply.headers}") err = self._send_to_endpoint(endpoint, reply) if err: self.log_error(f"error sending reply back to {}: {err}", reply) self.received_msg_counter_pool.increment(category=self._stats_category(reply), counter_name=err) else: self.received_msg_counter_pool.increment( category=self._stats_category(reply), counter_name=_CounterName.REPLIED ) rc = reply.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.RETURN_CODE) self.received_msg_counter_pool.increment(category=self._stats_category(reply), counter_name=rc) def _check_bulk(self): while not self.asked_to_stop: with self.bulk_lock: for _, sender in self.bulk_senders.items(): sender.send() time.sleep(self.bulk_check_interval) # force everything to be flushed with self.bulk_lock: for _, sender in self.bulk_senders.items(): sender.send()
[docs] def state_change(self, endpoint: Endpoint): self.logger.debug(f"========= {self.my_info.fqcn}: EP {} state changed to {endpoint.state}") fqcn = if endpoint.state == EndpointState.READY: # create the CellAgent for this endpoint agent = self.agents.get(fqcn) if not agent: agent = CellAgent(fqcn, endpoint) with self.agent_lock: self.agents[fqcn] = agent self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: created CellAgent for {fqcn}") else: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: found existing CellAgent for {fqcn} - shouldn't happen") agent.endpoint = endpoint if self.cell_connected_cb is not None: try: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: calling cell_connected_cb") self.cell_connected_cb(agent, *self.cell_connected_cb_args, **self.cell_connected_cb_kwargs) except Exception as ex: self.log_error( f"exception in cell_connected_cb: {secure_format_exception(ex)}", None, log_except=True ) elif endpoint.state in [EndpointState.CLOSING, EndpointState.DISCONNECTED, EndpointState.IDLE]: # remove this agent with self.agent_lock: agent = self.agents.pop(fqcn, None) self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: removed CellAgent {fqcn}") if agent and self.cell_disconnected_cb is not None: try: self.logger.debug(f"{self.my_info.fqcn}: calling cell_disconnected_cb") self.cell_disconnected_cb( agent, *self.cell_disconnected_cb_args, **self.cell_disconnected_cb_kwargs ) except Exception as ex: self.log_error( f"exception in cell_disconnected_cb: {secure_format_exception(ex)}", None, log_except=True )
[docs] def get_sub_cell_names(self) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: """ Get cell FQCNs of all subs, which are children or top-level client cells (if my cell is server). Returns: fqcns of child cells, fqcns of top-level client cells """ children_dict = {} clients_dict = {} with self.agent_lock: for fqcn, agent in self.agents.items(): sub_type = self._is_my_sub( if sub_type == self.SUB_TYPE_CHILD: children_dict[fqcn] = True elif sub_type == self.SUB_TYPE_CLIENT: clients_dict[fqcn] = True # check local cells for fqcn in self.ALL_CELLS.keys(): sub_type = self._is_my_sub(FqcnInfo(fqcn)) if sub_type == self.SUB_TYPE_CHILD: children_dict[fqcn] = True elif sub_type == self.SUB_TYPE_CLIENT: clients_dict[fqcn] = True return list(children_dict.keys()), list(clients_dict.keys())
def _is_my_sub(self, candidate_info: FqcnInfo) -> int: if FQCN.is_parent(self.my_info.fqcn, candidate_info.fqcn): return self.SUB_TYPE_CHILD if self.my_info.is_root and self.my_info.is_on_server: # see whether the agent is a client root cell if candidate_info.is_root and not candidate_info.is_on_server: return self.SUB_TYPE_CLIENT return self.SUB_TYPE_NONE
[docs] def is_secure(self): return