Source code for nvflare.fuel.f3.cellnet.cell

# Copyright (c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import concurrent.futures
import copy
import logging
import threading
import uuid
from typing import Dict, List, Union

from nvflare.fuel.f3.cellnet.core_cell import CoreCell, TargetMessage
from nvflare.fuel.f3.cellnet.defs import MessageHeaderKey, MessageType, ReturnCode
from nvflare.fuel.f3.cellnet.utils import decode_payload, encode_payload, make_reply
from nvflare.fuel.f3.message import Message
from nvflare.fuel.f3.stream_cell import StreamCell
from nvflare.fuel.f3.streaming.stream_const import StreamHeaderKey
from nvflare.fuel.f3.streaming.stream_types import StreamFuture
from nvflare.private.defs import CellChannel
from import secure_format_exception


def _is_stream_channel(channel: str) -> bool:
    if channel is None or channel == "":
        return False
    elif channel in CHANNELS_TO_EXCLUDE:
        return False
    # if not excluded, all channels supporting streaming capabilities
    return True

[docs]class SimpleWaiter: def __init__(self, req_id, result): super().__init__() self.req_id = req_id self.result = result self.receiving_future = None self.in_receiving = threading.Event()
[docs]class Adapter: def __init__(self, cb, my_info, cell): self.cb = cb self.my_info = my_info self.cell = cell self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def call(self, future): # this will be called by StreamCell upon receiving the first byte of blob headers = future.headers stream_req_id = headers.get(StreamHeaderKey.STREAM_REQ_ID, "") origin = headers.get(MessageHeaderKey.ORIGIN, None) result = future.result() self.logger.debug(f"{stream_req_id=}: {headers=}, incoming data={result}") request = Message(headers, result) decode_payload(request, StreamHeaderKey.PAYLOAD_ENCODING) channel = request.get_header(StreamHeaderKey.CHANNEL) request.set_header(MessageHeaderKey.CHANNEL, channel) topic = request.get_header(StreamHeaderKey.TOPIC) request.set_header(MessageHeaderKey.TOPIC, topic) self.logger.debug(f"Call back on {stream_req_id=}: {channel=}, {topic=}") req_id = request.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.REQ_ID, "") secure = request.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.SECURE, False) optional = request.get_header(MessageHeaderKey.OPTIONAL, False) self.logger.debug(f"{stream_req_id=}: on {channel=}, {topic=}") response = self.cb(request) self.logger.debug(f"response available: {stream_req_id=}: on {channel=}, {topic=}") if not stream_req_id: # no need to reply! self.logger.debug("Do not send reply because there is no stream_req_id!") return response.add_headers( { MessageHeaderKey.REQ_ID: req_id, MessageHeaderKey.MSG_TYPE: MessageType.REPLY, StreamHeaderKey.STREAM_REQ_ID: stream_req_id, } ) encode_payload(response, StreamHeaderKey.PAYLOAD_ENCODING) self.logger.debug(f"sending: {stream_req_id=}: {response.headers=}, target={origin}") reply_future = self.cell.send_blob( CellChannel.RETURN_ONLY, f"{channel}:{topic}", origin, response, secure, optional ) self.logger.debug(f"Done sending: {stream_req_id=}: {reply_future=}")
[docs]class Cell(StreamCell): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.core_cell = CoreCell(*args, **kwargs) super().__init__(self.core_cell) self.requests_dict = dict() self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.register_blob_cb(CellChannel.RETURN_ONLY, "*", self._process_reply) # this should be one-time registration def __getattr__(self, func): """ This method is called when Python cannot find an invoked method "x" of this class. Method "x" is one of the message sending methods (send_request, broadcast_request, etc.) In this method, we decide which method should be used instead, based on the "channel" of the message. - If the channel is stream channel, use the method "_x" of this class. - Otherwise, user the method "x" of the CoreCell. """ def method(*args, **kwargs): self.logger.debug(f"__getattr__: {args=}, {kwargs=}") if _is_stream_channel(kwargs.get("channel")): self.logger.debug(f"calling cell {func}") return getattr(self, f"_{func}")(*args, **kwargs) if not hasattr(self.core_cell, func): raise AttributeError(f"'{func}' not in core_cell.") self.logger.debug(f"calling core_cell {func}") return getattr(self.core_cell, func)(*args, **kwargs) return method def _broadcast_request( self, channel: str, topic: str, targets: Union[str, List[str]], request: Message, timeout=None, secure=False, optional=False, ) -> Dict[str, Message]: """ Send a message over a channel to specified destination cell(s), and wait for reply Args: channel: channel for the message topic: topic of the message targets: FQCN of the destination cell(s) request: message to be sent timeout: how long to wait for replies secure: End-end encryption optional: whether the message is optional Returns: a dict of: cell_id => reply message """"broadcast: {channel=}, {topic=}, {targets=}, {timeout=}") if isinstance(targets, str): targets = [targets] target_argument = {} fixed_dict = dict(channel=channel, topic=topic, timeout=timeout, secure=secure, optional=optional) results = dict() future_to_target = {} # encode the request now so each target thread won't need to do it again. self._encode_message(request) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(targets)) as executor: self.logger.debug(f"broadcast to {targets=}") for t in targets: req = Message(copy.deepcopy(request.headers), request.payload) target_argument["request"] = TargetMessage(t, channel, topic, req).message target_argument["target"] = t target_argument.update(fixed_dict) f = executor.submit(self._send_one_request, **target_argument) future_to_target[f] = t self.logger.debug(f"submitted to {t} with {target_argument.keys()=}") for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_target): target = future_to_target[future] self.logger.debug(f"{target} completed") try: data = future.result() except Exception as exc: self.logger.warning(f"{target} raises {exc}") results[target] = make_reply(ReturnCode.TIMEOUT) else: results[target] = data self.logger.debug(f"{target=}: {data=}") self.logger.debug("About to return from broadcast_request") return results def _fire_and_forget( self, channel: str, topic: str, targets: Union[str, List[str]], message: Message, secure=False, optional=False ) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Send a message over a channel to specified destination cell(s), and do not wait for replies. Args: channel: channel for the message topic: topic of the message targets: one or more destination cell IDs. None means all. message: message to be sent secure: End-end encryption if True optional: whether the message is optional Returns: None """ encode_payload(message, encoding_key=StreamHeaderKey.PAYLOAD_ENCODING) if isinstance(targets, str): targets = [targets] result = {} for target in targets: self.send_blob( channel=channel, topic=topic, target=target, message=message, secure=secure, optional=optional ) result[target] = "" return result def _get_result(self, req_id): waiter = self.requests_dict.pop(req_id) return waiter.result def _future_wait(self, future, timeout): # future could have an error! last_progress = 0 while not future.waiter.wait(timeout): if future.error: return False current_progress = future.get_progress() if last_progress == current_progress: return False else: self.logger.debug(f"{current_progress=}") last_progress = current_progress if future.error: return False else: return True def _encode_message(self, msg: Message): try: encode_payload(msg, StreamHeaderKey.PAYLOAD_ENCODING) except BaseException as exc: self.logger.error(f"Can't encode {msg=} {exc=}") raise exc def _send_request( self, channel, target, topic, request, timeout=10.0, secure=False, optional=False, ): """Stream one request to the target Args: channel: message channel name target: FQCN of the target cell topic: topic of the message request: request message timeout: how long to wait secure: is P2P security to be applied optional: is the message optional Returns: reply data """ self._encode_message(request) return self._send_one_request(channel, target, topic, request, timeout, secure, optional) def _send_one_request( self, channel, target, topic, request, timeout=10.0, secure=False, optional=False, ): req_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) request.add_headers({StreamHeaderKey.STREAM_REQ_ID: req_id}) # this future can be used to check sending progress, but not for checking return blob self.logger.debug(f"{req_id=}, {channel=}, {topic=}, {target=}, {timeout=}: send_request about to send_blob") waiter = SimpleWaiter(req_id=req_id, result=make_reply(ReturnCode.TIMEOUT)) self.requests_dict[req_id] = waiter try: future = self.send_blob( channel=channel, topic=topic, target=target, message=request, secure=secure, optional=optional ) self.logger.debug(f"{req_id=}: Waiting starts") # Three stages, sending, waiting for receiving first byte, receiving # sending with progress timeout self.logger.debug(f"{req_id=}: entering sending wait {timeout=}") sending_complete = self._future_wait(future, timeout) if not sending_complete: self.logger.debug(f"{req_id=}: sending timeout {timeout=}") return self._get_result(req_id) self.logger.debug(f"{req_id=}: sending complete") # waiting for receiving first byte self.logger.debug(f"{req_id=}: entering remote process wait {timeout=}") if not waiter.in_receiving.wait(timeout): self.logger.debug(f"{req_id=}: remote processing timeout {timeout=}") return self._get_result(req_id) self.logger.debug(f"{req_id=}: in receiving") # receiving with progress timeout r_future = waiter.receiving_future self.logger.debug(f"{req_id=}: entering receiving wait {timeout=}") receiving_complete = self._future_wait(r_future, timeout) if not receiving_complete:"{req_id=}: receiving timeout {timeout=}") return self._get_result(req_id) self.logger.debug(f"{req_id=}: receiving complete") waiter.result = Message(r_future.headers, r_future.result()) decode_payload(waiter.result, encoding_key=StreamHeaderKey.PAYLOAD_ENCODING) self.logger.debug(f"{req_id=}: return result {waiter.result=}") return self._get_result(req_id) except Exception as ex: self.logger.error(f"exception sending request: {secure_format_exception(ex)}") return self._get_result(req_id) def _process_reply(self, future: StreamFuture): headers = future.headers req_id = headers.get(StreamHeaderKey.STREAM_REQ_ID, -1) self.logger.debug(f"{req_id=}: _process_reply") try: waiter = self.requests_dict[req_id] except KeyError as e: self.logger.warning(f"Receiving unknown {req_id=}, discarded: {e}") return waiter.receiving_future = future waiter.in_receiving.set() def _register_request_cb(self, channel: str, topic: str, cb, *args, **kwargs): """ Register a callback for handling request. The CB must follow request_cb_signature. Args: channel: the channel of the request topic: topic of the request cb: *args: **kwargs: Returns: """ if not callable(cb): raise ValueError(f"specified request_cb {type(cb)} is not callable") if _is_stream_channel(channel):"Register blob CB for {channel=}, {topic=}") adapter = Adapter(cb, self.core_cell.my_info, self) self.register_blob_cb(channel, topic,, *args, **kwargs) else:"Register regular CB for {channel=}, {topic=}") self.core_cell.register_request_cb(channel, topic, cb, *args, **kwargs)