Source code for nvflare.client.ex_process.api

# Copyright (c) 2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import importlib
import os
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple

from nvflare.apis.analytix import AnalyticsDataType
from nvflare.apis.fl_constant import FLMetaKey
from nvflare.apis.utils.analytix_utils import create_analytic_dxo
from nvflare.app_common.abstract.fl_model import FLModel
from nvflare.client.api_spec import APISpec
from nvflare.client.config import ClientConfig, ConfigKey, ExchangeFormat, from_file
from nvflare.client.constants import CLIENT_API_CONFIG
from nvflare.client.flare_agent import FlareAgentException
from nvflare.client.flare_agent_with_fl_model import FlareAgentWithFLModel
from nvflare.client.model_registry import ModelRegistry
from nvflare.fuel.utils import fobs
from nvflare.fuel.utils.import_utils import optional_import
from nvflare.fuel.utils.pipe.pipe import Pipe

def _create_client_config(config: str) -> ClientConfig:
    if isinstance(config, str):
        client_config = from_file(config_file=config)
        raise ValueError("config should be a string but got: {type(config)}")
    return client_config

def _create_pipe_using_config(client_config: ClientConfig, section: str) -> Tuple[Pipe, str]:
    pipe_class_name = client_config.get_pipe_class(section)
    module_name, _, class_name = pipe_class_name.rpartition(".")
    module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
    pipe_class = getattr(module, class_name)

    pipe_args = client_config.get_pipe_args(section)
    pipe = pipe_class(**pipe_args)
    pipe_channel_name = client_config.get_pipe_channel_name(section)
    return pipe, pipe_channel_name

def _register_tensor_decomposer():
    tensor_decomposer, ok = optional_import(module="", name="TensorDecomposer")
    if ok:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Can't import TensorDecomposer for format: {ExchangeFormat.PYTORCH}")

[docs]class ExProcessClientAPI(APISpec): def __init__(self): self.process_model_registry = None
[docs] def get_model_registry(self) -> ModelRegistry: """Gets the ModelRegistry.""" if self.process_model_registry is None: raise RuntimeError("needs to call init method first") return self.process_model_registry
[docs] def init(self, rank: Optional[str] = None): """Initializes NVFlare Client API environment. Args: rank (str): local rank of the process. It is only useful when the training script has multiple worker processes. (for example multi GPU) """ if rank is None: rank = os.environ.get("RANK", "0") if self.process_model_registry: print("Warning: called init() more than once. The subsequence calls are ignored") return client_config = _create_client_config(config=f"config/{CLIENT_API_CONFIG}") flare_agent = None try: if rank == "0": if client_config.get_exchange_format() == ExchangeFormat.PYTORCH: _register_tensor_decomposer() pipe, task_channel_name = _create_pipe_using_config( client_config=client_config, section=ConfigKey.TASK_EXCHANGE ) metric_pipe, metric_channel_name = None, "" if ConfigKey.METRICS_EXCHANGE in client_config.config: metric_pipe, metric_channel_name = _create_pipe_using_config( client_config=client_config, section=ConfigKey.METRICS_EXCHANGE ) flare_agent = FlareAgentWithFLModel( pipe=pipe, task_channel_name=task_channel_name, metric_pipe=metric_pipe, metric_channel_name=metric_channel_name, ) flare_agent.start() self.process_model_registry = ModelRegistry(client_config, rank, flare_agent) except Exception as e: print(f"flare.init failed: {e}") raise e
[docs] def receive(self, timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> Optional[FLModel]: """Receives model from NVFlare side. Returns: An FLModel received. """ model_registry = self.get_model_registry() return model_registry.get_model(timeout)
[docs] def send(self, model: FLModel, clear_cache: bool = True) -> None: """Sends the model to Controller side. Args: model (FLModel): Sends a FLModel object. clear_cache (bool): To clear the cache or not. """ model_registry = self.get_model_registry() model_registry.submit_model(model=model) if clear_cache: self.clear()
[docs] def system_info(self) -> Dict: """Gets NVFlare system information. System information will be available after a valid FLModel is received. It does not retrieve information actively. Returns: A dict of system information. """ model_registry = self.get_model_registry() return model_registry.get_sys_info()
[docs] def get_config(self) -> Dict: model_registry = self.get_model_registry() return model_registry.config.config
[docs] def get_job_id(self) -> str: sys_info = self.system_info() return sys_info.get(FLMetaKey.JOB_ID, "")
[docs] def get_site_name(self) -> str: sys_info = self.system_info() return sys_info.get(FLMetaKey.SITE_NAME, "")
[docs] def get_task_name(self) -> str: model_registry = self.get_model_registry() if model_registry.rank != "0": raise RuntimeError("only rank 0 can call get_task_name!") return model_registry.get_task().task_name
[docs] def is_running(self) -> bool: try: self.receive() return True except FlareAgentException: return False
[docs] def is_train(self) -> bool: model_registry = self.get_model_registry() if model_registry.rank != "0": raise RuntimeError("only rank 0 can call is_train!") return model_registry.task_name == model_registry.config.get_train_task()
[docs] def is_evaluate(self) -> bool: model_registry = self.get_model_registry() if model_registry.rank != "0": raise RuntimeError("only rank 0 can call is_evaluate!") return model_registry.task_name == model_registry.config.get_eval_task()
[docs] def is_submit_model(self) -> bool: model_registry = self.get_model_registry() if model_registry.rank != "0": raise RuntimeError("only rank 0 can call is_submit_model!") return model_registry.task_name == model_registry.config.get_submit_model_task()
[docs] def log(self, key: str, value: Any, data_type: AnalyticsDataType, **kwargs): model_registry = self.get_model_registry() if model_registry.rank != "0": raise RuntimeError("only rank 0 can call log!") flare_agent = model_registry.flare_agent dxo = create_analytic_dxo(tag=key, value=value, data_type=data_type, **kwargs) flare_agent.log(dxo)
[docs] def clear(self): """Clears the model registry.""" model_registry = self.get_model_registry() model_registry.clear()