Source code for nvflare.app_common.workflows.model_controller

# Copyright (c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import gc
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Callable, List, Union

from nvflare.apis.client import Client
from nvflare.apis.controller_spec import ClientTask, OperatorMethod, Task, TaskOperatorKey
from nvflare.apis.fl_constant import ReturnCode
from nvflare.apis.fl_context import FLContext
from nvflare.apis.impl.controller import Controller
from nvflare.apis.shareable import Shareable
from nvflare.apis.signal import Signal
from nvflare.app_common.abstract.fl_model import FLModel, ParamsType
from nvflare.app_common.abstract.learnable_persistor import LearnablePersistor
from nvflare.app_common.abstract.model import ModelLearnable, ModelLearnableKey, make_model_learnable
from nvflare.app_common.app_constant import AppConstants
from nvflare.app_common.app_event_type import AppEventType
from nvflare.app_common.utils.fl_component_wrapper import FLComponentWrapper
from nvflare.app_common.utils.fl_model_utils import FLModelUtils
from nvflare.fuel.utils.validation_utils import check_non_negative_int, check_str
from import secure_format_exception

[docs]class ModelController(Controller, FLComponentWrapper, ABC): def __init__( self, persistor_id="persistor", ignore_result_error: bool = False, allow_empty_global_weights: bool = False, task_check_period: float = 0.5, ): """FLModel based controller. Args: persistor_id (str, optional): ID of the persistor component. Defaults to "persistor". ignore_result_error (bool, optional): whether this controller can proceed if client result has errors. Defaults to False. allow_empty_global_weights (bool, optional): whether to allow empty global weights. Some pipelines can have empty global weights at first round, such that clients start training from scratch without any global info. Defaults to False. task_check_period (float, optional): interval for checking status of tasks. Defaults to 0.5. """ super().__init__(task_check_period=task_check_period) # Check arguments check_str("persistor_id", persistor_id) if not isinstance(task_check_period, (int, float)): raise TypeError(f"task_check_period must be an int or float but got {type(task_check_period)}") elif task_check_period <= 0: raise ValueError("task_check_period must be greater than 0.") self._task_check_period = task_check_period self._persistor_id = persistor_id self.persistor = None # config data self._ignore_result_error = ignore_result_error self._allow_empty_global_weights = allow_empty_global_weights # model related self._results = []
[docs] def start_controller(self, fl_ctx: FLContext) -> None: self.fl_ctx = fl_ctx"Initializing ModelController workflow.") if self._persistor_id: self.persistor = self._engine.get_component(self._persistor_id) if not isinstance(self.persistor, LearnablePersistor): self.warning( f"Model Persistor {self._persistor_id} must be a LearnablePersistor type object, " f"but got {type(self.persistor)}" ) self.persistor = None self.engine = self.fl_ctx.get_engine() FLComponentWrapper.initialize(self)
def _build_shareable(self, data: FLModel = None) -> Shareable: data_shareable: Shareable = FLModelUtils.to_shareable(data) data_shareable.add_cookie( AppConstants.CONTRIBUTION_ROUND, data_shareable.get_header(AppConstants.CURRENT_ROUND) ) return data_shareable
[docs] def broadcast_model( self, task_name: str = AppConstants.TASK_TRAIN, data: FLModel = None, targets: Union[List[Client], List[str], None] = None, timeout: int = 0, wait_time_after_min_received: int = 10, blocking: bool = True, callback: Callable[[FLModel], None] = None, ) -> List: """Send a task with data to a list of targets. Args: task_name (str, optional): name of the task. Defaults to "train". data (FLModel, optional): FLModel to be sent to clients. If no data is given, send empty FLModel. targets (List[str], optional): the list of target client names or None (all clients). Defaults to None. timeout (int, optional): time to wait for clients to perform task. Defaults to 0, i.e., never time out. wait_time_after_min_received (int, optional): time to wait after minimum number of clients responses has been received. Defaults to 10. blocking (bool, optional): whether to block to wait for task result. Defaults to True. callback (Callable[[FLModel], None], optional): callback when a result is received, only called when blocking=False. Defaults to None. Returns: List[FLModel] if blocking=True else None """ if not isinstance(task_name, str): raise TypeError("task_name must be a string but got {}".format(type(task_name))) if data and not isinstance(data, FLModel): raise TypeError("data must be a FLModel or None but got {}".format(type(data))) check_non_negative_int("timeout", timeout) check_non_negative_int("wait_time_after_min_received", wait_time_after_min_received) if not blocking and not isinstance(callback, Callable): raise TypeError("callback must be defined if blocking is False, but got {}".format(type(callback))) if not data: self.warning("data is None. Sending empty FLModel.") data = FLModel(params_type=ParamsType.FULL, params={}) task = self._prepare_task(data=data, task_name=task_name, timeout=timeout, callback=callback) if targets: targets = [ if isinstance(client, Client) else client for client in targets] min_responses = len(targets)"Sending task {task_name} to {targets}") else: min_responses = len(self.engine.get_clients())"Sending task {task_name} to all clients") if blocking: self._results = [] # reset results list self.broadcast_and_wait( task=task, targets=targets, min_responses=min_responses, wait_time_after_min_received=wait_time_after_min_received, fl_ctx=self.fl_ctx, abort_signal=self.abort_signal, ) if targets is not None: if len(self._results) != min_responses: self.warning( f"Number of results ({len(self._results)}) is different from number of targets ({min_responses})." ) # de-reference the internal results before returning results = self._results self._results = [] return results else: self.broadcast( task=task, targets=targets, min_responses=min_responses, wait_time_after_min_received=wait_time_after_min_received, fl_ctx=self.fl_ctx, )
def _prepare_task( self, data: FLModel, task_name: str, timeout: int, callback: Callable, ): # Create task data_shareable = self._build_shareable(data) operator = { TaskOperatorKey.OP_ID: task_name, TaskOperatorKey.METHOD: OperatorMethod.BROADCAST, TaskOperatorKey.TIMEOUT: timeout, } task = Task( name=task_name, data=data_shareable, operator=operator, props={AppConstants.TASK_PROP_CALLBACK: callback}, timeout=timeout, before_task_sent_cb=self._prepare_task_data, result_received_cb=self._process_result, ) return task def _prepare_task_data(self, client_task: ClientTask, fl_ctx: FLContext) -> None: fl_ctx.set_prop(AppConstants.TRAIN_SHAREABLE,, private=True, sticky=False) self.event(AppEventType.BEFORE_TRAIN_TASK) def _process_result(self, client_task: ClientTask, fl_ctx: FLContext) -> None: self.fl_ctx = fl_ctx result = client_task.result client_name = # Turn result into FLModel result_model = FLModelUtils.from_shareable(result) result_model.meta["client_name"] = client_name if result_model.current_round is not None: self.fl_ctx.set_prop(AppConstants.CURRENT_ROUND, result_model.current_round, private=True, sticky=True) self.event(AppEventType.BEFORE_CONTRIBUTION_ACCEPT) self._accept_train_result(client_name=client_name, result=result, fl_ctx=fl_ctx) self.event(AppEventType.AFTER_CONTRIBUTION_ACCEPT) callback = client_task.task.get_prop(AppConstants.TASK_PROP_CALLBACK) if callback: try: callback(result_model) except Exception as e: self.error(f"Unsuccessful callback {callback} for task {}") else: self._results.append(result_model) # Cleanup task result client_task.result = None gc.collect()
[docs] def process_result_of_unknown_task( self, client: Client, task_name: str, client_task_id: str, result: Shareable, fl_ctx: FLContext ) -> None: if task_name == AppConstants.TASK_TRAIN: self._accept_train_result(, result=result, fl_ctx=fl_ctx)"Result of unknown task {task_name} sent to aggregator.") else: self.error("Ignoring result from unknown task.")
def _accept_train_result(self, client_name: str, result: Shareable, fl_ctx: FLContext): self.fl_ctx = fl_ctx rc = result.get_return_code() current_round = result.get_header(AppConstants.CURRENT_ROUND, None) # Raise panic if bad peer context or execution exception. if rc and rc != ReturnCode.OK: if self._ignore_result_error: self.warning( f"Ignore the train result from {client_name} at round {current_round}. Train result error code: {rc}", ) else: self.panic( f"Result from {client_name} is bad, error code: {rc}. " f"{self.__class__.__name__} exiting at round {current_round}." ) return self.fl_ctx.set_prop(AppConstants.TRAINING_RESULT, result, private=True, sticky=False)
[docs] @abstractmethod def run(self): """Main `run` routine called by the Controller's `control_flow` to execute the workflow. Returns: None. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def control_flow(self, abort_signal: Signal, fl_ctx: FLContext) -> None: self.fl_ctx = fl_ctx self.abort_signal = abort_signal try:"Beginning model controller run.") self.event(AppEventType.TRAINING_STARTED) except Exception as e: error_msg = f"Exception in model controller run: {secure_format_exception(e)}" self.exception(error_msg) self.panic(error_msg)
[docs] def load_model(self): # initialize global model model = None if self.persistor:"loading initial model from persistor") global_weights = self.persistor.load(self.fl_ctx) if not isinstance(global_weights, ModelLearnable): self.panic( f"Expected global weights to be of type `ModelLearnable` but received {type(global_weights)}" ) return if global_weights.is_empty(): if not self._allow_empty_global_weights: # if empty not allowed, further check whether it is available from fl_ctx global_weights = self.fl_ctx.get_prop(AppConstants.GLOBAL_MODEL) if not global_weights.is_empty(): model = FLModel( params_type=ParamsType.FULL, params=global_weights[ModelLearnableKey.WEIGHTS], meta=global_weights[ModelLearnableKey.META], ) elif self._allow_empty_global_weights: model = FLModel(params_type=ParamsType.FULL, params={}) else: self.panic( f"Neither `persistor` {self._persistor_id} or `fl_ctx` returned a global model! If this was intended, set `self._allow_empty_global_weights` to `True`." ) return else:"persistor not configured, creating empty initial FLModel") model = FLModel(params_type=ParamsType.FULL, params={}) # persistor uses Learnable format to save model ml = make_model_learnable(weights=model.params, meta_props=model.meta) self.fl_ctx.set_prop(AppConstants.GLOBAL_MODEL, ml, private=True, sticky=True) self.event(AppEventType.INITIAL_MODEL_LOADED) return model
[docs] def save_model(self, model): if self.persistor:"Start persist model on server.") self.event(AppEventType.BEFORE_LEARNABLE_PERSIST) # persistor uses Learnable format to save model ml = make_model_learnable(weights=model.params, meta_props=model.meta), self.fl_ctx) self.event(AppEventType.AFTER_LEARNABLE_PERSIST)"End persist model on server.") else: self.error("persistor not configured, model will not be saved")
[docs] def stop_controller(self, fl_ctx: FLContext): self.fl_ctx = fl_ctx self.finalize()