Source code for nvflare.app_common.workflows.initialize_global_weights

# Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from typing import List, Union

from nvflare.app_common.app_constant import AppConstants
from nvflare.app_common.response_processors.global_weights_initializer import GlobalWeightsInitializer, WeightMethod

from .broadcast_and_process import BroadcastAndProcess

[docs]class InitializeGlobalWeights(BroadcastAndProcess): def __init__( self, task_name: str = AppConstants.TASK_GET_WEIGHTS, min_responses_required: int = 0, wait_time_after_min_received: int = 0, task_timeout: int = 0, weights_prop_name=AppConstants.GLOBAL_MODEL, weight_method: str = WeightMethod.FIRST, weights_client_name: Union[str, List[str], None] = None, ): """A controller for initializing global model weights based on reported weights from clients. Args: task_name: name of the task to be sent to clients to collect their model weights min_responses_required: min number of responses required. 0 means all clients. wait_time_after_min_received: how long (secs) to wait after min responses are received task_timeout: max amount of time to wait for the task to end. 0 means never time out. weights_prop_name: name of the FL Context property to store the global weights weight_method: method for determining global model weights. Defaults to `WeightMethod.FIRST`. weights_client_name: name of the client if the method is "client". Defaults to None. If `None`, the task will be sent to all clients (to be used with `weight_method=WeightMethod.FIRST`). If list of client names, the task will be only be sent to the listed clients. """ if isinstance(weights_client_name, str): clients = [weights_client_name] elif isinstance(weights_client_name, list): clients = weights_client_name else: clients = None BroadcastAndProcess.__init__( self, processor=GlobalWeightsInitializer( weights_prop_name=weights_prop_name, weight_method=weight_method, client_name=weights_client_name ), task_name=task_name, min_responses_required=min_responses_required, wait_time_after_min_received=wait_time_after_min_received, timeout=task_timeout, clients=clients, )