Source code for nvflare.app_common.statistics.min_max_cleanser

# Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import random
from typing import Tuple

from nvflare.apis.fl_component import FLComponent
from nvflare.app_common.app_constant import StatisticsConstants as StC
from nvflare.app_common.statistics.statistics_privacy_cleanser import StatisticsPrivacyCleanser

[docs]class AddNoiseToMinMax(FLComponent, StatisticsPrivacyCleanser): def __init__(self, min_noise_level: float, max_noise_level: float): """Random is used to generate random noise between (min_random and max_random). Args: min_noise_level: minimum noise -- used to protect min/max values before sending to server max_noise_level: maximum noise -- used to protect min/max values before sending to server For example, the random noise is to be within (0.1 and 0.3), i.e. 10% to 30% level. This component will make local min values smaller than the true local min values, and max values larger than the true local max values. As result, the estimate global max and min values (i.e. with noise) are still bound to the true global min/max values, such that: .. code-block:: text est. global min value < true global min value < client's min value < client's max value < true global max < est. global max value """ super().__init__() self.noise_level = (min_noise_level, max_noise_level) self.noise_generators = { StC.STATS_MIN: AddNoiseToMinMax._get_min_value, StC.STATS_MAX: AddNoiseToMinMax._get_max_value, } self.validate_inputs()
[docs] def validate_inputs(self): for i in range(0, 2): if self.noise_level[i] < 0 or self.noise_level[i] > 1.0: raise ValueError(f"noise_level {self.noise_level} is not within (0, 1)") if self.noise_level[0] > self.noise_level[1]: raise ValueError( f"minimum noise level {self.noise_level[0]} should be less " f"than maximum noise level {self.noise_level[1]}" )
@staticmethod def _get_min_value(local_min_value: float, noise_level: Tuple): r = random.uniform(noise_level[0], noise_level[1]) if local_min_value == 0: min_value = -(1 - r) * 1e-5 else: if local_min_value > 0: min_value = local_min_value * (1 - r) else: min_value = local_min_value * (1 + r) return min_value @staticmethod def _get_max_value(local_max_value: float, noise_level: Tuple): r = random.uniform(noise_level[0], noise_level[1]) if local_max_value == 0: max_value = (1 + r) * 1e-5 else: if local_max_value > 0: max_value = local_max_value * (1 + r) else: max_value = local_max_value * (1 - r) return max_value
[docs] def generate_noise(self, statistics: dict, statistic) -> dict: noise_gen = self.noise_generators[statistic] for ds_name in statistics[statistic]: for feature_name in statistics[statistic][ds_name]: local_value = statistics[statistic][ds_name][feature_name] noise_value = noise_gen(local_value, self.noise_level) statistics[statistic][ds_name][feature_name] = noise_value return statistics
[docs] def apply(self, statistics: dict, client_name: str) -> Tuple[dict, bool]: statistics_modified = False for statistic in statistics: if statistic in self.noise_generators:"AddNoiseToMinMax on {statistic} for client {client_name}") statistics = self.generate_noise(statistics, statistic) statistics_modified = True return statistics, statistics_modified