Source code for nvflare.app_common.statistics.histogram_bins_cleanser

# Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from typing import Dict, Tuple

from nvflare.apis.fl_component import FLComponent
from nvflare.app_common.abstract.statistics_spec import Histogram
from nvflare.app_common.app_constant import StatisticsConstants as StC
from nvflare.app_common.statistics.statistics_privacy_cleanser import StatisticsPrivacyCleanser

[docs]class HistogramBinsCleanser(FLComponent, StatisticsPrivacyCleanser): def __init__(self, max_bins_percent): """ max_bins_percent: max number of bins allowed in terms of percent of local data size. Set this number to avoid number of bins equal or close equal to the data size, which can lead to data leak. for example: max_bins_percent = 10, means 10% number of bins < max_bins_percent /100 * local count """ super().__init__() self.max_bins_percent = max_bins_percent self.validate_inputs()
[docs] def validate_inputs(self): if self.max_bins_percent < 0 or self.max_bins_percent > 100: raise ValueError(f"max_bins_percent {self.max_bins_percent} is not within (0, 100) ")
[docs] def hist_bins_validate(self, client_name: str, statistics: Dict) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, bool]]: result = {} if StC.STATS_HISTOGRAM in statistics: hist_statistics = statistics[StC.STATS_HISTOGRAM] for ds_name in hist_statistics: result[ds_name] = {} feature_item_counts = statistics[StC.STATS_COUNT][ds_name] feature_item_failure_counts = statistics[StC.STATS_FAILURE_COUNT][ds_name] feature_statistics = hist_statistics[ds_name] for feature in feature_statistics: hist: Histogram = feature_statistics[feature] num_of_bins: int = len(hist.bins) item_count = feature_item_counts[feature] item_failure_count = feature_item_failure_counts[feature] effective_count = item_count - item_failure_count result[ds_name][feature] = True limit_count = round(effective_count * self.max_bins_percent / 100) if num_of_bins >= limit_count: result[ds_name][feature] = False f"number of bins: '{num_of_bins}' needs to be smaller than: {limit_count}], which" f" is '{self.max_bins_percent}' percent of ( total count - failure count) '{effective_count}'" f" for feature '{feature}' in dataset '{ds_name}' for client {client_name}" ) return result
[docs] def apply(self, statistics: dict, client_name: str) -> Tuple[dict, bool]:"HistogramBinCheck for client {client_name}") if StC.STATS_HISTOGRAM in statistics: validation_result = self.hist_bins_validate(client_name, statistics) statistics_keys = [StC.STATS_HISTOGRAM] return super().cleanse(statistics, statistics_keys, validation_result) else: return statistics, False