# Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from enum import IntEnum
from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional
from nvflare.apis.fl_context import FLContext
from nvflare.app_common.abstract.init_final_component import InitFinalComponent
Statistics defines methods that user need to implement in order to calculate the local statistics
Only the metrics required by data privacy (such as count) or individual metrics of interested need to implement
class DataType(IntEnum):
INT = 0
class BinRange(NamedTuple):
# The minimum value of the bucket, inclusive.
min_value: float
# The max value of the bucket, exclusive (unless the highValue is positive infinity).
max_value: float
class Bin(NamedTuple):
# The low value of the bucket, inclusive.
low_value: float
# The high value of the bucket, exclusive (unless the highValue is positive infinity).
high_value: float
# quantile sample count could be fractional
sample_count: float
class HistogramType(IntEnum):
class Histogram(NamedTuple):
# The type of the histogram. A standard histogram has equal-width buckets.
# The quantiles type is used for when the histogram message is used to store
# quantile information (by using equal-count buckets with variable widths).
# The type of the histogram.
hist_type: HistogramType
# A list of buckets in the histogram, sorted from lowest bucket to highest bucket.
bins: List[Bin]
# An optional descriptive name of the histogram, to be used for labeling.
hist_name: Optional[str] = None
class Feature(NamedTuple):
feature_name: str
data_type: DataType
class StatisticConfig(NamedTuple):
# metric name
name: str
# metric configuration
config: dict
class Statistics(InitFinalComponent, ABC):
def initialize(self, fl_ctx: FLContext):
This is called when client is start Run. At this point
the server hasn't communicated to the Statistics calculator yet.
fl_ctx: fl_ctx: FLContext of the running environment
def pre_run(
statistics: List[str],
num_of_bins: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[int]]],
bin_ranges: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[List[float]]]],
"""This method is the initial hand-shake, where controller pass all the requested statistics configuration to client.
This method invocation is optional and Configured via controller argument. If it is configured,
this method will be called before all other statistic calculation methods
statistics: list of statistics to be calculated, count, sum, etc.
num_of_bins: if histogram statistic is required, num_of_bins will be specified for each feature.
"*" implies default feature.
None value implies the feature's number of bins is not specified.
bin_ranges: if histogram statistic is required, bin_ranges for the feature may be provided.
if bin_ranges is None. no bin_range is provided for any feature.
if bins_range is not None, but bins_ranges['feature_A'] is None, means that for specific feature
'feature_A', the bin_range is not provided by user.
Returns: Dict
return {}
def features(self) -> Dict[str, List[Feature]]:
"""Return Features for each dataset.
For example, if we have training and test datasets,
the method will return
{ "train": features1, "test": features2}
where features1,2 are the list of Features which contains feature name and DataType
Returns: Dict[<dataset_name>, List[Feature]]
raise NotImplementedError
def count(self, dataset_name: str, feature_name: str) -> int:
"""Returns record count for given dataset and feature.
to perform data privacy min_count check, count is always required
Returns: number of total records
raise NotImplementedError
def sum(self, dataset_name: str, feature_name: str) -> float:
"""Calculate local sums for given dataset and feature.
Returns: sum of all records
NotImplementedError will be raised when sum statistic is configured but not implemented. If the sum is not
configured to be calculated, no need to implement this method and NotImplementedError will not be raised.
raise NotImplementedError
def mean(self, dataset_name: str, feature_name: str) -> float:
dataset_name: dataset name
feature_name: feature name
Returns: mean (average) value
NotImplementedError will be raised when mean statistic is configured but not implemented. If the mean is not
configured to be calculated, no need to implement this method and NotImplementedError will not be raised.
raise NotImplementedError
def stddev(self, dataset_name: str, feature_name: str) -> float:
"""Get local stddev value for given dataset and feature.
dataset_name: dataset name
feature_name: feature name
Returns: local standard deviation
NotImplementedError will be raised when stddev statistic is configured but not implemented. If the stddev is not
configured to be calculated, no need to implement this method and NotImplementedError will not be raised.
raise NotImplementedError
def variance_with_mean(
dataset_name: str,
feature_name: str,
global_mean: float,
global_count: float,
) -> float:
"""Calculate the variance with the given mean and count values.
This is not local variance based on the local mean values.
The calculation should be::
m = global mean
N = global Count
variance = (sum ( x - m)^2))/ (N-1)
This is used to calculate global standard deviation.
Therefore, this method must be implemented if stddev statistic is requested
dataset_name: dataset name
feature_name: feature name
global_mean: global mean value
global_count: total count records across all sites
Returns: variance result
NotImplementedError will be raised when stddev statistic is configured but not implemented. If the stddev is not
configured to be calculated, no need to implement this method and NotImplementedError will not be raised.
raise NotImplementedError
def histogram(
self, dataset_name: str, feature_name: str, num_of_bins: int, global_min_value: float, global_max_value: float
) -> Histogram:
dataset_name: dataset name
feature_name: feature name
num_of_bins: number of bins or buckets
global_min_value: global min value for the histogram range
global_max_value: global max value for the histogram range
Returns: histogram
NotImplementedError will be raised when histogram statistic is configured but not implemented. If the histogram
is not configured to be calculated, no need to implement this method and NotImplementedError will not be raised.
raise NotImplementedError
def max_value(self, dataset_name: str, feature_name: str) -> float:
"""Returns max value.
This method is only needed when "histogram" statistic is configured and the histogram range is not specified.
And the histogram range needs to dynamically estimated based on the client's local min/max values.
this method returns local max value. The actual max value will not directly return to the FL server.
the data privacy policy will add additional noise to the estimated value.
dataset_name: dataset name
feature_name: feature name
Returns: local max value
NotImplementedError will be raised when histogram statistic is configured and histogram range for the
given feature is not specified, and this method is not implemented. If the histogram
is not configured to be calculated; or the given feature histogram range is already specified.
no need to implement this method and NotImplementedError will not be raised.
raise NotImplementedError
def min_value(self, dataset_name: str, feature_name: str) -> float:
"""Returns min value.
This method is only needed when "histogram" statistic is configured and the histogram range is not specified.
And the histogram range needs to dynamically estimated based on the client's local min/max values.
this method returns local min value. The actual min value will not directly return to the FL server.
the data privacy policy will add additional noise to the estimated value.
dataset_name: dataset name
feature_name: feature name
Returns: local min value
NotImplementedError will be raised when histogram statistic is configured and histogram range for the
given feature is not specified, and this method is not implemented. If the histogram
is not configured to be calculated; or the given feature histogram range is already specified.
no need to implement this method and NotImplementedError will not be raised.
raise NotImplementedError
def failure_count(self, dataset_name: str, feature_name: str) -> int:
"""Return failed count for given dataset and feature.
To perform data privacy min_count check, failure_count is always required.
Returns: number of failure records, default to 0
return 0
def finalize(self, fl_ctx: FLContext):
"""Called to finalize the Statistic calculator (close/release resources gracefully).
After this call, the Learner will be destroyed.