Source code for nvflare.private.fed_json_config

# Copyright (c) 2021-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import re

from nvflare.apis.filter import Filter
from nvflare.fuel.utils.json_scanner import Node
from nvflare.private.json_configer import ConfigContext, ConfigError, JsonConfigurator

[docs]class FilterChain(object): def __init__(self): """To init the FilterChain.""" self.tasks = [] self.filters = []
[docs]class FedJsonConfigurator(JsonConfigurator): def __init__(self, config_file_name: str, base_pkgs: [str], module_names: [str], exclude_libs=True): """To init the FedJsonConfigurator. Args: config_file_name: config filename base_pkgs: base packages need to be scanned module_names: module names need to be scanned exclude_libs: True/False to exclude the libs folder """ JsonConfigurator.__init__( self, config_file_name=config_file_name, base_pkgs=base_pkgs, module_names=module_names, exclude_libs=exclude_libs, ) self.format_version = None self.handlers = [] self.components = {} # id => component self.task_data_filter_chains = [] self.task_result_filter_chains = [] self.current_filter_chain = None self.data_filter_table = None self.result_filter_table = None
[docs] def process_config_element(self, config_ctx: ConfigContext, node: Node): element = node.element path = node.path() if path == "format_version": self.format_version = element return # if"^handlers\.#[0-9]+$", path): # h = self.build_component(element) # if not isinstance(h, FLComponent): # raise ConfigError("handler must be a FLComponent object, but got {}".format(type(h))) # # Ensure only add one instance of the handlers for the same component # if type(h).__name__ not in [type(t).__name__ for t in self.handlers]: # self.handlers.append(h) # return if"^components\.#[0-9]+$", path): c = self.build_component(element) cid = element.get("id", None) if not cid: raise ConfigError("missing component id") if not isinstance(cid, str): raise ConfigError('"id" must be str but got {}'.format(type(cid))) if cid in self.components: raise ConfigError('duplicate component id "{}"'.format(cid)) self.components[cid] = c return # result filters if"^task_result_filters\.#[0-9]+$", path): self.current_filter_chain = FilterChain() node.props["data"] = self.current_filter_chain node.exit_cb = self._process_result_filter_chain return if"^task_result_filters\.#[0-9]+\.tasks$", path): self.current_filter_chain.tasks = element return if"^task_result_filters.#[0-9]+\.filters\.#[0-9]+$", path): f = self.build_component(element) self.current_filter_chain.filters.append(f) return # data filters if"^task_data_filters\.#[0-9]+$", path): self.current_filter_chain = FilterChain() node.props["data"] = self.current_filter_chain node.exit_cb = self._process_data_filter_chain return if"^task_data_filters\.#[0-9]+\.tasks$", path): self.current_filter_chain.tasks = element return if"^task_data_filters.#[0-9]+\.filters\.#[0-9]+$", path): f = self.build_component(element) self.current_filter_chain.filters.append(f) return
[docs] def validate_tasks(self, tasks): if not isinstance(tasks, list): raise ConfigError('"tasks" must be specified as list of task names but got {}'.format(type(tasks))) if len(tasks) <= 0: raise ConfigError('"tasks" must not be empty') for n in tasks: if not isinstance(n, str): raise ConfigError("task names must be string but got {}".format(type(n)))
[docs] def validate_filter_chain(self, chain: FilterChain): self.validate_tasks(chain.tasks) if not isinstance(chain.filters, list): raise ConfigError('"filters" must be specified as list of filters but got {}'.format(type(chain.filters))) if len(chain.filters) <= 0: raise ConfigError('"filters" must not be empty') for f in chain.filters: if not isinstance(f, Filter): raise ConfigError('"filters" must contain Filter object but got {}'.format(type(f)))
def _process_result_filter_chain(self, node: Node): filter_chain = node.props["data"] self.validate_filter_chain(filter_chain) self.task_result_filter_chains.append(filter_chain) def _process_data_filter_chain(self, node: Node): filter_chain = node.props["data"] self.validate_filter_chain(filter_chain) self.task_data_filter_chains.append(filter_chain)
[docs] def finalize_config(self, config_ctx: ConfigContext): if self.format_version is None: raise ConfigError("missing format_version") if not isinstance(self.format_version, int): raise ConfigError('"format_version" must be int, but got {}'.format(type(self.format_version))) if self.format_version != 2: raise ConfigError('wrong "format_version" {}: must be 2'.format(self.format_version)) data_filter_table = {} for c in self.task_data_filter_chains: if not isinstance(c, FilterChain): raise TypeError("chain must be FilterChain but got {}".format(type(c))) for t in c.tasks: if t in data_filter_table: raise ConfigError("multiple data filter chains defined for task {}".format(t)) data_filter_table[t] = c.filters self.data_filter_table = data_filter_table result_filter_table = {} for c in self.task_result_filter_chains: if not isinstance(c, FilterChain): raise TypeError("chain must be FilterChain but got {}".format(type(c))) for t in c.tasks: if t in result_filter_table: raise ConfigError("multiple data filter chains defined for task {}".format(t)) result_filter_table[t] = c.filters self.result_filter_table = result_filter_table