Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2021-2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Federated server launching script."""

import argparse
import logging
import os
import sys

from nvflare.apis.fl_constant import WorkspaceConstants
from nvflare.fuel.common.excepts import ConfigError
from import hash_password
from nvflare.fuel.hci.server.authz import AuthorizationService
from nvflare.fuel.sec.audit import AuditService
from nvflare.fuel.sec.security_content_service import SecurityContentService
from nvflare.fuel.utils.argument_utils import parse_vars
from nvflare.private.defs import AppFolderConstants, SSLConstants
from import FLServerStarterConfiger
from nvflare.private.fed.server.admin import FedAdminServer
from nvflare.private.fed.server.fed_server import FederatedServer
from nvflare.private.fed.utils.fed_utils import add_logfile_handler, secure_content_check
from import EmptyAuthorizer, FLAuthorizer

[docs]def main(): if sys.version_info >= (3, 9): raise RuntimeError("Python versions 3.9 and above are not yet supported. Please use Python 3.8 or 3.7.") if sys.version_info < (3, 7): raise RuntimeError("Python versions 3.6 and below are not supported. Please use Python 3.8 or 3.7.") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--workspace", "-m", type=str, help="WORKSPACE folder", required=True) parser.add_argument( "--fed_server", "-s", type=str, help="an aggregation server specification json file", required=True ) parser.add_argument("--set", metavar="KEY=VALUE", nargs="*") args = parser.parse_args() kv_list = parse_vars(args.set) config_folder = kv_list.get("config_folder", "") if config_folder == "": args.server_config = AppFolderConstants.CONFIG_FED_SERVER else: args.server_config = os.path.join(config_folder, AppFolderConstants.CONFIG_FED_SERVER) # TODO:: remove env and train config since they are not core args.env = os.path.join("config", AppFolderConstants.CONFIG_ENV) args.train_config = os.path.join("config", AppFolderConstants.CONFIG_TRAIN) args.config_folder = config_folder logger = logging.getLogger() args.log_config = None for name in [WorkspaceConstants.RESTART_FILE, WorkspaceConstants.SHUTDOWN_FILE]: try: f = os.path.join(args.workspace, name) if os.path.exists(f): os.remove(f) except BaseException: print("Could not remove the {} file. Please check your system before starting FL.".format(name)) sys.exit(-1) try: os.chdir(args.workspace) startup = os.path.join(args.workspace, "startup") conf = FLServerStarterConfiger( app_root=startup, server_config_file_name=args.fed_server, log_config_file_name=WorkspaceConstants.LOGGING_CONFIG, kv_list=args.set, ) log_level = os.environ.get("FL_LOG_LEVEL", "") numeric_level = getattr(logging, log_level.upper(), None) if isinstance(numeric_level, int): logging.getLogger().setLevel(numeric_level) logger.debug("loglevel debug enabled")"loglevel info enabled") logger.warning("loglevel warn enabled") logger.error("loglevel error enabled") logger.critical("loglevel critical enabled") conf.configure() log_file = os.path.join(args.workspace, "log.txt") add_logfile_handler(log_file) deployer = conf.deployer secure_train = conf.cmd_vars.get("secure_train", False) security_check(secure_train=secure_train, content_folder=startup, fed_server_config=args.fed_server) try: # Deploy the FL server services = deployer.deploy(args) first_server = sorted(conf.config_data["servers"])[0] # allow command to overwrite the admin_host if conf.cmd_vars.get("host", None): first_server["admin_host"] = conf.cmd_vars["host"] admin_server = create_admin_server( services, server_conf=first_server, args=args, secure_train=secure_train, app_validator=deployer.app_validator, ) admin_server.start() services.platform = "PT" services.set_admin_server(admin_server) finally: deployer.close()"Server started") except ConfigError as ex: print("ConfigError:", str(ex)) finally: pass
[docs]def security_check(secure_train: bool, content_folder: str, fed_server_config: str): """To check the security content if running in security mode. Args: secure_train (bool): if run in secure mode or not. content_folder (str): the folder to check. fed_server_config (str): fed_server.json """ # initialize the SecurityContentService. # must do this before initializing other services since it may be needed by them! SecurityContentService.initialize(content_folder=content_folder) if secure_train: insecure_list = secure_content_check(fed_server_config, site_type="server") if len(insecure_list): print("The following files are not secure content.") for item in insecure_list: print(item) sys.exit(1) # initialize the AuditService, which is used by command processing. # The Audit Service can be used in other places as well. AuditService.initialize(audit_file_name=WorkspaceConstants.AUDIT_LOG) # Initialize the AuthorizationService. It is used by command authorization # We use FLAuthorizer for policy processing. # AuthorizationService depends on SecurityContentService to read authorization policy file. if secure_train: _, err = AuthorizationService.initialize(FLAuthorizer()) else: _, err = AuthorizationService.initialize(EmptyAuthorizer()) if err: print("AuthorizationService error: {}".format(err)) sys.exit(1)
[docs]def create_admin_server( fl_server: FederatedServer, server_conf=None, args=None, secure_train=False, app_validator=None ): """To create the admin server. Args: fl_server: fl_server server_conf: server config args: command args secure_train: True/False app_validator: application validator Returns: A FedAdminServer. """ users = {} # Create a default user admin:admin for the POC insecure use case. if not secure_train: users = {"admin": hash_password("admin")} root_cert = server_conf[SSLConstants.ROOT_CERT] if secure_train else None server_cert = server_conf[SSLConstants.CERT] if secure_train else None server_key = server_conf[SSLConstants.PRIVATE_KEY] if secure_train else None admin_server = FedAdminServer( fed_admin_interface=fl_server.engine, users=users, cmd_modules=fl_server.cmd_modules, file_upload_dir=os.path.join(args.workspace, server_conf.get("admin_storage", "tmp")), file_download_dir=os.path.join(args.workspace, server_conf.get("admin_storage", "tmp")), allowed_shell_cmds=None, host=server_conf.get("admin_host", "localhost"), port=server_conf.get("admin_port", 5005), ca_cert_file_name=root_cert, server_cert_file_name=server_cert, server_key_file_name=server_key, accepted_client_cns=None, app_validator=app_validator, download_job_url=server_conf.get("download_job_url", "http://"), ) return admin_server
if __name__ == "__main__": """ This is the main program when starting the NVIDIA FLARE server process. """ main()