nvflare.app_common.workflows.hierarchical_statistics_controller module

class HierarchicalStatisticsController(statistic_configs: Dict[str, dict], writer_id: str, wait_time_after_min_received: int = 1, result_wait_timeout: int = 10, precision=4, min_clients: int | None = None, enable_pre_run_task: bool = True, hierarchy_config: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: StatisticsController

Controller for hierarchical statistics.

  • statistic_configs – defines the input statistic to be computed and each statistic’s configuration, see below for details.

  • writer_id – ID for StatisticsWriter. The StatisticWriter will save the result to output specified by the StatisticsWriter

  • wait_time_after_min_received – numbers of seconds to wait after minimum numer of clients specified has received.

  • result_wait_timeout – numbers of seconds to wait until we received all results. Notice this is after the min_clients have arrived, and we wait for result process callback, this becomes important if the data size to be processed is large

  • precision – number of precision digits

  • min_clients – if specified, min number of clients we have to wait before process.

  • hierarchy_config – Hierarchy specification file providing details about all the clients and their hierarchy.

This class is derived from ‘StatisticsController’ and overrides only methods required to output calculated global statistics in given hierarchical order.

For statistic_configs, the key is one of statistics’ names sum, count, mean, stddev, histogram, and the value is the arguments needed. All other statistics except histogram require no argument.

"statistic_configs": {
    "count": {},
    "mean": {},
    "sum": {},
    "stddev": {},
    "histogram": {
        "*": {"bins": 20},
        "Age": {"bins": 10, "range": [0, 120]}
Histogram requires the following arguments:
  1. numbers of bins or buckets of the histogram

  2. the histogram range values [min, max]

These arguments are different for each feature. Here are few examples:

"histogram": {
                "*": {"bins": 20 },
                "Age": {"bins": 10, "range":[0,120]}

The configuration specifies that the feature ‘Age’ will have 10 bins for and the range is within [0, 120). For all other features, the default (“*”) configuration is used, with bins = 20. The range of histogram is not specified, thus requires the Statistics controller to dynamically estimate histogram range for each feature. Then this estimated global range (est global min, est. global max) will be used as the histogram range.

To dynamically estimate such a histogram range, we need the client to provide the local min and max values in order to calculate the global bin and max value. In order to protect data privacy and avoid data leakage, a noise level is added to the local min/max value before sending to the controller. Therefore the controller only gets the ‘estimated’ values, and the global min/max are estimated, or more accurately, they are noised global min/max values.

Here is another example:

"histogram": {
                "density": {"bins": 10, "range":[0,120]}

In this example, there is no default histogram configuration for other features.

This will work correctly if there is only one feature called “density” but will fail if there are other features in the dataset.

In the following configuration:

"statistic_configs": {
    "count": {},
    "mean": {},
    "stddev": {}

Only count, mean and stddev statistics are specified, so the statistics_controller will only set tasks to calculate these three statistics.

For ‘hierarchy_config’, below is an example hierarchy specification with 4 level hierarchy for 9 NVFLARE clients with the names ranging from ‘Device-1’ to ‘Device-9’ and with hierarchical levels named ‘Manufacturers’, ‘Orgs’, ‘Locations’, ‘Devices’ with ‘Manufacturers’ being the top most hierarchical level and “Devices” being the lowest hierarchical level:

     "Manufacturers": [
         "Name": "Manufacturer-1",
         "Orgs": [
             "Name": "Org-1",
             "Locations": [
                 "Name": "Location-1",
                 "Devices": ["Device-1", "Device-2"]
                 "Name": "Location-2",
                 "Devices": ["Device-3"]
             "Name": "Org-2",
             "Locations": [
                 "Name": "Location-1",
                 "Devices": ["Device-4", "Device-5"]
                 "Name": "Location-2",
                 "Devices": ["Device-6"]
         "Name": "Manufacturer-2",
         "Orgs": [
             "Name": "Org-3",
             "Locations": [
                 "Name": "Location-1",
                 "Devices": ["Device-7", "Device-8"]
                 "Name": "Location-6",
                 "Devices": ["Device-9"]
statistics_task_flow(abort_signal: Signal, fl_ctx: FLContext, statistic_task: str)[source]

Statistics task flow for the given task.

  • abort_signal – Abort signal.

  • fl_ctx – The FLContext.

  • statistic_task – Statistics task.