nvflare.app_common.workflows.cyclic_ctl module

class CyclicController(num_rounds: int = 5, task_assignment_timeout: int = 10, persistor_id='persistor', shareable_generator_id='shareable_generator', task_name='train', task_check_period: float = 0.5, persist_every_n_rounds: int = 1, snapshot_every_n_rounds: int = 1, order: str | List[str] = 'FIXED', allow_early_termination=False)[source]

Bases: Controller

A sample implementation to demonstrate how to use relay method for Cyclic Federated Learning.

  • num_rounds (int, optional) – number of rounds this controller should perform. Defaults to 5.

  • task_assignment_timeout (int, optional) – timeout (in sec) to determine if one client fails to request the task which it is assigned to . Defaults to 10.

  • persistor_id (str, optional) – id of the persistor so this controller can save a global model. Defaults to “persistor”.

  • shareable_generator_id (str, optional) – id of shareable generator. Defaults to “shareable_generator”.

  • task_name (str, optional) – the task name that clients know how to handle. Defaults to “train”.

  • task_check_period (float, optional) – interval for checking status of tasks. Defaults to 0.5.

  • persist_every_n_rounds (int, optional) – persist the global model every n rounds. Defaults to 1. If n is 0 then no persist.

  • snapshot_every_n_rounds (int, optional) – persist the server state every n rounds. Defaults to 1. If n is 0 then no persist.

  • order (Union[str, List[str]], optional) –

    The order of relay.

    • If a string is provided:

      • ”FIXED”: Same order for every round.

      • ”RANDOM”: Random order for every round.

      • ”RANDOM_WITHOUT_SAME_IN_A_ROW”: Shuffled order, no repetition in consecutive rounds.

    • If a list of strings is provided, it represents a custom order for relay.

  • allow_early_termination – whether to allow early workflow termination from clients


TypeError – when any of input arguments does not have correct type

control_flow(abort_signal: Signal, fl_ctx: FLContext)[source]

This is the control logic for the RUN.

NOTE: this is running in a separate thread, and its life is the duration of the RUN.

  • fl_ctx – the FL context

  • abort_signal – the abort signal. If triggered, this method stops waiting and returns to the caller.

get_persist_state(fl_ctx: FLContext) dict[source]

Generate data from state to be persisted.


fl_ctx – FLContext


A dict serializable persist data

process_result_of_unknown_task(client: Client, task_name: str, client_task_id: str, result: Shareable, fl_ctx: FLContext)[source]

Process result when no task is found for it.

This is called when a result submission is received from a client, but no standing task can be found for it (from the task queue)

This could happen when: - the client’s submission is too late - the task is already completed - the Controller lost the task, e.g. the Server is restarted

  • client – the client that the result comes from

  • task_name – the name of the task

  • client_task_id – ID of the task

  • result – the result from the client

  • fl_ctx – the FL context that comes with the client’s submission

restore(state_data: dict, fl_ctx: FLContext)[source]

Restore the state from persisted data.

  • state_data – serialized persist data

  • fl_ctx – FLContext

start_controller(fl_ctx: FLContext)[source]

Starts the controller.

This method is called at the beginning of the RUN.

  • fl_ctx – the FL context. You can use this context to access services provided by the

  • example (framework. For)

  • your (you can get Command Register from it and register)

  • modules. (admin command)

stop_controller(fl_ctx: FLContext)[source]

Stops the controller.

This method is called right before the RUN is ended.

  • fl_ctx – the FL context. You can use this context to access services provided by the

  • example (framework. For)

  • your (you can get Command Register from it and unregister)

  • modules. (admin command)

class RelayOrder[source]

Bases: object