Source code for nvflare.lighter.ctx

# Copyright (c) 2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import os

import yaml

from nvflare.lighter import utils

from .constants import CtxKey, PropKey, ProvisionMode
from .entity import Entity, Project

[docs] class ProvisionContext(dict): def __init__(self, workspace_root_dir: str, project: Project): super().__init__() self[CtxKey.WORKSPACE] = workspace_root_dir wip_dir = os.path.join(workspace_root_dir, "wip") state_dir = os.path.join(workspace_root_dir, "state") resources_dir = os.path.join(workspace_root_dir, "resources") self.update({CtxKey.WIP: wip_dir, CtxKey.STATE: state_dir, CtxKey.RESOURCES: resources_dir}) dirs = [workspace_root_dir, resources_dir, wip_dir, state_dir] utils.make_dirs(dirs) # set commonly used data into ctx self[CtxKey.PROJECT] = project server = project.get_server() admin_port = server.get_prop(PropKey.ADMIN_PORT, 8003) self[CtxKey.ADMIN_PORT] = admin_port fed_learn_port = server.get_prop(PropKey.FED_LEARN_PORT, 8002) self[CtxKey.FED_LEARN_PORT] = fed_learn_port self[CtxKey.SERVER_NAME] =
[docs] def get_project(self): return self.get(CtxKey.PROJECT)
[docs] def set_template(self, template: dict): self[CtxKey.TEMPLATE] = template
[docs] def get_template(self): return self.get(CtxKey.TEMPLATE)
[docs] def get_template_section(self, section_key: str): template = self.get_template() if not template: raise RuntimeError("template is not available") section = template.get(section_key) if not section: raise RuntimeError(f"missing section {section} in template") return section
[docs] def set_provision_mode(self, mode: str): valid_modes = [ProvisionMode.POC, ProvisionMode.NORMAL] if mode not in valid_modes: raise ValueError(f"invalid provision mode {mode}: must be one of {valid_modes}") self[CtxKey.PROVISION_MODE] = mode
[docs] def get_provision_mode(self): return self.get(CtxKey.PROVISION_MODE)
[docs] def get_wip_dir(self): return self.get(CtxKey.WIP)
[docs] def get_ws_dir(self, entity: Entity): return os.path.join(self.get_wip_dir(),
[docs] def get_kit_dir(self, entity: Entity): return os.path.join(self.get_ws_dir(entity), "startup")
[docs] def get_transfer_dir(self, entity: Entity): return os.path.join(self.get_ws_dir(entity), "transfer")
[docs] def get_local_dir(self, entity: Entity): return os.path.join(self.get_ws_dir(entity), "local")
[docs] def get_state_dir(self): return self.get(CtxKey.STATE)
[docs] def get_resources_dir(self): return self.get(CtxKey.RESOURCES)
[docs] def get_workspace(self): return self.get(CtxKey.WORKSPACE)
[docs] def yaml_load_template_section(self, section_key: str): return yaml.safe_load(self.get_template_section(section_key))
[docs] def json_load_template_section(self, section_key: str): return json.loads(self.get_template_section(section_key))
[docs] def build_from_template( self, dest_dir: str, temp_section: str, file_name, replacement=None, mode="t", exe=False, content_modify_cb=None, **cb_kwargs, ): """Build a file from a template section and writes it to the specified location. Args: dest_dir: destination directory temp_section: template section key file_name: file name replacement: replacement dict mode: file mode exe: executable content_modify_cb: content modification callback, can be included to take the section content as the first argument and return the modified content cb_kwargs: additional keyword arguments for the callback """ section = self.get_template_section(temp_section) if replacement: section = utils.sh_replace(section, replacement) if content_modify_cb: section = content_modify_cb(section, **cb_kwargs) utils.write(os.path.join(dest_dir, file_name), section, mode, exe=exe)