# Copyright (c) 2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import threading
from nvflare.apis.fl_component import FLComponent
from nvflare.apis.fl_context import FLContext
from nvflare.apis.shareable import Shareable
from nvflare.app_opt.xgboost.histogram_based_v2.defs import Constant
from nvflare.app_opt.xgboost.histogram_based_v2.sec.sec_handler import SecurityHandler
from nvflare.app_opt.he import decomposers
tenseal_imported = True
except Exception:
tenseal_imported = False
class ServerSecurityHandler(SecurityHandler):
def __init__(self):
self.encrypted_gh = None
self.gh_source_rank = 0
self.gh_seq = 0
self.gh_original_buf_size = 0
self.aggr_seq = 0
self.aggr_result_dict = None
self.aggr_result_to_send = None
self.aggr_result_lock = threading.Lock()
self.world_size = 0
self.size_dict = None
if tenseal_imported:
def _process_before_broadcast(self, fl_ctx: FLContext):
self.info(fl_ctx, "start")
rank = fl_ctx.get_prop(Constant.PARAM_KEY_RANK)
seq = fl_ctx.get_prop(Constant.PARAM_KEY_SEQ)
request = fl_ctx.get_prop(Constant.PARAM_KEY_REQUEST)
assert isinstance(request, Shareable)
has_encrypted_gh = request.get_header(Constant.HEADER_KEY_ENCRYPTED_DATA)
self.info(fl_ctx, f"{has_encrypted_gh=}")
if not has_encrypted_gh:
self.info(fl_ctx, "not for gh broadcast - ignore")
self.encrypted_gh = fl_ctx.get_prop(Constant.PARAM_KEY_SEND_BUF)
self.gh_source_rank = rank
self.gh_seq = seq
self.gh_original_buf_size = request.get_header(Constant.HEADER_KEY_ORIGINAL_BUF_SIZE)
self.info(fl_ctx, f"got gh bcst: encrypted_gh={len(self.encrypted_gh)} orig_buf={self.gh_original_buf_size}")
# only need to send a small dummy buffer to the server
dummy_buf = os.urandom(Constant.DUMMY_BUFFER_SIZE)
fl_ctx.set_prop(key=Constant.PARAM_KEY_SEND_BUF, value=dummy_buf, private=True, sticky=False)
def _process_after_broadcast(self, fl_ctx: FLContext):
# this is called after the Server already received broadcast calls from all clients of the same sequence
self.info(fl_ctx, "start")
rank = fl_ctx.get_prop(Constant.PARAM_KEY_RANK)
seq = fl_ctx.get_prop(Constant.PARAM_KEY_SEQ)
if seq != self.gh_seq:
# this is not a gh broadcast
self.info(fl_ctx, "not gh bcast - ignore")
reply = fl_ctx.get_prop(Constant.PARAM_KEY_REPLY)
assert isinstance(reply, Shareable)
reply.set_header(Constant.HEADER_KEY_ENCRYPTED_DATA, True)
reply.set_header(Constant.HEADER_KEY_ORIGINAL_BUF_SIZE, self.gh_original_buf_size)
if rank == self.gh_source_rank:
# no need to send any data back to label client
self.info(fl_ctx, f"return dummy to gh source {rank}")
fl_ctx.set_prop(key=Constant.PARAM_KEY_RCV_BUF, value=None, private=True, sticky=False)
# send encrypted ghs
self.info(fl_ctx, f"return {len(self.encrypted_gh)=} to non-label {rank}")
fl_ctx.set_prop(key=Constant.PARAM_KEY_RCV_BUF, value=self.encrypted_gh, private=True, sticky=False)
def _process_before_all_gather_v(self, fl_ctx: FLContext):
request = fl_ctx.get_prop(Constant.PARAM_KEY_REQUEST)
assert isinstance(request, Shareable)
has_encrypted_data = request.get_header(Constant.HEADER_KEY_ENCRYPTED_DATA)
self.info(fl_ctx, f"{has_encrypted_data=}")
if not has_encrypted_data:
self.info(fl_ctx, "start - non-secure data")
horizontal = request.get_header(Constant.HEADER_KEY_HORIZONTAL)
training_mode = "horizontal" if horizontal else "vertical"
self.info(fl_ctx, f"start - {training_mode}")
fl_ctx.set_prop(key=Constant.HEADER_KEY_IN_AGGR, value=True, private=True, sticky=False)
fl_ctx.set_prop(key=Constant.HEADER_KEY_HORIZONTAL, value=horizontal, private=True, sticky=False)
rank = fl_ctx.get_prop(Constant.PARAM_KEY_RANK)
send_buf = fl_ctx.get_prop(Constant.PARAM_KEY_SEND_BUF)
if send_buf:
if horizontal:
length = send_buf.size()
length = len(send_buf)
# the send_buf contains encoded aggr result (str) or CKKS vector from this rank
self.info(fl_ctx, f"got encrypted aggr data: {length} bytes")
with self.aggr_result_lock:
self.aggr_result_to_send = None
if not self.aggr_result_dict:
self.aggr_result_dict = {}
self.aggr_result_dict[rank] = send_buf
self.info(fl_ctx, f"no aggr data from {rank=}")
if self.size_dict is None:
self.size_dict = {}
self.size_dict[rank] = request.get_header(Constant.HEADER_KEY_ORIGINAL_BUF_SIZE)
# only send a dummy to the Server
key=Constant.PARAM_KEY_SEND_BUF, value=os.urandom(Constant.DUMMY_BUFFER_SIZE), private=True, sticky=False
self.info(fl_ctx, "send dummy buf to XGB server")
def _process_after_all_gather_v(self, fl_ctx: FLContext):
# this is called after the Server has finished gathering
# Note: this fl_ctx is the same as the one in _process_before_all_gather_v!
rank = fl_ctx.get_prop(Constant.PARAM_KEY_RANK)
in_aggr = fl_ctx.get_prop(Constant.HEADER_KEY_IN_AGGR)
self.info(fl_ctx, f"start {in_aggr=}")
if not in_aggr:
self.info(fl_ctx, "not in_aggr - ignore")
reply = fl_ctx.get_prop(Constant.PARAM_KEY_REPLY)
assert isinstance(reply, Shareable)
horizontal = fl_ctx.get_prop(Constant.HEADER_KEY_HORIZONTAL)
reply.set_header(Constant.HEADER_KEY_ENCRYPTED_DATA, True)
reply.set_header(Constant.HEADER_KEY_HORIZONTAL, horizontal)
with self.aggr_result_lock:
if not self.aggr_result_to_send:
if not self.aggr_result_dict:
return self._abort(f"Rank {rank}: no aggr result after AllGatherV!", fl_ctx)
if horizontal:
self.aggr_result_to_send = self._histogram_sum(fl_ctx)
self.aggr_result_to_send = self.aggr_result_dict
# reset aggr_result_dict for next gather
self.aggr_result_dict = None
self.world_size = len(self.size_dict)
reply.set_header(Constant.HEADER_KEY_WORLD_SIZE, self.world_size)
reply.set_header(Constant.HEADER_KEY_SIZE_DICT, self.size_dict)
if horizontal:
length = self.aggr_result_to_send.size()
length = len(self.aggr_result_to_send)
self.info(fl_ctx, f"aggr_result_to_send {length}")
fl_ctx.set_prop(key=Constant.PARAM_KEY_RCV_BUF, value=self.aggr_result_to_send, private=True, sticky=False)
def _histogram_sum(self, fl_ctx: FLContext):
result = None
for rank, vector in self.aggr_result_dict.items():
if not result:
result = vector
result = result + vector
return result