Source code for nvflare.app_opt.xgboost.histogram_based_v2.sec.partial_he.util

# Copyright (c) 2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import json
from base64 import urlsafe_b64decode, urlsafe_b64encode
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify

# ipcl_python is not a required dependency. The import error causes unit test failure so make it optional
    import ipcl_python
    from ipcl_python import PaillierEncryptedNumber as EncryptedNumber
    from ipcl_python.ipcl_python import BNUtils, ipclCipherText

    ipcl_imported = True
except Exception:
    ipcl_imported = False

SCALE_FACTOR = 10000000000000

[docs] def generate_keys(n_length=1024): return ipcl_python.PaillierKeypair.generate_keypair(n_length=n_length, enable_DJN=ENABLE_DJN)
[docs] def encrypt_number(pubkey, ciphertext, exponent): return EncryptedNumber(pubkey, ciphertext, [exponent], 1)
[docs] def create_pub_key(key, n_length=1024): return ipcl_python.PaillierPublicKey(key=key, n_length=n_length, enable_DJN=ENABLE_DJN)
[docs] def ciphertext_to_int(d): cifer = d.ciphertextBN() return BNUtils.BN2int(cifer[0])
[docs] def int_to_ciphertext(d, pubkey): return ipclCipherText(pubkey.pubkey, BNUtils.int2BN(d))
[docs] def get_exponent(d): return d.exponent(idx=0)
# base64 utils from jwcrypto
[docs] def base64url_encode(payload): if not isinstance(payload, bytes): payload = payload.encode("utf-8") encode = urlsafe_b64encode(payload) return encode.decode("utf-8").rstrip("=")
[docs] def base64url_decode(payload): l = len(payload) % 4 if l == 2: payload += "==" elif l == 3: payload += "=" elif l != 0: raise ValueError("Invalid base64 string") return urlsafe_b64decode(payload.encode("utf-8"))
[docs] def base64_to_int(source): return int(hexlify(base64url_decode(source)), 16)
[docs] def int_to_base64(source): assert source != 0 I = hex(source).rstrip("L").lstrip("0x") return base64url_encode(unhexlify((len(I) % 2) * "0" + I))
[docs] def combine(g, h): return g * SCALE_FACTOR + h
[docs] def split(d): combined_g = d / SCALE_FACTOR g = int(round(combined_g, 0)) h = d - g * SCALE_FACTOR return g, h
def _encode_encrypted_numbers(numbers): result = [] for x in numbers: if isinstance(x, EncryptedNumber): result.append((int_to_base64(ciphertext_to_int(x)), get_exponent(x))) else: result.append(x) return result
[docs] def encode_encrypted_numbers_to_str(numbers): return json.dumps(_encode_encrypted_numbers(numbers))
[docs] def encode_encrypted_data(pubkey, encrypted_numbers) -> str: result = {"key": {"n": int_to_base64(pubkey.n)}, "nums": _encode_encrypted_numbers(encrypted_numbers)} return json.dumps(result)
[docs] def decode_encrypted_data(encoded: str, n_length=1024): data = json.loads(encoded) pubkey = create_pub_key(key=base64_to_int(data["key"]["n"]), n_length=n_length) numbers = data["nums"] result = _decode_encrypted_numbers(pubkey, numbers) return pubkey, result
[docs] def decode_encrypted_numbers_from_str(pubkey, encoded: str): j = json.loads(encoded) return _decode_encrypted_numbers(pubkey, j)
def _decode_encrypted_numbers(pubkey, data): result = [] for v in data: if isinstance(v, int): d = v else: d = encrypt_number( pubkey, ciphertext=int_to_ciphertext(base64_to_int(v[0]), pubkey=pubkey), exponent=int(v[1]) ) result.append(d) return result
[docs] def encode_feature_aggregations(aggrs: list): return json.dumps(aggrs)
[docs] def decode_feature_aggregations(pubkey, encoded: str): result = [] aggrs = json.loads(encoded) for aggr in aggrs: feature_id, gid, encoded_nums_str = aggr encrypted_numbers = decode_encrypted_numbers_from_str(pubkey, encoded_nums_str) result.append((feature_id, gid, encrypted_numbers)) return result