# Copyright (c) 2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import time
from nvflare.apis.fl_context import FLContext
from nvflare.apis.workspace import Workspace
from nvflare.app_common.tie.applet import Applet
from nvflare.app_common.tie.cli_applet import CLIApplet
from nvflare.app_common.tie.defs import Constant as TieConstant
from nvflare.app_common.tie.process_mgr import CommandDescriptor, ProcessManager, start_process
from nvflare.app_opt.flower.defs import Constant
from nvflare.fuel.f3.drivers.net_utils import get_open_tcp_port
from nvflare.fuel.utils.grpc_utils import create_channel
from nvflare.security.logging import secure_format_exception
class FlowerClientApplet(CLIApplet):
def __init__(self, extra_env: dict = None):
"""Constructor of FlowerClientApplet, which extends CLIApplet."""
self.extra_env = extra_env
def get_command(self, ctx: dict) -> CommandDescriptor:
"""Implementation of the get_command method required by the super class CLIApplet.
It returns the CLI command for starting Flower's client app, as well as the full path of the log file
for the client app.
ctx: the applet run context
Returns: CLI command for starting client app and name of log file.
addr = ctx.get(Constant.APP_CTX_SERVER_ADDR)
fl_ctx = ctx.get(Constant.APP_CTX_FL_CONTEXT)
if not isinstance(fl_ctx, FLContext):
self.logger.error(f"expect APP_CTX_FL_CONTEXT to be FLContext but got {type(fl_ctx)}")
raise RuntimeError("invalid FLContext")
engine = fl_ctx.get_engine()
ws = engine.get_workspace()
if not isinstance(ws, Workspace):
self.logger.error(f"expect workspace to be Workspace but got {type(ws)}")
raise RuntimeError("invalid workspace")
job_id = fl_ctx.get_job_id()
custom_dir = ws.get_app_custom_dir(job_id)
app_dir = ws.get_app_dir(job_id)
cmd = f"flower-supernode --insecure --grpc-adapter --superlink {addr} {custom_dir}"
# use app_dir as the cwd for flower's client app.
# this is necessary for client_api to be used with the flower client app for metrics logging
# client_api expects config info from the "config" folder in the cwd!
self.logger.info(f"starting flower client app: {cmd}")
return CommandDescriptor(
cmd=cmd, cwd=app_dir, env=self.extra_env, log_file_name="client_app_log.txt", stdout_msg_prefix="FLWR-CA"
class FlowerServerApplet(Applet):
def __init__(
database: str,
superlink_ready_timeout: float,
server_app_args: list = None,
"""Constructor of FlowerServerApplet.
database: database spec to be used by the server app
superlink_ready_timeout: how long to wait for the superlink process to become ready
server_app_args: an optional list that contains additional command args passed to flower server app
self._app_process_mgr = None
self._superlink_process_mgr = None
self.database = database
self.superlink_ready_timeout = superlink_ready_timeout
self.server_app_args = server_app_args
self._start_error = False
def _start_process(self, name: str, cmd_desc: CommandDescriptor, fl_ctx: FLContext) -> ProcessManager:
self.logger.info(f"starting {name}: {cmd_desc.cmd}")
return start_process(cmd_desc, fl_ctx)
except Exception as ex:
self.logger.error(f"exception starting applet: {secure_format_exception(ex)}")
self._start_error = True
def start(self, app_ctx: dict):
"""Start the applet.
Flower requires two processes for server application:
superlink: this process is responsible for client communication
server_app: this process performs server side of training.
We start the superlink first, and wait for it to become ready, then start the server app.
Each process will have its own log file in the job's run dir. The superlink's log file is named
"superlink_log.txt". The server app's log file is named "server_app_log.txt".
app_ctx: the run context of the applet.
# try to start superlink first
driver_port = get_open_tcp_port(resources={})
if not driver_port:
raise RuntimeError("failed to get a port for Flower driver")
driver_addr = f"{driver_port}"
server_addr = app_ctx.get(Constant.APP_CTX_SERVER_ADDR)
fl_ctx = app_ctx.get(Constant.APP_CTX_FL_CONTEXT)
if not isinstance(fl_ctx, FLContext):
self.logger.error(f"expect APP_CTX_FL_CONTEXT to be FLContext but got {type(fl_ctx)}")
raise RuntimeError("invalid FLContext")
engine = fl_ctx.get_engine()
ws = engine.get_workspace()
if not isinstance(ws, Workspace):
self.logger.error(f"expect workspace to be Workspace but got {type(ws)}")
raise RuntimeError("invalid workspace")
custom_dir = ws.get_app_custom_dir(fl_ctx.get_job_id())
db_arg = ""
if self.database:
db_arg = f"--database {self.database}"
superlink_cmd = (
f"flower-superlink --insecure --fleet-api-type grpc-adapter {db_arg} "
f"--fleet-api-address {server_addr} "
f"--driver-api-address {driver_addr}"
cmd_desc = CommandDescriptor(cmd=superlink_cmd, log_file_name="superlink_log.txt", stdout_msg_prefix="FLWR-SL")
self._superlink_process_mgr = self._start_process(name="superlink", cmd_desc=cmd_desc, fl_ctx=fl_ctx)
if not self._superlink_process_mgr:
raise RuntimeError("cannot start superlink process")
# wait until superlink's port is ready before starting server app
# note: the server app will connect to driver_addr, not server_addr
start_time = time.time()
self.logger.info(f"superlink is ready for server app in {time.time() - start_time} seconds")
# start the server app
args_str = ""
if self.server_app_args:
args_str = " ".join(self.server_app_args)
app_cmd = f"flower-server-app --insecure --superlink {driver_addr} {args_str} {custom_dir}"
cmd_desc = CommandDescriptor(
self._app_process_mgr = self._start_process(name="server_app", cmd_desc=cmd_desc, fl_ctx=fl_ctx)
if not self._app_process_mgr:
# stop the superlink
self._superlink_process_mgr = None
raise RuntimeError("cannot start server_app process")
def _stop_process(p: ProcessManager) -> int:
if not p:
# nothing to stop
return 0
return p.stop()
def stop(self, timeout=0.0) -> int:
"""Stop the server applet's superlink and server app processes.
timeout: how long to wait before forcefully stopping (kill) the process.
Note: we always stop the process immediately - do not wait for the process to stop itself.
rc = self._stop_process(self._app_process_mgr)
self._app_process_mgr = None
self._superlink_process_mgr = None
# return the rc of the server app!
return rc
def _is_process_stopped(p: ProcessManager):
if p:
return_code = p.poll()
if return_code is None:
return False, 0
return True, return_code
return True, 0
def is_stopped(self) -> (bool, int):
"""Check whether the server applet is already stopped
Returns: a tuple of: whether the applet is stopped, exit code if stopped.
Note: if either superlink or server app is stopped, we treat the applet as stopped.
if self._start_error:
return True, TieConstant.EXIT_CODE_CANT_START
# check server app
app_stopped, app_rc = self._is_process_stopped(self._app_process_mgr)
if app_stopped:
self._app_process_mgr = None
superlink_stopped, superlink_rc = self._is_process_stopped(self._superlink_process_mgr)
if superlink_stopped:
self._superlink_process_mgr = None
if app_stopped or superlink_stopped:
if app_stopped:
return True, app_rc
elif superlink_stopped:
return True, superlink_rc
return False, 0